Hi ladies,
Well im totally confused.
I came off my pill on the 25th aug, had a 2 day withdrawal bleed and was told to start counting my cycle days from the withdrawal bleed, not my last period bleed.
If I counted from my period when I was on my pill (which obv I am aware is not a real period) then I would be on CD 25.
If I counted from the withdrawal bleed then I would be on CD 14.
On the 4th sept I had stringy EWCM and assume that I may well have been ovulating on, around or on that day.
I have been experiencing creamy coloured CM ever since.
I am really confused by it all now and am not sure what cycle day im on.
Can anyone help me out with this one.
I keep reading all sorts and looks like if I was on CD14 then I prob wouldnt have ovulated?????????? x x
Well im totally confused.
I came off my pill on the 25th aug, had a 2 day withdrawal bleed and was told to start counting my cycle days from the withdrawal bleed, not my last period bleed.
If I counted from my period when I was on my pill (which obv I am aware is not a real period) then I would be on CD 25.
If I counted from the withdrawal bleed then I would be on CD 14.
On the 4th sept I had stringy EWCM and assume that I may well have been ovulating on, around or on that day.
I have been experiencing creamy coloured CM ever since.
I am really confused by it all now and am not sure what cycle day im on.
Can anyone help me out with this one.
I keep reading all sorts and looks like if I was on CD14 then I prob wouldnt have ovulated?????????? x x