My LO is usually a pretty normal sleeper. She takes 1-2 hour long naps during the day then sleeps from 10pm-9am. The past two days she's been sleeping a LOT. She goes to sleep about 10pm, wakes at 6am and I put her in her cot she plays quietly for an hour or so then just falls right back asleep till 11am. She gets fussy around 1pm so I lay her down, she plays in her cot for 30 mins or so then falls right asleep again until around 4pm. She stays up till around 6pm, gets fussy, plays in the cot, and falls asleep again till about 8pm. Then she's fussy and in her crib again around 10pm. It's nice having all this free time now, but what's going on? She's not eating any more than usual when she's awake, she seems really happy and she actually hasn't cried at all the last two days (she usually does at least once a day for whatever reason).
What's going on?
What's going on?