Hi Ladies!
I came off of the pill and just had my first real AF. It feels like I'm starting all over with them since I hadn't had one in 2+ years! Anyhow, I charted and did opks, so I know that I ovulated on CD 27 (not bad) but my LP was only 9 days.
Is that normal? I know it's short and I've tried to do some research, but I haven't found much in terms of if that's common for the first month or so, or if it's a red flag at this point.
I'd LOVE to hear from anyone that doesn't mind sharing their experiences. Thanks!!
I came off of the pill and just had my first real AF. It feels like I'm starting all over with them since I hadn't had one in 2+ years! Anyhow, I charted and did opks, so I know that I ovulated on CD 27 (not bad) but my LP was only 9 days.
Is that normal? I know it's short and I've tried to do some research, but I haven't found much in terms of if that's common for the first month or so, or if it's a red flag at this point.
I'd LOVE to hear from anyone that doesn't mind sharing their experiences. Thanks!!