Overuse of ADHD diagnosis


Working Mum :o)
Feb 18, 2010
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Do you think children are wrongly diagnosed with ADHD and 'some' parents use it as an excuse?

Please note
The reason i have used the example of ADHD as i was on a training course with work and the majority of people felt that way for various reasons. This is NOT discriminating genuine cases of it!!

With regards to other medical conditions being misdiagnoised... that will always happen for one reason or another. I was told i had CIN2 (moderate changes to my cells) and that it may be the start of cervical cancer. Then i went back and they said it was just because i'm in my early 20's and it was nothing to worry about. I spent a week thinking the worse. So yes i know other medcial conditions are misdiagnosed but after doing a course, i was merely interested on other peoples thoughts!!
I think a lot of things are misdiagnosed.
I think a lot of things are misdiagnosed.
Agree'd but this question is only about ADHD :D

Sadly, I have heard of people actually researching the symtoms then going to the doctors and listing them off so they can get extra benefits (rare i know but it happens)

On the other hand I know a doctor who adopted 2 little girls and one has been diagnosed with ADHD and the parent hides behind that excuse when the child just is acting out. They don't seem to give the child in question alot of credit as she knows (at the age of 7) that she has this condition and knows that she gets away with more than her sister because she has heard her parents saying "its because she has ADHD"

It is a shame for the kids who actually have it. It is strange though because when i was younger, i know of no onw who had it (although i know it was there) yet now there are loads of children with it.

May it be due to medical staff not being trained enough to understand it?
you get people who get misdiagnosed with cancer, tonsilitis, ADHD, depression...everything..and they can all use it as an excuse? I am curious as to why you would pinpoint this one specific disability? I think there is alot of misinformation and judgements placed on people with hidden disabilities, and assumptions that they are 'misdiagnosed' and infact are just bratty children with parents looking for an excuse. I have a hard time believing that most children, whether they are misdiagnosed or not, are just brats. I think that these children (and adults) need some support, in school and in life, and even if later they say "oops, nope" I think they still benefited from whatever care/support they received...and that, to me, is the main thing. I honestly couldn't care less if someone was misdiagnosed, because the support can only help those people and further them. My daughter has a hidden disability, and I hear ignorant comments about misdiagnosing all the time, usually from people who don't know much about autism. I think it's the same for ADHD too.
Angelandbump, when you were a child there were children wih ADHD but it just wasn't being diagnosed. Same with Aspergers/ Autism. There is a huge difference between a parent excusing bad behaviour as ADHD and a medical diagnosis. As many parents here will tell you, the road to diagnosis is a long, hard one. A GP may think a child has ADHD but he cannot give that diagnosis officially or medicate.

Getting carers' allowance/ DLA is not an easy process. People may boast they falsely claimed ADHD to get benefits but that does not mean they actually get it IYKWIM? ADHD has very little to do with being bratty. It is a complex condition where lack of impulse control among other things, cause behavioural and emotional problems.
In the U.S., nearly 1 in 10 kids is being diagnosed with ADHD.....so yes, it is being over-diagnosed. If 1 in 10 legitimately had ADHD, certainly there must be something in our water.
OK, this site
says 1 in 20 in the USA are diagnosed with either ADD or ADHD
non - USA are between 3-7% diagnosis rate ( I am assuming amongst all age groups - I didn't read the article super well, just skimmed).

Based on those statistics, I am going to say that besides the USA, I think that it is not over-diagnosed, but I still don't think that is helpful or useful to be criticizing this, as it is not helpful for those who do suffer from this hidden dissability, and having a view that is over-diagnosed, I fear, will lead to discrimination of those who do actually have it. KWIM? Sounds like they are improving their diagnosis critera though, and so that is good.
Hmm...the Center for Disease Control website states otherwise. That as of recent, the numbers have gone up 2% in the last decade and are now up to 9.5%....But then again, it's a government website...who knows how reliable those are.
I think the bigger the drug company expands, the more prevalent the diagnosis will become.

Perhaps our society is just tightening down on what is considered normal and abnormal, unfortunately.
Angelandbump, when you were a child there were children wih ADHD but it just wasn't being diagnosed. Same with Aspergers/ Autism. There is a huge difference between a parent excusing bad behaviour as ADHD and a medical diagnosis. As many parents here will tell you, the road to diagnosis is a long, hard one. A GP may think a child has ADHD but he cannot give that diagnosis officially or medicate.

Getting carers' allowance/ DLA is not an easy process. People may boast they falsely claimed ADHD to get benefits but that does not mean they actually get it IYKWIM? ADHD has very little to do with being bratty. It is a complex condition where lack of impulse control among other things, cause behavioural and emotional problems.

I didn't say no children had it, i just said i knew of no one who had it. I understand that it wasn't very well known but after going to a training course with work they stated that some DR's feel pressurised into just giving a diagnosis to stop the parent making weekly visits.

