She's changed the way she's eating. Long!


Lin, Si and Eve
Nov 30, 2008
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LO took to bf really, really well from day one, so we haven't had any major problems so far. She was born on the 50th centile and never lost any weight, so jumped up to teh 75th and has stayed there ever since. So I@m not exactly worried that she's not thriving! But.

She has usually eaten from one boob only each feed, somewhere between 2 and 3 hours (3 and a half if we're out and about), for at least half an hour. Sometimes (well, quite often :blush:) I know she has fallen asleep on the boob, but no matter. Sleeps well, though not through the night yeat.

Anyway, about three weeks ago she started fussing after about five minutes on one boob. She kept going to latch on, but then not doing it and looking at me for help, with a slightly confused/worried look on her face. I tried to get her to eat a few times, burped her etc, but she wasn't having it, though was behaving as if she needed to eat more.

So I put her on the other boob and she almost bit it off to eat! Since then, nearly every feed has been like this - she eats what seems a smaller amount from both boobs. She goes 2.5-3 hours between feeds, still poos most days, sometimes more than once (though it has been three days now, for some reasons, since she's gone), is still putting on some weight, though not as much as a few weeks ago (though I would expect it to slow down at some point or she'll be a huge!).

These are my ideas as to what could be happening:

1. I have allowed her to develop a bad habit, so that she won't get enough hindmilk (but she is gaining weight and weeing and pooing regularly).

2. She is bigger and stronger and gets more out of the breast more quickly bc of this (but the breast she refuses after a few minutes still has milk in it - I usually check).

3. She eats more quickly bc she is able to stay awake longer now and therefore doesn't fall asleep on the boob and give the impression she is eating when she is actually sleeping.

4. She needs to eat from both boobs as she needs more calories as she is bigger now.

Any of these sound right to you?

Two more quick points:

1. I'm planning on blw so don't want to introduce any food for a few more weeks. She isn't waking through the night any more frequently and doesn't ever cry with real hunger, and doesn't ask to eat any more frequently than she used to.

2. Bc of the way she's feeding, my boobs never feel really engorged any more and I'm worried that this way of feeding will make my milk dry up more quickly- I really want to make it to a year. I have some ebm in the freezer for a few days of work I will be doing from Jan-June, but am worried, as I tried to express yesterday but only got a few drops - used to be a champion at it :(

Please help!
Do you think it could be a touch if discomfort caused by wind? Maybe when you move her onto the other boob, it relieves the windy tummy slightly? Perhaps you could try some more vigorous burping before she feeds. Just a though. :hugs:
Ilana is exactly the same! She is still putting on weight though and although her poos are slightly thicker than they were she is still weeing and pooing normally. Her poo isn't green at all.

I think all those reasons could be true - I know I wind Ilana and put teething gel on her gums because she used to come off screaming but I'm not sure that's the reason. I think she does drain the boob quicker and even when there's still some milk the flow isn't as fast as she's used to maybe, so she wants the other one which is faster? I don't know either but will be reading this with interest.
my little girl always seems to feed from one one boob more than the other, sometimes she will cry to go onto the other boob, only explanation i can think of is that the milk flows faster from the boob she "prefers" than the other one, therefore she gets her milk quicker, she is still gaining weight so i dont worry about it much, and i onnly ever get that full feeling in the boob she prefers but when i check the other does still have milk. i did worry a bit at first but am fine with it now, lol
Matilda changed at 3/4 months from long, calm feeds.
She became a lot more fidgety and distracted by things going on around her - I stopped being able to do anything during feeding and if I am out I am lucky if she feeds for five minutes at a time.
I think they reach an age when they find things more interesting than feeding.

But they do feed more efficiently as well so as long as she has wet nappies and is putting on weight try not to worry. Although it is very frustrating, especially when you want to fill them up so you can go out etc.
Yeah, and I read the Baby Whisperer (not that I adhere to any of those books strictly) and I thought it said 2.5-3 hours is fine feeding gaps - then I read that at four months she says 4 hours is what it should be! Oh well.

Jemima - I do think wind has something to do with it - I give her a tummy massage three times a day, plus infacol before just about every feed (unless I forget :blush:) - I think more winding is something I'll def try today.

Lisa, I agree about a preference - only thing is, Eve seems to have this preference for the boob that I don't give her first each feed, regardless of which one that is!!!

I've also turned the tv off for feeds - I used to use it as a way to while away an hour-long feed. No more 'Doctors' for me :( ;)
I read that yesterday, too! the thing is, Ilana can happily go for 5 hours without food at the moment during the day!!! She woke at 4.30am, so i fed ehr in bed and we dozed off. She stirred at 5.30 and had a little more mil;k. So when she woke for the day at 6.30, she didn't eat - but then I had to try to force some milk in her at 8.30am. She wasn't interested and only took some when she was half asleep.

