Sperm Meets Egg Plan - Anyone joining me?

Good Morning ladies :)

It's great isn't it - I've spent a LOT :blush: of time now randomly picking pages and finding the ladies who have gotten BFP's to see what symptoms they had!

I work out that my positive OPK is O day, then the day after is 1dpo - Not sure if that's right though?

I have actually got a list of things i've felt on a day by day account, though i'm sure all can be explained away by one reason or another. Last night I realised my nipples were sore though (they are never sore!!) and boobs in general felt a bit fuller (They are usually fairly non existent :() - and in all honesty last night was the first time I thought I could actually be preg.... really hope my body isn't playing tricks on me, it would be so cruel :cry:

CertainTurton - have you had any other symptoms? I've been having lots and lots of twinges since about 2dpo as well!

Hello IGotBabyFever :wave:- my OH is the same, I haven't told him we are following a plan, and he doesn't know i've been using OPK's - this is my 4th (ish) month of trying though and if we dont get anywhere this month I will be bringing everything out for him next month :D
I've not used conceive plus but we use preseed and its not too runny - have you tried that? Is there a big difference between them?

Im feeling soo tired today, and just slightly 'off' I dont know why - maybe im coming down with something as im only 2dpo! Even my friend was like 'are you ok??' hmmm. Must NOT start symptom spotting!!

Good Morning :) Where did you buy your preseed from? I dont think there is any diffrence having read some other threads, Conceive plus is very expensive thou £11 quid for a small bottle and Iveonly used it 3 times and its just over half gone already!!!

I know what your mean about symptom spotting, Im a sucker for it too :wacko:

Good Morning :) Where did you buy your preseed from? I dont think there is any diffrence having read some other threads, Conceive plus is very expensive thou £11 quid for a small bottle and Iveonly used it 3 times and its just over half gone already!!!

I know what your mean about symptom spotting, Im a sucker for it too :wacko:[/QUOTE]

I ordered mine from Amazon, came really quickly and i think it was £13 or so, weve used it 3 times and its no where near gone, but we only use 2g instead of the 4 they say as i do get cm - its great stuff tho.

Smiley330 - well apart from my really really sore nipples (normally gone by 1/2dpo until day before AF) and the twinges, im also feeling a bit run down and tired, could only manage 20mins on the cross trainer this morn as was knackered, even tho i couldn't get back to sleep this morn :( I did feel sick yesterday but not sure if thats coz i was hungry :haha: FX our twinges mean something!!
Smiley330 - well apart from my really really sore nipples (normally gone by 1/2dpo until day before AF) and the twinges, im also feeling a bit run down and tired, could only manage 20mins on the cross trainer this morn as was knackered, even tho i couldn't get back to sleep this morn :( I did feel sick yesterday but not sure if thats coz i was hungry :haha: FX our twinges mean something!!

Wow - 20 mins on a cross trainer ....in the morning! That is good going!! I've always liked the idea of exercise, not so much the putting into practice...

Sounds positive :D definitely hoping all this means something for us.

OH asked me how I was feeling about this month last night, I told him was getting a few things that were making me think it could be our month - but nothing major... in my head I wanted to list off a thousand things to him :haha: but there's no point in getting both our hopes up if it isn't to be.

Right, i've got to get dressed and take on the weekend! Will check in later - hope everyone has a lovely day :hugs:

Lots of :dust:

Hi all.
Question: got positive opk on cd 12. We bd cd 11/12/13. Should we bd cd14 too?
I think we should because the positive is a bit early and maybe it's wrong (cbfm) but 4 days in a row is a bit of pressure.

I too feel excited this cycle. I hope to see some bfp posted soon.
Good luck ladies.
Hi Ladies

I'd like to join please - we are doing the SMEP this month (I say 'we' i just haven't told DH that is what we are doing:happydance:)....

I had a mc on 14th April, and am currently on CD5 so not long to wait for ov i hope....

AF due on 17th June i think (cycles a bit to pot following mc)...
Please put me down for 17/06/11...

Good luck everyone xxxx

Hi all.
Question: got positive opk on cd 12. We bd cd 11/12/13. Should we bd cd14 too?
I think we should because the positive is a bit early and maybe it's wrong (cbfm) but 4 days in a row is a bit of pressure.

I too feel excited this cycle. I hope to see some bfp posted soon.
Good luck ladies.

