Positive Test at 11dpo But No Symptoms, Worried:(UPDATE New Pregnancy HB Seen at Scan

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Ah that's so lovely, same with Brooklyn, he's a really cheeky funny little boy that has us laughing every day, he pulls the funniest faces to make us laugh! He's not shy like my others either:) yes I had two chemical pregnancies last year March and then July, then I had a 6 week loss 9th Feb this year after an early scan that just showed a tiny gestational sac, had no symptoms with that loss really even my sore boobs faded by 5 weeks:( then I fell straight away again without AF in between which was a shock as it had taken so long before. Last time my tests took days to progress and by 6 weeks weren't as dark as control still, by 5 weeks this time they were darker than the control, I've had v sore boobs, mood swings and the mildest on/off nausea which makes me worry as all my healthy pregnancies I was v ill. No tests doc says as just age relates egg deterioration and cause I keep falling pregnant I'm still fertile so he won't do anything, says no point in blood tests it won't help as if its gunna fail it will fail. Had to refer myself for an early scan last time and this time as he refuses to refer me saying its pointless! And I changed cause my last Doc was bad! Useless. So Monday I will at least find out but its been torturous not knowing, I just keep thinking I should be more ill, it is bothering me I am trying to stay positive! Xxxx
Oh Sarah I was glued to your journey and so so happy it turned out tobe a happy conclusion. You are a strong lady lol..... And prove we should never give up on our bodies or hope :) so I see your due to get married soon :) are you finished ttc or where are you on that journey now ?

I'm Regina , 42 since November . Met the love of my life 20years ago ... Together 13 years and he promptly dumped me out of the blue :( no warning ! Should have known as he was stalling on the wedding bit lol... So move on. 6 years and me 39 found my REAL MR RIGHT we went all guns lol..... Decided to ttc after 6 months together ( other oh dragged his heels re babies too) after trying for 6 months found out I was pg the day after my 40th birthday . Was the best present ever , I had almost given up on ever being a Mum and it was something I had almost not allowed myself even think of . WAS SO SO happy ... 12 week scan everything looked great ... Two days later I stated to bleed . Could not find HB :( had dnc on Christmas Eve . Utterly heartbroken , had not told anyone about BFP as waiting for Christmas Day instead had to tell them about the mc . We tried again and was blessed to fall pg 5 months later in May . This BFP resulted in my amazing son Sean who is now 13 months old . I wanted to go again straight away !!!!! As in the next month lol.... I was 41 with no time to loose . Was BF so AF did not arrive back till Lo was 5 months old in July . Tried from August to December , nothing . In December was diagnosed with overactive thyroid and told no ttc until levels normal. Fertility also effected by thyroid so not a hope of BFP with my levels as they were. Had appointment with endo In March still have to wait , levels not where they need to be ... Next appointment MAY 11th . They are moving in the right direction which is good ..... I PHYSICALLY feel time slipping away from me with every cycle ... My biological clock is in OVERDRIVE and won't be silenced !!! I'm here till I get a BFP or menapause whichever comes first ;) lol..........


SO sorry though to hear about the ordeal you went through that must have been so heartbreaking :(

Two close together is hard but OMG I would NOT change it for the world so dont blame you for going in straight away! Are you hoping for a little brother or little sister?

Dont worry so much about the thyroid. I have also thryoid problems that need medicating. It doesnt always impact fertility. And it will probably just mean that you will need more regular blood tests this timea around and some med adjustments.

Oh as for my journey...I thought I would be done when I was pregnant but god...I would be so so happy to be blessed with another. At the moment I feel like I want another but logistic wise Id like a bit bigger age gap between the two younger siblings than I do right now. Im thinking maybe after the wedding will be go time!

Ah that's so lovely, same with Brooklyn, he's a really cheeky funny little boy that has us laughing every day, he pulls the funniest faces to make us laugh! He's not shy like my others either:) yes I had two chemical pregnancies last year March and then July, then I had a 6 week loss 9th Feb this year after an early scan that just showed a tiny gestational sac, had no symptoms with that loss really even my sore boobs faded by 5 weeks:( then I fell straight away again without AF in between which was a shock as it had taken so long before. Last time my tests took days to progress and by 6 weeks weren't as dark as control still, by 5 weeks this time they were darker than the control, I've had v sore boobs, mood swings and the mildest on/off nausea which makes me worry as all my healthy pregnancies I was v ill. No tests doc says as just age relates egg deterioration and cause I keep falling pregnant I'm still fertile so he won't do anything, says no point in blood tests it won't help as if its gunna fail it will fail. Had to refer myself for an early scan last time and this time as he refuses to refer me saying its pointless! And I changed cause my last Doc was bad! Useless. So Monday I will at least find out but its been torturous not knowing, I just keep thinking I should be more ill, it is bothering me I am trying to stay positive! Xxxx

Not trying...you WILL stay positive...


