Hi Guys
Well I went to the docs armed with my research. Basically although this is by no means exhaustive. THe 'normal' published range is around 0.5 to 5 for TSH levels, this differs slightly dependant on the lab and assays that they use. HyPER thyroid is below that range and HYPO is TSH levels above that range.Your doc may or may not believe that that is that. When you get bloods done to check they usually test the FT4 and sometimes FT3 also testing T4 and T3 is not good enough. Anyway, even if you fall within the range which I do with a TSH of 3.64 I still exhibit loads of syptoms and have done for ages. When I was prescribed Thyroxine in 2005 I was only slightly above normal limits. Anyway, I have weight gain, intolerance to cold and heat, dry skin and eyes, extreme fatigue, hoarse voice spotty head list is endless, check out thyroid uk for a comprehensive list. So anyway. looking at research fertility experts are saying that a TSH of between 1 and 2 is appropriate for conception and maintenance of a pregnancy. It is appropriate to do further tests and possible treat If: You have relatives with it (I have 3 immediate relatives, mum, nan and mums sister) Have had recurrent miscarriage (Yep 2 that I know of in last 5 months) have a premature delivery (yes 6 weeks) have a low BBT (less than 36.5 is considered low in first half of cycle( mine is 36.3/4) I als researche Antithyroid antibodies and if you are positive to these they may not raise your TSH over normal range but in fact your own immune system is attacking your thyroid and people testing positive to these antibodies are twice as likely to not falling pregnant, early miscarriage and premature delivery. I think my case is quite strong and hope tomorrow he puts me on thyroxine. I think he thinks I'm manic depressive and thinks I should stop, he said now what if this is not it what will you do. i said in the most polite way I could that this is a process of elimination that is what medicine is and yes, If i have exhausted all possibilities I will have done just that. Let you know how I go tomorrow.
Weird today mind, I got all the cramping still and bad back, but no AF as yet, still early I know but My temp went up again this morning, just have to wait and see. Did you get your AF Sukisam?