****September Stars!!****

im just home from my scan it was amazing :cloud9::cloud9:

still team yellow and baby is weighing around 3.5 lbs and measuring a gestation of 29 plus 6 hahaha i think im in for a big baby :cloud9: im soooooooooooooo in love!

pics to follow :wohoo:
im 24 weeks now!
Ive had a stressfull day, our cat may need major surgery that we cant afford and its upsetting, we lost our other cat a few weeks back due to poisoning. I know it sounds silly but i got all upset and stressed and gave myself stomach pains.

I hope everyone is doing well x
Congrats apaton I'm glad it went well!! Wow sounds like you have a big baby in there!! xxx




Oh my god!!! What gorgeous pics!! I think they must be the clearest ones I've ever seen!!! xx
Fab fab pics Ashley!! So lovely! I think boy now!! So lovely! You must be dead pleased! x

I am too knackered to reply to much tonight, have been lurking around on Facebook a wee bit but can't be bothered typing!! Have done a bit of my knitting tonight, need to get a move on with it!

Amy good to see you about, we miss you.xxx
Apaton your photos are great! Did you enjoy it? babyscanning are great arent they?.xx
yeah it was fab, she told me to cover my eyes when she was measurin so that i couldnt see the sex i was soo tempted to peak lol, the dvd is great she gave me extra time on it i want to do it again lol xx
Awwwwe!! Ashley your pics are gorgeous!!!! :) I can't believe you had the will to close your eyes and not peek!!! Good for you!!

Great pics Apaton. I'm impressed you stayed on team yellow

Really sorry to hear about your cat Genies Girl :hugs:

Warning bit of a rant to follow....feel free to ignore me

Things are going from bad to worse with my SD's Mum&her psycho boyfriend. I'm feeling so fed up and resentful I don't know how much more I can take. We are unable to have our SD this weekend, we explained to her on Tuesday and she was perfectly fine about it. Purely out of courtesy (and so she couldn't claim she didn't know) my DH sent a text to SD's Mum to let her know he wouldn't be collecting her. We would much prefer to deal with her solicitor rather than her. but due to all her messing around she had her legal aid withdrawn so doesn't have a solicitor now. Consequently, for the second time this week (DH had to text her to remind her about telephone contact on Tues as SD's phone wasn't switched on) DH had no choice but to send a text and in return he get's a threatening and abusive text from her psycho boyfriend. It's really getting me down girls, I've started to dread telephone contact (Tues/Thurs/Sun) because SD's Mum sometimes doesn't give SD her phone or ensure she's available at the contact time. This means DH has to send a reminder text to SD's Mum and he get's abuse in return. We never know whether telephone or physical contact is going to take place, it's a constant gamble and as SD lives 3.5 - 4 hours away our whole life feels like it revolves around her and contact. Don't get me wrong I love my SD and don't blame her in any way. I'm just so frustrated that we can't all get on with our own lives and have minimal and necessary contact. We are more than willing to be amicable but SD's Mum's boyfriend is 20 years older than her and deeply insecure. For some reason despite the fact that their relationship was brief and they split up 10 years ago he just can't handle my DH having anything to do with SD's Mum. I mean honestly, does he think my DH wants to? I think he'd like her to disappear off the face of the earth rather than have to contact her but he puts SD first so puts up with it. On top of all this we have discovered from SD tonight (during telephone contact) that her Mum has finally found out that I am expecting. As we anticipated she immediately started telling SD that she would be pushed out and that her Dad wouldn't love her any more. I was expecting this, but it is still upsetting. I was very proud of SD though because apparently when her Mum started slagging DH off she said "Did you love my sisters less when I came along?" apparently her mum was dumbfounded and said "It's not the same" to which SD replied "It's exactly the same". Good on her! We anticipated all of this so had talked to SD about it and given her a few lines of ammunition to use. We knew things would get worse when her Mum found out I was pregnant and so did SD because her Mum has been trying to convince the NHS to give her a sterilisation reversal so that she can have a baby with the psycho. Not surprisingly and rightly the NHS have told her to bugger off as she insisted on the sterilisation despite only being 30 at the time and she already has 3 so that counts against her too. I'd love to be able to say we will just take it back to court to get it sorted but there are two problems with that 1.) The court will do absolutely nothing about the constant breaches of the existing court order including the fact that the psycho boyfriend is banned from having telephone or physical contact with my DH. It's got to the point now where we may as well just stand and throw money we don't have down the drain. 2.) Neither SD's Mum or her boyfriend have any respect for the Law anyway, so even if the Court was willing to do something it would have no impact. SD's Mum has been given a verbal hauling over the coals three times by the Judge in the family court for her behaviour but it's water off a duck's back because she know's they won't actually do anything about it. (I desperately wish they would exercise the power they do have and give her Community Service) The psycho boyfriend has a criminal record for numerous violent assault's and was also already known to social services for subjecting his ex wife to domestic violence. (This all came out last time we were in court and received the social services report) Sorry to go on but I needed to get it off my chest. Hopefully after a good night's sleep I will feel better

