

New Member
Jul 18, 2010
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Hi, I'm from South Carolina, United States, and I'm doing a research project for my school! This project WILL be posted in our school paper. No names, details, nor personal information will be shared, unless informed otherwise.

Could you please include some of the following in a reply? Thanks!

1. Age?

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time?

3. Planned?

4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?)

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.

6. PICTURES PLEASE! We would LOVE pictures, WILL NOT be published if you ask us, but we would love to have some for our presentation/project/and/or for personal reference!

None of these are required. You can pick and choose which to answer. Again, if you are uncomfortable with any of these facts being published by a SCHOOL PAPER and written into a project, then please inform us of those concerns.

Thank you SO MUCH!

PLEASE understand this is not a professional project, this is SCHOOL, so you have NOTHING to worry about! :)
1. Age? 24

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time? : Fiance

3. Planned? Yes

4, Age of child? 6 weeks pregnant

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.

We had been trying for about 5 months, I was starting to worry that one of us had problems....Then atlast I didnt feel right and took 2 tests both said positive, Then took a digital test! I cried with happiness. This pregnancy is the best thing that has ever happened to me and we cant wait to meet our little star :)
Could you please include some of the following in a reply? Thanks!

1. Age? 31

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time? MARRIED


4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?)
5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.


It all started on 2nd Feb (I was 34weeks and days) at approx 1pm...

I was hoovering my boys room with Evie on my hip and having a bit of a bop and sing along to the radio :blush:, when I felt a surge of water down below. I thought maybe id leaked a bit of wee, so I popped into the loo and when it kept coming I realised that it was my waters. I popped Evie round to MIL house (next door) and phoned my DH, he wanted me to get an ambulance as he was at least 45 mins away and I had had my last son in 35 mins, so he was panicking that I was going to have her on the bathroom floor. I knew that birth wasnt imminent as I wasnt having any contractions, so I called the labour ward and they told me to come in asap to be assessed.

DH arrived home and took me to the hospital, was checked over by the triage midwife, who confirmed waters had gone and I had very mild contractions on the CTG (although I wasnt feeling them). Went onto labour ward at around 5.30pm. The pains started to pick up a bit and I was having 3 contractions in 10 mins. Then by 8pm the contractions had completely stopped :shrug:, but instead of putting me on the syntocinon drip to start them up again they sent me to the maternity ward :cry:.

I was told that Id be induced the following day at 1pm if I hadnt gone into labour myself by then, then the junior doctor did his round and annouced that he was going to give me IV antibiotics and leave me another 24 hours, I was really cross, as I know the risks of being left for so long without any waters at all. When I asked why he felt the need to take the risk he told me that if I was to have labour started with the drip, because id had so many children the contractions could be too strong and could tear my uterus, causing me to need a hysterectomy or worst case scenario - DIE !!:saywhat:, Yes he really did say that to me as bluntly as that! I was so angry and upset. I really should have made a complaint about him, I told the midwife and she said she was not shocked at what he'd said and that she'd had altercations with him before about his treatment of patients.

So after 2 very boring days on the maternity ward the docs do their rounds, this time with their senior consultant (my consultant), and when she turned to the junior doctor and asked (or rather shouted at him) why the hell was i still sitting here almost 48 hours after my waters breaking, he muttered to her about risk of uterine rupture and she glared at him and told him that I should not have been left that long at all, she informed him that I must be first on the list to go down for induction :smug:, when I questioned her about the risk, she told me that it was a very tiny chance of uterine rupture occurring, almost negligable.

:happydance:12pm On the labour ward I had the loveliest midwife ever, Frances. She set the drip up, got me a cup of tea and lunch (energy food for labour). 1pm the drip was started, the pains started and gradually got stronger, by 6.30pm I was in need of gas and air. I had a really sweet junior doctor come in and ask if he could be present at the delivery as he'd only witnessed one birth, I agreed. I couldnt believe labour was taking so long, my last three labours had been 1hr 35mins, 35mins and 1hr 30mins (induced) :wacko:. At last by 7.45pm I was ready to push, and at 7.50pm I delivered my baby girl. No stitches thank goodness. The student doctor got to cut her cord as DH is very squeamish and couldnt even look at it :haha:.

Apparently the reason my labour took so long was because I had no waters for such a long time :growlmad:, she had no lubrication, and she had dry skin like an overdue baby, despite being 3weeks and 3 days early. At least she was delivered safe and well, by a fantastic midwife and a great junior doctor. All in all the actual labour and delivery was fine, and actually quite enjoyable, despite it taking 5 minutes longer than my first labour :wacko:.


