TBH I never really understood why you would sterilise a bottle, but then add boiling water to it anyway. Or that you might sterilise a bottle and not a dummy, or sterilise a spoon, but not the carrot you're feeding them
Not having a dig, I just don't get it. I only ever sterilised bottles because everyone said how important it was for a newborn, but to sterilise for a year? My LO will be rolling around on the floor long before her first birthday, and while my floor's clean, it's far from sterile.
I don't sterilise dummies; I don't see the point because as you say, LO's fingers aren't sterile, and
they go in her mouth. I will clean her hands when I bathe her each day, and then I may baby wipe them when they seem grubby, but I'm not constantly wiping them and I never use soap or anything. She's never been sick because of it
I don't actually sterilise anything for her anymore though, after seeing her eating her fists and her cuddly toys, I'm not about to cut out much bacteria from sterilising her dummies & bottles.
If I were to sterilise dummies though, I would probably sterilise them once a day. From birth, my LO would keep the same dummy for a whole day, provided it hadn't fallen on the floor or anywhere dirty. If it fell on the bed, or on the sofa, I would just wipe off any fluff and put it back in her mouth.