Luke since being a toddler has always been a great sleeper, went into a bed at 15 months with no problem, only illnesses disturb his nights. For the last week, he has suddenly decided to get up every night, sometimes once, sometimes 4 or more times. He doesnt cry, he just comes and stands beside our bed, I take him back but have to stay with him or else he gets straight back up. Some nights it taking 2 hours to get him back to sleep. I then have my 3 month old feeding round these wake ups. He also is waking early, used to be 7.30-8am, now is between 5.30-6. During the day, he has a nap some days but wakes up very upset as he is still tired. Some days he just refuses to sleep. He goes to bed 8.30-9, he always woke early if he went before these times. Is it time to maybe bring his bedtime forward at his age? Does over tiredness cause night wakings at this age? X