Past due....again!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2012
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Hello, all! I could use some major support right now and I have a strong feeling that I am not alone.

I am expecting baby#2 - well WAS expecting. I Am 2 days past due. While it is not far past my estimated date, I am becoming VERY nervous. With my first pregnancy, I went 12 days past my due date and ended up with an induction, a 20-hour labor with 3-minute contractions the ENTIRE time. It wasn't at ALL the birth I had hoped for. I do not want to go through that again. At my last appointment 2 days ago, I Was 50% effaced and not at all dilated. With my first, I never effaced or dilated before my induction and my cervix needed a 'push.'
Right now, I am exhausted, I do not sleep because of back/sciatic pain, I have a 2 year old to chase around, my abdominal wall is tearing and I have minimal signs of impending labor.

Who has some encouraging words they can offer - other than 'baby will come when it is ready?' Maybe some stories about your previous births or those you know. I have read lots of birth stories but I just am so nervous things will end up like last time.
Awe I am so sorry! I wish I could say soemthing encouraging. I'm sure u have but have you tired some old remedies to try to kick start labor I feel bad for complaining at 38 weeks!
What can I say? With my first, I was induced 14 days past my due date. Also didn't enjoy it that much... with my second, she came naturally 8 days past my due date. My third came naturally 4 days past due date. Fourth baby came 8 days past due date naturally as well.
With this one, my due date is the 3rd but i have been working with the 10th as t not get my hopes up too much.
I guess what i am trying to say is that just because your first needed to be induced, you will probably go into labour naturally this time around.
two days is not uncommon at all.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck!!xxxx
Thanks for sharing your experiences xuxa! I am now at 4 days, and statistically, only about 65% of woman spontaneously go into labor by today. It really has just become a mental mindblock for me due to how my first turned out. I am also VERY tired of hearing everyone ask when the baby is coming and what I Am waiting for, etc.... I live in a small town so everyone knows and everyone feels that it is their business to get into mine. They all have tips and advice and honestly, I just do not want to talk about it with anyone else anymore, ya know?
I can definitely understand that people are asking me the same thing and I just want to say u know if it was up to me he'd be out but it's not I'll let u know when he comes but that might b pretty rude
I can definitely understand that people are asking me the same thing and I just want to say u know if it was up to me he'd be out but it's not I'll let u know when he comes but that might b pretty rude

HaHa yes, but I know exactly what you mean. I told my hubby that I would like to just wear a shirt that says, 'I don't want to talk about it' Maybe that would help get the point across.
Oh Hun. I'm sorry. My first labour was like yours and I'm really hoping not to go past due too much this time. It's a good sign you've effaced a bit. Really hope baby gets a move on for you. X
Oh Hun. I'm sorry. My first labour was like yours and I'm really hoping not to go past due too much this time. It's a good sign you've effaced a bit. Really hope baby gets a move on for you. X

Did you go quite a bit past due the first time? did you end up with an induction? I had a ultrasound today to check on baby and they estimated his weight at 9 lb 14 oz! I was only 123 lb, 5 ft 4 in before pregnancy, so not a large-framed person. They said they can be off about a pound in either direction, but I am still looking at the possibility of a very large baby and I wasn't prepared for that added stress.
Well past. I was induced at 40+12, my son was born 2 hours before 42 weeks. I'm the opposite side if the size scale and my son was 7lb 11, he should of been 10lb as a minimum and was very thin and unwell,he was 98th percentile for height and 3rd for weight, my placenta was failing. It's great they are scanning you so late on so they can tell if baby is a good size. At longer gestation size can be quite a bit off but honestly a larger baby is so much more likely to be healthier than one that is too small. Good luck to you.
I'm dreading being in this situation later in this pregnancy. I don't know if this would help or make things worse, but maybe find an understanding person to talk to about your last birth and see if you can work through some of the feelings that are lingering? It sounds like it was fairly traumatic. :hugs:
I'm dreading this happening too, my first experience was like yours it's not nice to think it might happen again. You're not too far over though there's still time although I know it must seem to pass 10x slower than usual :( I'm dreading the school run starting again because I'll get questioned all the time, just makes you want to hibernate and avoid all contact with people doesn't it! Hope it happens soon for you x
I totally agree with you, jstarr. I get annoyed with everyone asking all of the time when the baby is coming. I live outside of a small town and going into town inevitably means dealing with everyone that knows my business - that I am past my due date and still no babe. I just want to hide until this kiddo arrives!
I went overdue and was induced with both my previous pregnancies (41+4 with my first and 41+6 with my second, couldn't believe I needed a post dates induction a second time but I guess I'm just one of the lucky few! :dohh:) First induction was pretty awful, ending up with me having a nasty tear and needing a blood transfusion after I hemmorhaged but my second was seriously so much better! Less than 2 hours of active labour (which started from my waters breaking so no pitocin was needed), no tearing and minimal blood loss.
I totally get how you're feeling, I felt so anxious when I went overdue with my second pregnancy and was convinced i'd have another awful induction but I was proven wrong. I hope you go into labour yourself but fc you'll be fine either way :flower:
Thanks again to all of your for your support and words of encouragement. I ended up going into labor on my own at 40+6 and my son was born 41 weeks exactly. It was a 15-hour, all natural, vaginal delivery, with the exception of manual rupture of membranes after my contraction stopped during the 12th hour of labor. After that, transition happened quickly, progressing from 5cm to 10 cm in just over an hour, following by about 40 minutes of pushing.
He weighed a whopping 10 lb 6 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long. That being said, the labor was intense but I am SO glad to finally have had a birth as I had envisioned. I even got away without so much as a single needle sticking me until after he was born! It was the biggest accomplishment of my life and I am so glad I let things take off on their own.
So glad to hear you've had your baby. I'm still waiting.......

Hang in there, mama! It can change in an instant, and I really hope that it does for you. I know the feeling - With my first I went even further past due and ended up with induction. Do not give in just yet - there is still some time. Thinking of ya!
Congratulations! Glad it went well for you x
Wowzers well done. My 5 to 10 took 25 hours last time. Here's hoping it shortens like yours did next time.
Wowzers well done. My 5 to 10 took 25 hours last time. Here's hoping it shortens like yours did next time.

Well, I was stuck at 5 for 12 hours until we manually ruptured my membranes. /that is so frustrating, I know
Hi. I'm due today
Been well ready for this little one for weeks. I'm sock already of the calls asking.if there's any change? Have I had anymore pains, when do I think it will be??

My poor mw got it today. I was so upset and just at the end of my tether. All she could say was how long is a piece of string. I've had the show, bh, I was contracting every 4-5mins Sunday then stopped, again Mon every 3-4 then stopped again. Yesterday was nothing. Today I had one major nasty one and that was it. I'm 2cm as of Sunday night 50% effaced. No change. I also had a long labour with my first, he finally arrived 11 days late.

I just want to forget it's even my due date today. And just pretend I'm 36 weeks again. Stop second guessing every little twinge and cramp.

Hopefully we all don't have too long to wait til we get our bundles of joy in our arms

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