****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Good morning all :)

It took me ages to get to sleep last night. I felt all gaggy and just ikky. Came out of the blue.

OMG my dreams are getting weirder and weirder. I'm talking in my sleep nightly now. Hubby thinks it's hilarious. It's all so vivid and random. Haha

Need to tell a few more people at work Im pregnant today. Haven't had the chance to actually tell some of the people I chat to most with being so busy.

Another bump pat on Sunday night but this time a girl, mum of two. Funny funny.

Anyway have a great day everyone xxx
Hi all - happy new year!!
sorry I havent been on for a while and then couldnt find the group and only noticed yesterday that it had been moved!!
Hope you are all doing well, in my lunch break I am going to catch up on everything!!
I had my 16 week antenatal yesterday and all ok, doc found heartbeat and then squiggle jumped away and she struggled to find it again but when she did it was amazing and clear and strong :)
am trying to move my scan date as it is when i am nearly 23 weeks and my DH husband is away, hopefully will be at the beginning of Feb instead!!
hugs xxx
Congratulations on team blue FLGAL!

I have my 16 weeks appointment today, hopefully will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time, then I have my 20 week scan on 1 February, can't wait to find out the gender.

I've only bought 2 items so far, a medela swing electric breast pump and the close baby carrier, both from ebay. I'm so looking forward to finding out the sex so I can start buying clothes.

Have a nice day ladies.
Finally caught up on all the posts!!

Congrats FLGAL on team blue.... I am convinced I am going to have a boy, would prefer a girl but we have decided to stay team YELLOW!

I have taped One Born every minute and will watch it tonight.... people at work who saw it told me not to watch it though!! Sod that I am intrigued, esp by the screamer!!
my oh was freaking out about that woman on one born every minute!! lol!!

i had random dream last night i was giving birth to a baby boy in the birthing unit baby came out fine but placenta got stuck and they had to rush me into the big hospital to have it removed :lol: funny and random but freaky!!!! remember being in no pain aswell.. very odd dream!!!
So I had my 16 week appointment and heard the heartbeat for the first time, all is well, so I'm happy except that when the midwife weighed me, she said I'd gone from 58 kg to 62 kg in 5 weeks, I am disputing this inwardly because I noticed that her scale was not at zero before I got on, it said 1.5kg. Plus I just weighed myself at home and it said 60, so I'm going with 60!
Awwww everyone at work knows now and they were so lovely. It's funny how everyone goes all gooey over babies. Theyre guessing girl hehe.

Spent all day gagging which was gross. I thought that had passed.

My bump feels massive today. I feel so full!!!

Tv to myself and a relaxing evening ahead thank goodness.

Hope everyone is doing well so far today x
Hi all ! Hi flybee nice to hear from you I'd wonder if you'd got lost with all the moving!

Mama Afrika - whats your prediction? I'll update yours and Flybee's on the first page;-) We're seeing if our motherly intuition proves correct!

Well girls, I caved in today and went to the mammoth topshop in oxford circus and got me some maternity stuff :happydance:
I got some awesome supersoft black skinny jeans and a maternity bra - all mine are too small and uncomfortable. The trousers are great - SO comfy! I'm going to wear them to death!! Also went makeup shopping (never get tired of that, especially with my big discount!)

Re One born every minute, I was telling my dh about it this morning, he is SO not interested! Just freaks him out. He doesn't want to cut the cord or anything.. he's hoping they're not going to ask him! I've said to him I want him at the 'north' end anyway - don't want him seeing my va-jazzle in that state!! :haha:
ive been gagging a bit too its horrid isnt it!!

most the parents of the kids i look after still havent got a clue about bubs!! lol its quite funny i get the is she isnt she looks but no one has asked... :lol: not gone out on the newsletter yet missed the december one and we didnt want to put anyhting on it incase something was wrong at scan and boss hasnt done one for january yet lol
Mama Afrika - I've gone from 62 to 65 don't worry! (i'm pretty tall but don't want to get HUGE so I just look like a massive giant woman)

Starglow - I reckon you'll have a girl too honey :kiss:

:happydance::happydance: 16 WEEKS TODAY:happydance::happydance:
very cool!!! il be 16 weeks tomoro :) yaaaay!!! going very quick i must say!!
yay!!! its going so quick! 28 days til my 20 weeks scan!!
when is everyone taking maternity leave or thinking of taking maternity leave i really dont know when il take it thought you girlies might be able to help by seeing if youve thought about it yet???
I am leaving a week before my due date.I have a easy laid back job.I am not comming back to work I want to be able to stay at home with my little Aiden.It cost to much for daycare and for me to put him on my insurance so I am excited about this.Is anyone else planning on not going back to work?
i would love to be able to not go back to work but its just not possible! il probably stick to doing what i do now and do half days over here we can get child tax credits which help to pay for childcare but then my oh's mum might be able to have our baby some days too or my mum even, im unsure of when to leave my job is quite demanding and pysical i look after 3-4 babies everyday and none of mine are excatly light!! always running around putting them to bed getting them up making bottles and preparing food and barely have time to sit down for 5 minutes except when they are all eating but then i can have one on my lap having a bottle and assisting 3 other babies in low chairs with their dinners .. very stressful my job!!! and plus i can never get anyone to do anything for me without doing it wrong or mucking it up might aswell do everything myself which learnt again today!!
iam a stay at home mum now but left my last job 4 weeks before my due date! will look at going back to work part time when the youngest is at full time school! :)
i so want to stay home and not go back to work but i know i have too we just wont be able to afford for me to not work :( not that i earn alot in the first place mind lol
have you rang wft to work out what you would be entitled too once baby is here? or looked online? there was no point in me going back to work as my wages would have paid for childcare! so we agreed there was no point in me returning to work as i would technically be working for nothing!
I am officially starting maternity on 20th June but last day will be 3rd June so taking 2 weeks holiday before the actual maternity kicks in!
I would love to not go back to work and am hoping my husband gets a decent payrise while I am off and then he promised I wouldnt have to go back to work!!

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