That isn't to negate the need to know how to resuscitate an infant - but just to say that I think that is a useful skill for anyone, not just in the case of home birth.
Yeah, that ^ ^ ^
Suggesting that this info is especially crucial to home birthers is bordering on scaremongering.
And following on from that, referring to an earlier post, tehre is nothing "brave" about birthing at home. For low risk pregnancies and smooth deliveries, it is as safe, if not safer, than a hospital environment. There is actually LESS risk of infections, interventions, need for an assisted delivery, CS or infant recus..... I could go on! The only reason childbirth was taken out of the home and moved to hospital was for cost and convenience: make the mama do the leg work and get 'em all under one roof. It had nothing to do with safety, and initially more women and babies died from infection due to being in hospital because at that time, drs did not understand about the importance of handwashing. These days, a hospital birth is much safer for women and babies than it was Way Back Then..... But it is not, under normal circumstances, safer than birthing at home.