My biggest fear was being induced. I was so into natural childbirth and prepared for it so well, with hypnobirthing and all, that I couldn't even think the possibility of an induction.
Of course life is unpredictable and I was induced a week overdue (41+1) and gave birth vaginally without pain relief to a healthy baby boy (3,700 grams).
I was induced first with the pessary (worked but not too well), than pitocin (same, worked but not well) and breaking my waters with the hook . After my waters broke I gave birth within 30 min.
I had 4-5 painful contractions, and 4-5 pushes and out he came! It was so fast!
Pessary and pitocin supposedly cause a very painful labor, but I thought it was very cool, nothing too painful, more like painful gas, or irritable bowel syndrome. I was talking, joking, laughing the entire time, even flirted with a few cute interns
Thus I didn't ask for epidural, or any other pain relief, not even paracetamol.
Only those last 30 min were tough, but as it was so brief I didn't mind one bit. All I was thinking was to push my baby out and get over this.
I was up walking, took a shower on my own, organized our clothes, breastfed etc 3 h later.