Our DS is pretty good about putting himself to sleep at bedtime (after we did some CIO bc it used to take hrs of rocking and PU/PD to get him down) but he has now started waking every 2-3hrs when he only used to wake once. It's really wearing on us and we wanted to wait until 6mo to sleep train but I don't know if we can. My question is how do you respond to night wakings when doing CIO (if u know they aren't hungry)?? I don't understand why our son can put himself down for bedtimes and naps but can't throughout the night??? He seems wide awake then gets frustrated he can't put himself back to sleep and screams until I nurse. He barely nurses for a few min then is back out for 2-3hrs. DH has tried rocking but that makes him more upset bc he wants to nurse back to sleep!! We've tried letting him cry some and he cried for almost an hour then finally went to sleep and woke 2hrs later!!!! Is this bc of leap 5 and it's not possible to sleep train right now or is he just not responding to CIO method? Please help us!