Hi everyone!
I had an incredibly productive day at work today and feel really great.
I was just so focused and blazed through this huge to-do list. Sometimes the crazy nesting energy can be very useful!

MrsJ - what a nightmare! How is it that she can behave like that and get away with it? It is seriously mindboggling. How can that not be seen as abusive and damaging behaviour towards her daughter? And the psycho? He is allowed around minors at all with that kind of record? Sickening.
I don't blame you for being angry. I'd be livid.

Carley - hope everything went okay today!

Amazing pics, apaton!

Hi to everyone else!
Apaton - 3.5lbs! wow! those pictures are amazing, you can see everything so clearly and baby is gorgeous. I also think boy for some reason, hope you don't mind me adding!

Geneis Girl - Sorry to hear about your cat. I have four cats and they're all a big part of our family so I know how it is. I really hope things pull through for your poorly kitty and I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your other one :hugs:

Carley - Hope everything was ok!

MrsJ08 - I hope things get better with SD's mother and the 'psycho' I can't believe that she'd tell her daughter that, it's wrong. I'm sure your SD is very excited to be having a little brother/sister! they both sound like they have huge chips on their shoulders, it's unfortunate for you both that you have to deal with them but like you've said, it's for your SD's benefit!

I've just got up, late today. I'm gonna see how baby is behaving today, she was soooo quiet all yesterday but woke up at about 5am this morning having a little kicking session, I only noticed about 4 kicks in a row, enough to make my stomache jump before falling back to sleep so she could have been going for a while.

I've also felt reeeeallyyyy sick and off colour the last two days, do you think it's because baby is growing? I never got morning sickness but some days I just feel so nauseous, and it's around the time movement's less. Do you feel off colour on days baby grows? I'm thinking it could be an increase in hormones on growing days? :shrug:

Hope everyone is ok. Friday, yipeeeeeeee! :wohoo: weekend is here already. My OH has a week off work next week so much snuggling to commence and our 4d scan tomorrow! :cloud9:

MrsJ08.. I really feel for you, we've been there with the contact issues and the telephone contact and it is truly horrible! I'm sure you know this/have done this but wanted to give you some advice from my own experiences...

Regarding the psycho boyfriend, if you take your DHs phone to the police they can get a harrassment order done on him... we had to do this with my DHs ex, she was texting him and ringing all the time, sending sexual pictures, abusive and threatening texts etc... the police took her into the station and gave her a clear warning and a harrassment order. The police said that although the volume of calls and texts we had helped, just one abusive or sexual text is enough for that.. maybe its worth a try?

Also, as part of our case cafcass wanted to do a risk assessment on my SS's mother (which didn't happen in the end because her legal aid solicitor managed to wangle it so we would have to pay - £3k - a couple of months after we got married! We couldn't afford it after all the rest of the legal costs etc) and cafcass off their own back did a criminal record check on both me and their mothers then boyfriend.... if anything untoward had come back from this, children would have been moved... can you not speak to cafcass about them doing this?