Cos that little beany is FINE in there!!!

Oh Sarah I hope so I really do xxxx tell me about your wedding where are you getting married etc, mine was the happiest day ever id love to do it all again I felt like a princess all day:) xxxx
Hope everything is ok on Monday. It sounds more promising than the previous times. Is it a scan your having then?
Thanks love, yes having an early scan at 11.20, will be a nervous wreck! Xx
Expect an update asap lady!!

Oh I wish I could tell you I am doing the whole big white wedding thing with all the trimmings but we decided to do really low key! We are having a civil wedding and then as there will only be about 17 of us we are rocking down to the local country pub we frequent and giving everyone a 3 course meal. Im so boring haha. Im having a dress but thinking of going white. Im not sure what type to go for tho as its a registry office

Thanks Goddess, really appreciate that:) xxx
Sarah we got married in the register office just a few feet away from the pub where we first met, i still had my beautiful princess dress id always dreamed of:) after we went to our local where we'd hired the function room and had a fantastic night! It was an amazing day here's a couple of pics:) 3 years we've been married now:) x


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Thank you:) its crazy how much Brooklyn looks like Adam, they're almost identical at this age looking back at old pics of Adam:) xxxxx
Wishing the weekend is fast for you. I know I'd be wishing it away.
Thanks Heather was up at 3am couldn't sleep! Xxx
Holy moly lady!!!

Firstly...WOW!!! What a beautiful lady you are and how AMAZING is your dress!! Perfect choice for you...gorgeous!!

Haha dont mind me for saying this because I say it with the most respect but what a handsome man your husband is too! Good choice there! :thumbup:

All round gorgeous family!

I cant wait for your scan on Monday...I just know its great news...eeeeeek!!!! xx
Lol! Ah Sarah thanks so much:) and I don't mind you saying at all! He is gorgeous and I've had a few lovely ladies on here say that too lol. So we didn't have the massive wedding but we still had the most wonderful day and so will you, I would love to do it all again it went so quickly. I've been more ill today smells are starting to turn my stomach, peoples perfume, exhaust fumes etc. Plus I've had like a pressure feeling most of the day in my pelvis and my boobs hurt when I take my bra off! I'm trying not to hope too much but I can't help it, I'm hoping!!!! Xxxx
Lovely photos =) very excited for you not long now till your scan.. great news about symptoms increase especially smell and boobs.

I've been a bit confused past couple days I'm having symptoms again by only days after my bleed finished. Dreams have been a bit crazy. Tired, strong sense smell mood swings. Mouth ulcers and feeling fluey. Very odd. Xxx
Oh Becks that all sounds so promising ! We still need to have our big day . I'm trying to decided when as I don't want to be pregnant for it !!! So guess it will have to wait for now lol.....
Lol! Ah Sarah thanks so much:) and I don't mind you saying at all! He is gorgeous and I've had a few lovely ladies on here say that too lol. So we didn't have the massive wedding but we still had the most wonderful day and so will you, I would love to do it all again it went so quickly. I've been more ill today smells are starting to turn my stomach, peoples perfume, exhaust fumes etc. Plus I've had like a pressure feeling most of the day in my pelvis and my boobs hurt when I take my bra off! I'm trying not to hope too much but I can't help it, I'm hoping!!!! Xxxx

Honey....let yourself hope. This pregnancy, this little spark of life...youre only going to carry this one once...embrace and enjoy every single second of it <3

One of my friends had a massive wedding and she spent the last two years trying desperately to get herself right from it. not worth it if you ask me!! x
Lovely photos =) very excited for you not long now till your scan.. great news about symptoms increase especially smell and boobs.

I've been a bit confused past couple days I'm having symptoms again by only days after my bleed finished. Dreams have been a bit crazy. Tired, strong sense smell mood swings. Mouth ulcers and feeling fluey. Very odd. Xxx

Have you thought about testing hun just to rule it out? xx
Yes ciz maybe you should test again just to make sure? Thank you, I've not felt sick at all today would you believe! Grrrr xxx
Regina hope you get pregnant very soon then you can have your big day:) xx
Sarah I can't help but hope, until tomorrow when I know for sure I just can't help but hope! Totally agree with you that's not worth the stress, dh proposed on Xmas eve and we married the following 10th March! And my day was just perfect xxx
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