Still here at 42+1 :( Induced yesterday wanting to acheve vbac. Anyone had similar?


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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Well here I am sat at 42+1

So late because hospital so busy they couldn't take me earlier to induce me as id been awaiting labour before I agreed to induction! I was due to be induced Tuesday but when I came down after a all day sit my body started to contract itself so they couldn't give me pessary off I went only for everything to stop the next morning!

Checked over and cervix was 2cm dilated on the outside but inside closed .... On a further check later yesterday before they inserted pessary my cervix had gone by itself to 1cm open pessary been in since 8.30pm last night and been contracting (not feeling much) but on the monitor they are every 5 or so min peaking at readings over 100 some go as high as 117 plus! This is my last hope of vbac otherwise it's section!

Anyone with similar experience acheve there vbac and have good effect of dilation with pessary but didn't necessarily feel pain at the start of contractions?
Orkneygirl I just want to wish you the best of luck, the end is definitely in sight for you now :) what a time to wait!!
Orkneygirl I just want to wish you the best of luck, the end is definitely in sight for you now :) what a time to wait!!

Aww thank you I know after all the early drama she's held on to the very last! Either way she will be here tomorrow or even before midnight tonight. I'm just praying the pessary is dilating me to at least 5cm when I get checked now or I know it will be section! I will be so disappointed in myself but just having her out safe now outweighs the longing for a natural birth
I went 16days over on DS and after 3days of pessaries and sweeps they had to break my waters and give me pitocin. When the pitocin kicked in I dialated super quick.
And huge hugs I was the same on DS I could of cried. Over 2weeks is too long.
Are you in the labor ward yet??? If they break your waters your on the clock so baby will be here soon.
I went 16days over on DS and after 3days of pessaries and sweeps they had to break my waters and give me pitocin. When the pitocin kicked in I dialated super quick.
And huge hugs I was the same on DS I could of cried. Over 2weeks is too long.
Are you in the labor ward yet??? If they break your waters your on the clock so baby will be here soon.

Unfortunately in aberdeen hospital due to previously section they don't break waters or use drip! I was hoping that was the case but it appears they just give you a pessary and let it do the job and that's it as far as I'm aware and been informed. Disappointed and also annoyed as I don't have time to have anymore pessary as I've been trying since the Friday to come down so that's already 4 days lost to me to try anymore pessarys after this one and they class me now as to high risk so it's this and of no progression a section possibly tonight or tomorrow. Feel robbed just now of my vbac
Oh Orkney that's just unfair. I'm sorry to hear this :hugs:
It is but now I'm just so stressed and fed up and feel hot and sweaty and sick I just want it over one way or another
Good luck hun, hopefully won't be to much longer until your little girl is here xx
Oh god love you, I went to 42 weeks with dd2 (induced the day before) so I understand how frustrating it is when you just want to meet your baby! Wishing you all the best for a smooth induction and safe arrival of your little one :)
Oh hun good luck with everything, we await good news :)!
Well update now apparantly thats untrue what one midwife told me I can get waters broken and drip! Pessary was taken out at 8.30pm and my cervix was then 1-2cm so I'm now waiting for a room in labour ward to go have the rest of induction and my final chance at a vbac! My contractions are getting closer together yay good sign and now more painful now also. Im hoping by time I get a room on labour ward my body has done loads of work and dilated more yet or just goes into the labour now itself. I am still every hopeful of this vbac even with induction.

If I lose hope I have nothing left to give! I need to be ready and bring my a game into the labour room lol. Wish me luck ..... X
Good luck!!! I hope bubby arrives soon and induction doesn't take too long x
Good luck. I'm also a VBAC hopeful too and I can relate to how badly you want to achieve it. I hope you get to. Good luck! Keeping everything crossed for a smooth labour xx
Ava Merie Moore born 9-10-15 @ 8.57pm weighing a whopping 9lb 9 and three quater oz and being 42+2

Never managed my vbac but I'm overwhelmed how happy I am just to have her here now safe.

Had several attempted sweeps over the course of two weeks and none could be achieved cervix was 2cm outer but closed inner. Ended up chasing up induction route as I was really worrying nothing was happening. Ended up having to wait five days before they had space so that took me to 42 weeks exactly. One pessary 24 hours and my cervix only opened to 1-2cm so was taken next day at 42+2 to have water broken, went walking then started the drip. Coped really well with no pain relief for 6 hours just breathing and changing position with super intense contractions ... The drip had to be turned right down because I was over contracting. By 6 hours i decided I needed some help so opted for Gas and Air. I did another two hours contracting 5 in 10 they wanted it 4 in 10 so agreed to an early cervix check and I was only at 3cm and baby's heart had started dipping. It was then I made the hard decision for baby's sake and save any rushing emergency to opt for the section. I felt I did all I could at the time and took the best route for both our safety. The section went very well and calm, I had instant skin to skin and my husband cut the cord. I had luckily very little blood loss this time around as last time I had a PPH and was very ill, this time I feel good considering lol. It was a relief when they weighed her as I can't imagine I would of managed with no assistance at the end to have birthed her naturally. She's just amazing, taking to breast feeding like a pro even tho for me it's not comfy due to section but we're working our way around it. I can't believe how much like her brother she looks and now I can't wait to go home. Praying tomorrow but catheter just been taken out so plenty water and hope to pass plenty urine today so they don't keep me longer.
Congratulations. Not the outcome you planned but it sounds like you did beautifully.

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