With regards to careers allowance... I am very fortunate that i have never had to claim but through my work, i have spoke to customers who i have to ask if they are ok filling out forms such as DVLA forms etc and they say all they have to do is take them to citizens advice they fill them in and in the customers words "because they know how to word it"

As i said, I feel bad for the families and children that genuinely suffer with the condition but evidence from my area shows that there is a high number of cases misdiagnosed due to lack of understanding on the NHS's side whether it be a doctor, CALMS etc. I work with a lady who is certain her son has dyspraxia as he has all the signs/symptoms but when she took him the doctors, he said he didn't know what that was and to write diary sheets of his behaviour and go back in 12 weeks... 2 years later she still is no further forward and they have said now it may be aspergers but because they are not sure, they wont diagnose.
OK, this site
says 1 in 20 in the USA are diagnosed with either ADD or ADHD
non - USA are between 3-7% diagnosis rate ( I am assuming amongst all age groups - I didn't read the article super well, just skimmed).

Based on those statistics, I am going to say that besides the USA, I think that it is not over-diagnosed, but I still don't think that is helpful or useful to be criticizing this, as it is not helpful for those who do suffer from this hidden dissability, and having a view that is over-diagnosed, I fear, will lead to discrimination of those who do actually have it. KWIM? Sounds like they are improving their diagnosis critera though, and so that is good.

No one is criticizing genuine cases of it. I simply asked if it has been over diagnosed? My cousin has it and is on medication. At first because it took them 2 years to diagnose it, she fell so behind in school and was branded a naughty child. Now she has finally been diagnosed, she gets special help and has come on leaps and bounds.
The reason it took so long is because it was overdiagnosed in the area of scotland where they live and DR's were criticized. They say it is very hard to diagnose genuine cases as it has no "physical symtoms" like a lump or a spot.
No need to shout. I think this has been discussed before, and people DO criticize it. No need to be offended. I am stating my opinion, as I am entitled. I said it all very diplomatic, and I am simply stating WHY I don't think it should be criticized...and again, this is my opinion, but as a mother with a child with a hidden dissability, I hear over and over people criticizing how many children are diagnosed with autism etc...and as a mother, it hurts. I have been through HELL - dragged through more than many mothers can imagine. The diagnosis, itself, was a year of torment, but even just accepting myself, that my child needs extra help in school, may always be socially 'awkward', and will forever need 'help'...and all the helplessness I feel as a mother...I would imagine that it is similar with those who have ADHD. For me, any kind of crticism, is taken not personally, but on a personal level. I have lived it. I AM living it. The last thing I would want is someone questioning my child's diagnosis, after ALL that we have been through, and I feel for mother's of ANY hidden dissability, including ADHD. Posts like this mnakes me think it must be a very lonely world for them.
OK, this site
says 1 in 20 in the USA are diagnosed with either ADD or ADHD
non - USA are between 3-7% diagnosis rate ( I am assuming amongst all age groups - I didn't read the article super well, just skimmed).

Based on those statistics, I am going to say that besides the USA, I think that it is not over-diagnosed, but I still don't think that is helpful or useful to be criticizing this, as it is not helpful for those who do suffer from this hidden dissability, and having a view that is over-diagnosed, I fear, will lead to discrimination of those who do actually have it. KWIM? Sounds like they are improving their diagnosis critera though, and so that is good.

No one is criticizing genuine cases of it. I simply asked if it has been over diagnosed? My cousin has it and is on medication. At first because it took them 2 years to diagnose it, she fell so behind in school and was branded a naughty child. Now she has finally been diagnosed, she gets special help and has come on leaps and bounds.
The reason it took so long is because it was overdiagnosed in the area of scotland where they live and DR's were criticized. They say it is very hard to diagnose genuine cases as it has no "physical symtoms" like a lump or a spot.

For the part you have put in bold...how are you to know which are genuine? How are we, as laymen, to judge? We are not qualified to do so? I would never pretend to know. If we are not qualified to judge, and even a neuro-psychologist would need a proper assessment to judge, then is it not discrimination to even be questioning? Perhaps that is another debate, but just food for thought.
We are not judging the children who are diagnosed with ADHD. I don't believe it is necessarily wrong to question a doctor's diagnosis either...particularly when the the use of stimulant medication, such as Ritalin, has had a 700% increase during the last 20 years. Such a dramatic increase to a disorder that is diagnosed off of completely subjective criteria justifies skepticism.
Challenge a qualified psychologist to diagnose every single 3rd grade child in a classroom with a sociopathic or psychological disorder, and I bet he or she can. Too shy? Anti-social personality disorder. Doesn't like following directions? Conduct disorder. In today's society, veering from the norm = disorder. Get drug companies involved and it becomes a booming business success.
OK, this site
says 1 in 20 in the USA are diagnosed with either ADD or ADHD
non - USA are between 3-7% diagnosis rate ( I am assuming amongst all age groups - I didn't read the article super well, just skimmed).

