ok girlies... so i am currently new to TTC & i am curious to know if anyone knows what this means... im on CD10 right now (jan8th started my period/cd1), i baby danced last night with my husband hehehe... and then this morning i woke up to the tiniest bit of like brownish blood on my underwear!! i actually have been feeling light twinges on my left n right ovaries but more on my right ovary... I am not using opk's so i have honestly no idea when im gonna ovulate... but once my period finished on jan 15th (few days ago) i had fertile cervical mucus... till now actually! so im guessing i may be ovulating early this cycle!!
but yehh, has any else ever experienced very light ovulation bleeding????
thanks all in advance
but yehh, has any else ever experienced very light ovulation bleeding????
thanks all in advance