We then went to rhyme time at the library and then to collect my car from its MOT. We left at 10.30, she napped at 12-1.30ish, then I just tried to feed her (at 1pm (4.5 hours after her last feed)) and she had about 3 minutes then stopped to chat to me and will not go back on! There's loads of milk left, I just squeezed my boob and about 5 jets of milk squirted out... why won't she eat more? It's dark and quiet in here, I put teething gel on her first... I know I have a powerful let down and she must get a fair bit in 3 monute, but lord above, no wonder she's started waking at night with the tiny bit she's taking during the day.

The HV told me to wean her early, at 4.5 months, but I can't see why because she's just never interested in food anymore. I am taking it quite personally!

Gah, I'm losing my mind.
I had a problem similar to this and asked my HV about it.. now, I'm not sure in myself whether I believe her answer, but thought I'd pass it on anyway.
No matter which boob I start Emily off on, she will happily suck away for 5 mins, then she comes off, smiles, coos, and then screams. I burp her, she burps, I try to put her back on the same boob to get the hindmilk but she wont have it, so I put her on the other one and she will drink and drink and drink until it is empty.

My HV said, this could be because we've got the heating on (with it being bloody baltic up here!) it could be drying out her throat, so as I drink more in the day to combat it, Emily will also be needing more of the watery milk to quench her thirst before she is ready to get on the good stuff.
Interesting...thanks. I'm not sure whether Eve is doing that or not - sometimes she might well be, other times she's showing little interest in either boob, or so it feels.
Well, today Ilana has had a ten minute feed this morning, 6 minutes at 9.30, 3 minutes at MILs at 12.30 and ten minutes again at 3.30 (she seemed starving - should have eaten more earlier, little monkey!) Let's see how she does the rest of the day...
Well, today Ilana has had a ten minute feed this morning, 6 minutes at 9.30, 3 minutes at MILs at 12.30 and ten minutes again at 3.30 (she seemed starving - should have eaten more earlier, little monkey!) Let's see how she does the rest of the day...

How did she get on, Becs?

Yest I decided to get DH to feed her with ebm partly as the stuff I'd frozen needs using, partly as I'm doing a few days of work and she hasn't eatn from a bottle in a while, and partly to see how much she's eating.

She ate 6 ounces just before bedtime, after a 3.5 hour gap. I pumped at the same time - got 2 oz :( I used to get more. I pumped three times yesterday, totally 6.5 ounces, so I did manage to replace the amount she ate for the freezer again, but I didn't feel great about it. Luckily she didn't eat the whole 8 oz though, or it would've been a problem to replace it and I woud be worrying that she can't be eating that much in such a short amount of time.

I'm going to the bf cafe this morning and am going to talk to one of the hvs about my 'wobble'. I hope one of the good ones is on.
Hope your trip to the BF cafe went well. G had a growth spurt a few weeks ago and started having both boobs - he's been a bit ill so his feeding dropped of this week but he still occasionally wants both where as before he never did. He is also feeding much more quickly than before - max 10min or so.

I mentioned to my HV that during the growth spurt and then teething he'd had a few nights with lots of feeds ,... wish I hadn't coz she started talking weaning. I just said I wanted to hold out till 6mths and that I was happy to give a feed or 2 overnight as long as he was happy and gaining weight - I didn't dare mention that I was gonna do BLW!!

Milk has far more calories than solids at this age so they'd have to come up with some pretty strong arguement for me to start weaning just yet!
Hey Joey - sounds like you and I are having similar experiences - and have the same plans re BLW. Hope George is feeling better now!

I spoke to hv today - she was really nice (didn't mention weaning at all!) - one thing I didn't know which she told me, was in response to my worry that I can't pump so much out any more.

She said that when you have been bf a few months, your body is much more responsive, so that more milk is produced as the baby sucks. So if you pump, it may not get produced in the same way - less cues, not as good at 'sucking' as baby - but even if I pump one boob as she eats from the other, say, there will still be enough in the pumped boob as she can suck and it will get made. A bit like the magic porridge pot!

Everything she said totally put my mind at rest - as did Eve's weight: a 9oz gain in two weeks. And Eve's angelic mood today :)
Aw, great!

Well, that night Ilana woke up loooads! Little monkey. She seems to be taking ages to settle for the night and wakes lots in the evening, then just before I try to dreamfeed she wakes (so it's not a blummin' dreamfeed as she's awake!) and again in the night. Gah, so frustrating. Also, if she feeds at 4am she doesn't want to eat when she wakes up (or if she does she doesn't take a big feed) which is a pain because it means I have to get up to play without that lovely dozy waking up feed.
Lindy - glad that BF cafe went well; really reassuring to learn that about expressing. I've never expressed masses anyway so wouldn't easily notice a difference. I did however go to work on Saturday - I fed G at 5 ish byt he hardly took any then I didn't express till about 12:30 lunchtime - my biobs haven't felt so full in ages.

Bec I feel your pain about not wanting wake up feeds - I try and get g to gave a fresh nappy then feed before Anything else but it has to be quiet no tv etc; hes so cute tho first thing smiling and hopping on and off
Becs - I've noticed that even if I feed her at 11pm ish she still wakes up at the same time, so I don't bother and get a nice early night now, with plenty of sleep. In fact, I'm off to sleep now :)

JJ - how was work? I should ask you on the other thread really...

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