Hi MrsFX - I think smep says (seems i'm referring to smep as a person now) that you should bd for 3 days in a row once you get the +opk, so that means you should bd tonight as well - I know what you mean, 4 days in a row does seems a bit of pressure!!


OH went out and whilst I was getting ready I found the hpt's (he's not very orginal!!) - just couldnt stop myself from doing one - and I think I can see a line!!!!! I'm not sure if i've got line-eye, or if I can only see it cuz I really want to - but OMG!!!! I've not even seen the faintest of lines before. Trying not to get my hopes up as I know it's still early but feeling a little bit happy about this :yipee: Not going to tell OH that i've taken a test yet, want to make sure the line is 100% there and then we'll do a clearblue digital one together....Oh I really hope what I can see is a line!!

Smiley that is amazing news!!! If u find a test then u deserve to take it and it's fate. I will certainly be taking your advice! Keep us posted on the didgital.
Wow smiley I am sooo excited for you!!! Do keep us updated but a line is a line :) yey I'm so glad one of us is getting good news already, shall I waitto put a :bfp: by your name or do it now!? :)
Hey everyone, I'm still following the threads incase we get some more BFP's!

Currently on D3 of clomid so round 3 of SMEP and round 6 of clomid! If my other cycles are anything to go by then I'm going to ov around 31st May, so BD'ing begins next Weds the 25th!

This is my last clomid cycle, so just gone chill as got the hosp appt in June and gonna see where we go from there...but still keeping positive!

Drank my wine last week after my BFN, now I'm exercising again, having a massage next week and reflexology...I'm going away in June so decided I'm going to actively try and forget about the TTC stuff, as I feel I possibly may be going mental :wacko:! I live my life in two week stages, elated one minute, peed off the next...we must all be tough cookies to be getting through this mental torture :haha:

I am banning myself from going on the internet for two weeks,as I think I may be obsessed. I know how to get pregnant, so not sure why I repeatedly read stories on how to get pregnant, 2wwait stories, BFP stories, LTTC stories jesus no wonder I'm so stressed I'm doing my own head in! Plan is I am now going to focus on losing some pounds before the hols....so look forward to coming back on here in 2 weeks to see how you guys are getting on! Good Luck everyone!
Smiley hope this is the start of your :bfp: :happydance: How many dpo are you and what test brand did you use?

Well I finally went high on the CBFM, was getting a bit worried as I usually OV much earlier than this, FX I get my peak soon :)
hahaha sounds like my DH. i dont even tell him about my OPK he knows about it, but i dont tell him when its positive and stuff like that. i just seduce hahaha.

i just had a convo with him telling him that this cycle we HAVE to do the SMEP and he agrees. its been so long, i think he just wants our darn BFP!

men are silly. i try to ignore it. he's really freaked out by my soft cups. oh well haha:rofl:

yea they are silly :haha: My dh is all for the plan,hes just not enjoying us having to cut down on dtd :blush: Hes looking forward to when we start everyday again :haha:
Im not sure how he would react to softcups,he would probably pick on me about it :blush:

how are they working for you? any luck?

I hope we all get our :bfp: soon!! :dust:

Same with my DH he likes to BD at least 2 times a day. and i told him we cant=( lol
my DH does pick on me about the soft cups. grrr.

i like the soft cups bc i dont get all leaky and stuff:blush: and also this is going to be only my second cycle of using them.... im hoping i get that :bfp: finally!

FX that you get your :bfp: this cycle!
Have been following this thread with intrest. I came across the smep too late to start it this cycle but might use it next cycle (hopefully I won't need to if I get a bfp) especially if there are a few success stories this month(got my fingers crossed for you all). I am onto my 4th cycle since having the implant removed in January. My last 2 cycles have been 32 days so I am due to ovulate this week. Got a faint line on opk today but still not dark enough. Can anyone tell me if I am best bding everyday during fertile week or should I bd every other night until get positive opk and then bed for 3 nights? Af due 7/06 will test a couple of days after if I am late. Am going to try and avoid poas and discussing with dh who is far to laid back and is happy to wait for it to happen! I did persuade him to agree to try concieve plus so bought that today but If I start plan next month don't think I will tell him. Anyway good luck to everyone this month hope there are lots of bfp.
Hi all.
Question: got positive opk on cd 12. We bd cd 11/12/13. Should we bd cd14 too?
I think we should because the positive is a bit early and maybe it's wrong (cbfm) but 4 days in a row is a bit of pressure.

I too feel excited this cycle. I hope to see some bfp posted soon.
Good luck ladies.