6. PICTURES PLEASE! We would LOVE pictures, WILL NOT be published


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1. Age? 22

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time? With the father

3. Planned? Nope

4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?) 6 months

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.

had no idea why i thought i was pregnant, just did a test and it was positive. went for an early scan, all was okay, was 7 weeks. told OH at 9 weeks - he didnt believe me. Went for 12 week scan and the excitement started :)
Pregnancy was brilliant i loved it - except i had constant heartburn from 16 weeks!

labour started at 1am, waters broke at 3am. went to hospital, was 5cm dilated. had an epi at about 5am, fully dilated by 8am. pushed, told MW baby wasnt moving but she wouldnt listen. attempted forcep delivery but baby was well and truely stuck so had emergency c-section.

Harriet had off the scale jaundice due to bruised head so was on a bily bed for 2 days, also had suspected meningitus.

after 5 days, all was well and came home :)
1. Age? 29

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time? Married

3. Planned? Yes

4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?) 11 weeks

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.
I found out that I was pregnant the day we got home from our summer holiday last year. I had a fantastic pregnancy, I loved every minute though the first 12 weeks were really worrying as I had a partial molar pregnany the year before. My birth story is here
I absolutley adore been a mummy! Oliver is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I am besotted with him! He is such a good baby, ahhhh he's just fab!!

6. PICTURES PLEASE! We would LOVE pictures, WILL NOT be published if you ask us, but we would love to have some for our presentation/project/and/or for personal reference!


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1. Age? 23, will be 24 when baby is born

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time? Common-law (boyfriend, have been dating for 3.5 years, and living together for 3 years.

3. Planned? Yes

4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?) 11 weeks.

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story. We had a mc last year and had been trying for about 4 months, my periods were very messed up since the mc last year and I was starting to think that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant for awhile. My period was 3 weeks late and I was exhausted and having some cramping so took a test hoping it would bring on my period waisting the money on the test lol. Well sure enough, with no glasses on I looked down and saw a positive, took a digi the next day and it said 2 to 3 weeks pregnant. I was so excited and emotional, I laughed, I cried, and I screamed hysterically with excitement. After I calmed down I called OH who was out working and driving at the time and told him the good news.
1. Age?

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time?

3. Planned?
No, was on contraceptive pill

4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?)
He is 6 1/2 Months old

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.
Found out 4 weeks after we got married, that I was 9 weeks pregnant! And the pregnancy went really well, I had an awesome pregnancy with no health problems! I had a 19 hour labour, and finished my labour/gave birth to my son in a birthing pool...which was amazing, and I'd recommend it to anyone! I had no pain relief, except for gas and air...and I delivered the placenta naturally too! My son was born 1 hour 20 mins after my waters were artificially broken weighing in at 9lb 8.5oz!!

6. PICTURES PLEASE! We would LOVE pictures, WILL NOT be published if you ask us, but we would love to have some for our presentation/project/and/or for personal reference!​
1. Age? 25

2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time? Married

3. Planned? Yes

4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?) 3 months

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.

I found at work in the toilets! We'd been trying since our wedding and caught on my third cycle. I had a horrible sicky pregnancy. Went on maternity leave at 35 weeks. Went two weeks overdue, was induced, suffered a 38 hour labour and had an emergency c-section. I'd do it all again for my little girl though!


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1. Age?
2. Relationship status with father, and if you have another partner other then him at the time?
I'm now married to him but with our first daughter we weren't even dating until i found out I was pregnant
3. Planned?
Definatly not. He was seeing someone else at the time of our first daughter. Our second daughter was sort of planned. We were going to start TTC after we got married.

4, Age of child? (If born then his age, if not, then how far along are you?)
Abbey is 2 and Lanie is nearly 4 months

5. Just a little story of pregnancy, maybe how you found out, or what it has been like, and if you have your baby, maybe the birth story.

With Abbey I found out in KFC toilets. Lucas was working there at the time and he didn't believe me that I could be pregnant. I showed him and I just cried and he just looked, walked away and went bacck to work. Abortion only crossd my mind when thats what he wanted me to do. I told the girl he was seeing at the time that I was pregnant with his baby and they broke up and we ended up getting together. The birth of Abbey was pretty uneventful compared to Lanies.
With Lanie he looked st the test before me and he was really happy about it. Me not so much because we'd just booked our wedding for 5 months into the future. I wss going to have a huge dress with a huge bump. I wasn't impressed at all. I ge birth to Lanie at home on the bathroom floor. I'd been having backache all day and went to bed really early. I woke up two hours later and mny waters broke. I went to the bathroom to wait for the ambulance and by the time they got there I was pushing so they arrived just in time really

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