I am nearly 7 weeks and had some bleeding about 1 week and a half ago. And I don't mean spotting, it was bright red. Luckily it stopped quickly and there wasn't a lot. I had an urgent blood test that day - hcg was still looking good. I had an ultrasound two days later and ultrasound showed a 2.8 mm grain of rice with a heartbeat. It measured 6 days behind where I guessed I was, so that worried me but I have another ultrasound next week so hopefully the growth has been good.
I can't stop stressing about this pregnancy, so we are in the same boat. I feel like I will never have a good outcome but I'm trying to be positive. Makes me angry when people tell me that I shouldn't stress or it will harm the baby, I challenge them to have their heart ripped out and try and relax with a new pregnancy.
All we can do is wait and see and it's painful. Will your dr send you for an early scan geordiemammy? All the best xx