DH told me last minute last night he was going out with a friend to play squash, I have no problem with him going out as long as I know ahead of time due to planning what Im cooking, and LOs bed routine. He came home annoyed because then got canciled, we got into argument due to he is back late every night this week due to work and going out. He then tells me IM grumpy due to LO keeping me up and night and I should ff. What the f, I turned around and told him LO was not keeping me up, its his constant talking and snoring in his sleep (he can be nasty as well, and he wont let me sleep until I answer him) he told me I should wake him up but I get told he has work and to f off). He then went on this huge debate about ff and that I only believe what supports my views. I told him to look and see if any dr actually recomended ff over bf if there are no problems. He looked found benefits of ff, I told him to look at same site benefits of bf, he said well I was ff and im perfectly healthy you are the one with stomach problems. AHHHHHH my problems would be worse if I was ff, his mum was lucky since she also had him fully weaned by 8 weeks onto 3 meals. I told him it was my choice since I am feeding her and getting up in night, his response was he makes most of the money so is what we spend it on his choice. He doesent have a problem with bf and been supportive and now suddenly this, LO is practically sleeping through he is the reason Im not sleeping and I want to give my LO the best possible start, he is well and trully in the dog house, he was quite sheepish this morning. Sorry for the long rant