Yeah I heard that about vitex too. I also saw a few people saying they used both together because they weren't aware of that. I think they cancel each other out?
Double checked with the pharmacist at Boots as I couldn't find it interacted with anything I'm already using online myself, aside from possibly diazepam, but pharmacist said it doesn't. The info I read was really vague, it just said anything processed by the liver may interact - may make it work more or less.
What I decided to do though was try the soy on the lowest dose because I know I ovulate on my own each cycle, but I was also told by the sonographer that I had something like five follicles, I think on each side, which seems low in comparison to other people/info I have read about. So perhaps it will help with a really good quality mature egg. I also decided, because I seem to be taking a load of things, to take some things after the soy instead of everything all at once. So I will use EPO after I finish soy, keep taking vitamins all the time, then use fertility tea and pomegranate juice once af has completely gone away as it just seems a waste when it's aimed at thickening my lining.
I don't want to speak too soon and *touch wood* I'm not, but I feel quite different. In a positive way. Mentally I feel less foggy, my headache has gone (I usually have headaches at this part of my cycle, usually daily and paracetamol doesn't do much), and I feel a little brighter and less sluggish. It could be in my imagination, but the thing is is that I always worry about trying new things and it always causes me anxiety. I have anxiety anyway more so before my lp, but I was expecting it to be constant rather than sticking to it's usual routine