Based on those statistics, I am going to say that besides the USA, I think that it is not over-diagnosed, but I still don't think that is helpful or useful to be criticizing this, as it is not helpful for those who do suffer from this hidden dissability, and having a view that is over-diagnosed, I fear, will lead to discrimination of those who do actually have it. KWIM? Sounds like they are improving their diagnosis critera though, and so that is good.

No one is criticizing genuine cases of it. I simply asked if it has been over diagnosed? My cousin has it and is on medication. At first because it took them 2 years to diagnose it, she fell so behind in school and was branded a naughty child. Now she has finally been diagnosed, she gets special help and has come on leaps and bounds.
The reason it took so long is because it was overdiagnosed in the area of scotland where they live and DR's were criticized. They say it is very hard to diagnose genuine cases as it has no "physical symtoms" like a lump or a spot.

For the part you have put in bold...how are you to know which are genuine? How are we, as laymen, to judge? We are not qualified to do so? I would never pretend to know. If we are not qualified to judge, and even a neuro-psychologist would need a proper assessment to judge, then is it not discrimination to even be questioning? Perhaps that is another debate, but just food for thought.

I don't... im not a DR and i will not pretend to be. I simply asked do people think it is being over diagnosed wheather it be misdiagnosed when child may have similar symtoms but another missed illness or due to parents enforcing this on their child (which does happen). All areas are different and i feel for you that your child has a hidden disability but there are many cases out there proven that due to a lack of knowedge from doctors etc, children are being missdiagnosed and branded with an illness that may infact not be true. In my area, ADHD can be diagnosed by your Doctor and then a child is referred to calms team to help support a child.

And I wasn't shouting, I wanted to make sure everyone could see that No one is criticizing genuine cases of it. I would hate the thought of someone doing that and i wanted to make sure people didn't think i was as that is far from who i am.

P.S I don't mean for my posts to come accross so defensive if they are. I simply was interested in views and respect all views that are given. I understand we all have our own opinions in the matter
For sure, it is good to get second opinions...if as a mother, or someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD is suspicious of the actual diagnosis. I suppose society should be hoping that these children/adults diagnosed are not only getting the proper support and tools in life, but also that there is the most current and up-to-date screening process. However, as a society, I do not think we should ever question an individual, and that's all I am saying, and again...even though it should be known that we are all speaking our opinions, I will say it anyways...this is just my opinion.
Angelandbump, when you were a child there were children wih ADHD but it just wasn't being diagnosed. Same with Aspergers/ Autism. There is a huge difference between a parent excusing bad behaviour as ADHD and a medical diagnosis. As many parents here will tell you, the road to diagnosis is a long, hard one. A GP may think a child has ADHD but he cannot give that diagnosis officially or medicate.

Getting carers' allowance/ DLA is not an easy process. People may boast they falsely claimed ADHD to get benefits but that does not mean they actually get it IYKWIM? ADHD has very little to do with being bratty. It is a complex condition where lack of impulse control among other things, cause behavioural and emotional problems.

I didn't say no children had it, i just said i knew of no one who had it. I understand that it wasn't very well known but after going to a training course with work they stated that some DR's feel pressurised into just giving a diagnosis to stop the parent making weekly visits.

As i said, I feel bad for the families and children that genuinely suffer with the condition but evidence from my area shows that there is a high number of cases misdiagnosed due to lack of understanding on the NHS's side whether it be a doctor, CALMS etc. I work with a lady who is certain her son has dyspraxia as he has all the signs/symptoms but when she took him the doctors, he said he didn't know what that was and to write diary sheets of his behaviour and go back in 12 weeks... 2 years later she still is no further forward and they have said now it may be aspergers but because they are not sure, they wont diagnose.

I have been teaching for 14 years and in this time I have taught maybe 6 kids who have a diagnosis of ADHD. I don't actually think that 6 kids in all this time is a huge number and out of those, only 3 were managed with drugs. I have known lots of parents who worry their children have ADHD but their fears are unfounded. When I look back at the schooling, there were children I can see now most certainly did have ADHD but I am in my late 30s, it is not something that was really understood then.

GPs are not experts in all fields, especially in developmental conditions. That is why Ed Psychs, CAMHs, schools and parents work together to reach a diagnosis. Professionals need to work in a professional manner. Standing up to parents who are pushing for a false diagnosis is part of that. Some conditions are very difficult to diagnose and sadly, diagnosis can take a very long time.
My mums friends son is 19 now but he when was younger his mum went through hell to get help. He was eventually diagnosed with ADD and treated with ritalin for years until he got to 14 or 15 years old and they realised he had aspergers instead. Obviously theyd had no help about how to manage his aspergers and he's found life incredibly hard. He has no friends and is struggling to get a job. Its so sad as hes so clever but he just has no social skills. He came round my house out of the blue the other day and stayed for about 2 hours and wandered about my house looking at my stuff lol

& just to add his mum def wasnt looking for an excuse. It took a lot of encouragment from her family and friends to get her to take him to the doctors as she was in an extreme state of denial.

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