Hi MrsFX - I think smep says (seems i'm referring to smep as a person now) that you should bd for 3 days in a row once you get the +opk, so that means you should bd tonight as well - I know what you mean, 4 days in a row does seems a bit of pressure!!


OH went out and whilst I was getting ready I found the hpt's (he's not very orginal!!) - just couldnt stop myself from doing one - and I think I can see a line!!!!! I'm not sure if i've got line-eye, or if I can only see it cuz I really want to - but OMG!!!! I've not even seen the faintest of lines before. Trying not to get my hopes up as I know it's still early but feeling a little bit happy about this :yipee: Not going to tell OH that i've taken a test yet, want to make sure the line is 100% there and then we'll do a clearblue digital one together....Oh I really hope what I can see is a line!!


Smiley330- that is FANTASTIC!!!! Hope it becomes a nice fat line real soon :happydance: for you and :baby: time!!!
Thanks everyone! I'm not sure I really believe it yet, but hopefully it will get darker - will test again on Monday to check! I took a photo of it so I could make sure any next tests were getting darker, so if I can work out how to upload a pic i'd love to hear someone say they can see the line too! Also would appreciate honesty if it doesn't look like it!

katestar53 - I'm 10dpo today and I used the superdrugs own brand, the early response ones. :D Hopefully your peak comes soon - good luck!

CertainTurton - I'm still a bit sceptical so don't want to tempt fate by putting up a definite BFP just yet. Might just wait and see on Monday!

Hope to see lots of BFP's soon from everyone!! xxx

Smiley that's fine, will wait with hope until then :) I've heard the superfrug ones are good! Ooo would love to see a pic if you can put it on!

I've been having really sharp twinges today, a couple in particular were really sore :( weirdly some have been sort of lower than the ovary area, more in the 'you know where' area- not sure what's going on down there! But hoping it's good :p
gosh - there's lots happening now isnt there!?!? GL smiley - i hope this is your month and you have your :bfp: and hopefully there will be lots more for us!

i'm on cd12 now and waiting patiently for my lines to get darker on my opks. having read through everyone's messages it would seem that tonight is a good night to DTD! saturday night is party night - YAY! :D

someone was asking earlier about how to increase EWCM - i dont get much either if any at all but last cycle i started taking EPO and that has made a huge difference for me. definitely worth a try!

Smiley that's fine, will wait with hope until then :) I've heard the superfrug ones are good! Ooo would love to see a pic if you can put it on!

I've been having really sharp twinges today, a couple in particular were really sore :( weirdly some have been sort of lower than the ovary area, more in the 'you know where' area- not sure what's going on down there! But hoping it's good :p

Ooh that does sound good!! Fingers firmly crossed!

Ok - Here is my test from today....squint / tilt your head a little?! :shrug:....


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Hey everyone, I'm still following the threads incase we get some more BFP's!

Currently on D3 of clomid so round 3 of SMEP and round 6 of clomid! If my other cycles are anything to go by then I'm going to ov around 31st May, so BD'ing begins next Weds the 25th!

This is my last clomid cycle, so just gone chill as got the hosp appt in June and gonna see where we go from there...but still keeping positive!

Drank my wine last week after my BFN, now I'm exercising again, having a massage next week and reflexology...I'm going away in June so decided I'm going to actively try and forget about the TTC stuff, as I feel I possibly may be going mental :wacko:! I live my life in two week stages, elated one minute, peed off the next...we must all be tough cookies to be getting through this mental torture :haha:

I am banning myself from going on the internet for two weeks,as I think I may be obsessed. I know how to get pregnant, so not sure why I repeatedly read stories on how to get pregnant, 2wwait stories, BFP stories, LTTC stories jesus no wonder I'm so stressed I'm doing my own head in! Plan is I am now going to focus on losing some pounds before the hols....so look forward to coming back on here in 2 weeks to see how you guys are getting on! Good Luck everyone!

Good luck jacqui
Have a lovely break and I hope you have a good chill out on holiday.

Smiley 330 I do believe I see a shadow. It is still early but a very good sign! You need a first morning wee to test on monday. We will all have our fingers crossed for you.

Update: today must be Odp1 for me. No signs what so ever. have been a bit excited and distracted by choosing kittens today though so that will take my mind off things during the TWW.
I can see a line, no tilting neccesary! and I'm normally rubbish at seeing them! Looking forward to Monday, you will be 12dpo then yeah? :)

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