Positive Test at 11dpo But No Symptoms, Worried:(UPDATE New Pregnancy HB Seen at Scan

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Lovely Regina:) just going to ring epu in a min! Xx
Aww thats great news!!

How is everyone today? xx
I'm so so scared for the scan ladies, I had nausea on and off yest but gone today! How is everyone else? Ciz hope you're doing OK? Xxx
Dont worry hun...the symptoms will come and go so you will be back to feeling sick and then puking your guts up in no time promise!!

Im ok...arm is finally healing from my implant removal. Strange not being on birth control again...spent so many years off it trying to get pregnant that now I dont know how to feel about it lol!

Im going to do a little - this is me - post later if ok...bit if background! x
Eeeek Becks , at least you don't have too long to wait ! 7 sleeps . Take it one day at a time and keep breathing in and out .... Xxx oh and posting lol

Sarah love the idea of a " bit about me " post ill do one too after I eat lol
I'm doing ok hun =) still popping on now and again =) fab news you got your scan soon. Everything still crossed for you hun xxxx
Hi ladies!!

Well Im sarah as you know haha and I am 35 next month. Im getting Married to my swedish fella in august and cant wait!

We started ttc in 2009. I had no idea what I was doing I thought if you had sex ater your period with no contraception chances are youd get knocked up. Imagine my shock to learn about opks and ovulation days and fertile windows!

Nothing happened for a while then in January 2011 (I had started temping here) I started to have a weird bleed. It wasnt AF level but was more than spotting. I tested and negative. At 17dpo I was still bleeding some and didnt feel right, tested again and boom bfp. So there my first ever two lines were. That started one of the darkest periods of my life. I had to go to the DR for blood tests with the bleeding and my levels came back as completely normal range for viable pregnancy. I was told it was just probably one of those things thats common with bleeding in pregnancy so I stopped worrying about it. I was finally pregnant! Then a week later the bleeding was beyond heavy and there was a lot of pain. They rushed me to A&E and off I was sent to EPU who said I was having a miscarriage, they couldnt detect anything on the scan. I went home and grieved for 2 days until I had a phonecall from EPU to say that my hcg was still doubling and that they thought there was a mistake and that it was just too early for the scan. So we were elated...still pregnant still happy! So off we went later that week for the viability scan. Only this time we were told the mass was in my right ovary and had to come out. The treatment wasnt very pleasant and I wasnt discharged till april. I still feel like I lost that pregnancy twice

By the end of 2011 I was referred to the fertility team. It was whilst I was there that they told me that I was not ovulating, at all. That I would need stimulation to try and kickstart it (clomid) and that I would need help to get pregnant. Then in May I had a chemical on a cycle they said I hadnt ovulated. I questioned this and they referred me for a HSG where they flush your uterus to check for blockages. That was when I found out I had problems with the right tube from the ectopic.

At this point I totally gave up...one more round of bloods..just another round of being told I am useless at getting pregnant. Had my bloods done at the beginning of cycle and after OV (I started to use opks when I get referred and found out I ovulated 5 days later than my temps alone said I did!!) was detected according to FF. Bloods again came back negative for ov...few days later boom bfp lol!

After Alex we just assumed that getting pregnant wasnt an easy feat for me. When he was 4 and a half months we stopped using contraception as we didnt think there was any point. Imagine my shock when 6wks later bfp.

The thing is...i know first hand the heartache of TTC. Of going from ttc to LTTC...to being part of groups where everyone graduates to pregnant and youre the last one standing. Feeling like the odd one out but trying to put a brave face on it all. I also know what its like to go cycle to cycle to feel like it will never happen. To think something is wrong with you. That envy of those you see on fb or out in the real world with babies and to have that ache in your heart for it to be you.


Call me....Morale Bunny Sarah! Ive been where you ladies are and felt those pains and come out the other side. No matter what, never lose faith in your body. Never lose faith in your dream. Those babies are all coming ladies.


Ah Sarah I'm so so glad you had a happy ending but its so so very hard this journey and the losses are so heartbreaking, thanks so much for sharing with us, missed you ladies yest our internet was down all day! I'm not brill optimistic today, Sunday I thought the ms was coming but since then just a few vague bouts of mild nausea, if it wasn't for my sore boobs I wouldn't even think I was pregnant, I was much more ill with my healthy pregnancies by now versus the losses, that's the prob when you have so much to compare but I know I'll know soon enough. I'm so scared! Xxx
Just remember you can have complete polar opposites and all be ok. My two were complete oposites of each other it was nuts. Symptoms are all the bodies reaction to the hcg and each time can be different. I know its hard to not compare but you have no reason to assume that this is going to be like those...its totally not...this is your rainbow!! xx
Becks its still so early ! And every pg is different . I have friends who never got ms ever not even a little . And after reading back on my last pg symptoms come and go , disappear and reappear . I think there is no norm !!! Your worry is understandable and hopefully will be eased after your scan next week xxxxx hang in there my friend xxx
Oh Sarah I was glued to your journey and so so happy it turned out tobe a happy conclusion. You are a strong lady lol..... And prove we should never give up on our bodies or hope :) so I see your due to get married soon :) are you finished ttc or where are you on that journey now ?

I'm Regina , 42 since November . Met the love of my life 20years ago ... Together 13 years and he promptly dumped me out of the blue :( no warning ! Should have known as he was stalling on the wedding bit lol... So move on. 6 years and me 39 found my REAL MR RIGHT we went all guns lol..... Decided to ttc after 6 months together ( other oh dragged his heels re babies too) after trying for 6 months found out I was pg the day after my 40th birthday . Was the best present ever , I had almost given up on ever being a Mum and it was something I had almost not allowed myself even think of . WAS SO SO happy ... 12 week scan everything looked great ... Two days later I stated to bleed . Could not find HB :( had dnc on Christmas Eve . Utterly heartbroken , had not told anyone about BFP as waiting for Christmas Day instead had to tell them about the mc . We tried again and was blessed to fall pg 5 months later in May . This BFP resulted in my amazing son Sean who is now 13 months old . I wanted to go again straight away !!!!! As in the next month lol.... I was 41 with no time to loose . Was BF so AF did not arrive back till Lo was 5 months old in July . Tried from August to December , nothing . In December was diagnosed with overactive thyroid and told no ttc until levels normal. Fertility also effected by thyroid so not a hope of BFP with my levels as they were. Had appointment with endo In March still have to wait , levels not where they need to be ... Next appointment MAY 11th . They are moving in the right direction which is good ..... I PHYSICALLY feel time slipping away from me with every cycle ... My biological clock is in OVERDRIVE and won't be silenced !!! I'm here till I get a BFP or menapause whichever comes first ;) lol..........
Hey Oasis...long time since I have spoken with you.

PLeased to see you have another BFP but your not sounding so positive about it hun. Don't have time to read through all the pages, hope your doing ok.

How is Brooklyn?

I am TTC again although this TWW is my last chance I think..not sure I can convince DH to DTD again.
Hey you oh my its been a while! I've had 3 losses since Brooklyn hence not so positive! Brooklyn is just brill thank you, how's Ryan? Missed talking to you hope you're OK, stay this time:) good luck for this cycle xxxxx
Thanks Sarah I'm in desperate need of some PMA right now!! Xxx
Thanks Regina positive as always I need more myself! Xxx
Oh no that's horrid news.

Ryan is a joy every day. He is just a wonderful little boy. How is Brooklyn, hows his personality.

Fingers crossed everything is ok this time around, i get why your feeling this way. Are you having any symptoms? How far along are you? Have you had an USS? IS your BHCG increasing? Have you been investigated for all the losses?
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