Hope it gets better... I know just how you feel with things seeming like they are just getting worse and worse :(
Hi Louise - thanks for your reply. The CRB check has been done by CAFCASS on all of us already and the issue of his Criminal record for Assault and Threatening Behaviour has already been raised. Last year he was charged with GBH but the case was dropped a matter of days before the hearing because the victim refused to give evidence (we suspect there was intimidation) CAFCASS were useless to be honest, SD told them in her first meeting that she wants to live with us. CAFCASS proceeded to tell her Mum what she had said so her Mum spent 2 weeks trying to bribe her financially and emotionally into changing her mind and then arranged another meeting with CAFCASS telling SD that CAFCASS had requested it. SD gave in to the pressure and said she didn't want to move in with us yet but wanted more contact with us in the holidays (we now get half of all holidays as well as our usual bi-weekly contact). The truth is nothing is going to happen on that front until SD is 100% sure she wants to come to us and sticks to it. As her mother doesn't have a residency order (we refused to agree to one) if at any point during contact SD tells us she doesn't want to go home we would be legally protected in keeping her with us and could apply for emergency residency.

I'd like to stress that the psycho hasn't shown any violence towards SD or her Mum (yet!) but obviously if at any point we were to discover that he had we would remove her immediately. Social Services have basically said they can't do anything pre-emptively. Don't even get me started on how useless social services are, they are far to focussed on keeping children with their mother's and giving mother's the benefit of doubt for my liking. Thanks for the tip re:harassment - that is our next step and we discussed it last night. Last week DH got a "I know where you live" type message which I think is probably sufficiently threatening given his previous history. It's actually not true and I honestly don't think he is going to drive 4 hours to our house as we have purposely never given them our exact address. It's all bluster and posturing because on the one occasion he started on my DH face to face (SD's Mum wasn't there at the time) my DH called his bluff and he quickly ran into the house. Problem is even if we get a harassment order he isn't the kind of law abiding citizen that will be effected by it, if you know what I mean? The psycho thinks he is invincible when it comes to the law as so far he has got off relatively lightly with the charges that have been brought against him and not been sent to prison. Until recently he was sending the abusive messages from his phone but the last two have come from SD's Mum's phone. Not sure whether this is because he know's it will be difficult to prove that they are definitely from him if he uses her phone? I'm not sure he is that clever, so I suspect it is because my DH never replies to his messages so he thinks DH is not getting them and has blocked his number. Obviously we never reply to his messages because we would never sink to that level or give them evidence like that to use against us (I have a Law degree)

I guess my biggest fear is that my DH is only human and I'm worried that with the level of provocation he is experiencing he will lose his temper eventually and take matters into his own hands. (DH has never been in trouble with the Police and is a Primary School Teacher but know's how to look after himself if you know what I mean?) I don't think my DH would do anything to put his career let alone his liberty at risk but he is a red-blooded male who's worried about his daughter so it's hard to account for that with extreme provocation.

Oh mrsJo8 thats sounds awful i hope it all sorts itself out in the end, i cant really help with advise ive not been through anything like that .

Pains have subsided today and can you believe that my midwifes phone was off all night!!! i spoke in length with my MIL as she used to be a midwife and she came over and had a nice chat with me. She thinks i'll be ok as babys heartbeat and everything were fine and lots of movements still. Apparently BH can be painful but normally not, but on investigating i found out that my mum really suffered with BH.

All i can say is - if this is a warm up for whats to come OH MY GOD!!

but touch wood ive not had any today which has been a nice break and slept all through the night. just need to keep hydrated etc.

love you all lots and thanks for the well wishes.

ps i had my hair done to make me feel better - it worked!!
mrs J jstw ant to send a :hugs: x

Carley gald your hair made you feel better , i always feel better after getting something nice done :flower:

any way im going to bore yous with my dvd lol ( u dont have to watch it :haha:)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOtAsHVsq5U

congrats to viables and third tri people :wohoo:
Apaton - I just saw the vid on third tri! it's really amazing. So clear, I almost melted from the cuteness >.< Lol


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