****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

wow lilly! your job looks fab! so glam!

Put's me to shame I'm just a sales assistant in a camping shop... :-/
I'm determined to 'do something' after this baby. Would love to go to uni and study to be a midwife but I don't want to move away and the nearest uni that does it is 2 hours away.

Anyway, here's a pic of my 16 week bump!
Wow I'm hormonal tonight. Got all upset after a row and then threw up for 10 mins :(

I think men forget how exhausting it can be trying to live your usual life while growing a baby. Sometimes I wish they could feel exactly what it's like cause they just don't have a clue. :( I'm doing my very best and right now I'm just really upset.

Men men men Arg MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
starglow :hug:

aileymouse - lovely bump

Lilly- photos are fantastic, and those lashes my god. I did beauty therapy when i left school and found normal false lashes time consuming loved the gold ones :)
website is fab, love the layout!

Last working day of the week for me. Long day ahead. Woken feeling rubbish after row. I utterly hate when we argue but i know it's cause we were both tired.

I haven't been taking bump pictures yet. I'll post one when I do tho.

Have a great day Cupcakes xxx
morning everyone, hope everyone is OK, I took a piccie of my 16+2 bump last night and will post it on here tomorrow as need to find the camera lead, we ordered new bedroom furniture and the flat is currently upside down while we wait for it! Grrrr

I have also been up most of the night waiting for my damn exam results which usually come through about 4am and still havent come through!! This isnt doing good things for my blood pressure I am sure!!

My exam was during the early issues I had so am not expecting to pass at all so will need to re-sit in March! Not looking forward to having to get the books out again!!

Hope you all have a good day x
wow lilly! your job looks fab! so glam!

Put's me to shame I'm just a sales assistant in a camping shop... :-/
I'm determined to 'do something' after this baby. Would love to go to uni and study to be a midwife but I don't want to move away and the nearest uni that does it is 2 hours away.

Anyway, here's a pic of my 16 week bump!

hey - your bump looks very similar to mine, yay for mine starting to look like a bump and not a food baby!!
Hi Ladies!

Lilly- beautiful bump! And your photos are amazing-- lovely work!

Aileymouse- also a beautiful bump!

Starglow- I'm sorry you're not feeling well :( I hope men are less frustrating today :hugs:

I told the "higher ups" at work this week that I'm pregnant! my boss and team already knew, but the executives on my project didn't know yet. I was nervous about telling them (I had no idea how to bring it up... what do you say? "Hi, how are you doing today? Me? Fine, pregnant... have a nice day!"). It went okay though, and everyone was pretty enthusiastic...

I also had a dream last night that I went into a bar/pub and ordered a bloody mary. I took one sip before I "remembered" that I wasn't supposed to drink it and then left. *shrugs* I've never actually had a bloody mary in my entire life (and I rarely ever drink) but I woke wanting some tomato juice :) Anyone else having random dreams?

hch- I also feel the same way about having a baby-- it hasn't sunken in yet. Everyone I have told this to has nodded knowingly and just told me that it will feel more "real" once I can feel the baby moving. DH actually seems way more into this than I am, which I think is pretty funny (he's already started decorating the baby room, while I'm more like, "it's okay, we've got TONS of time left..."). :)
Phewee i passed my exam, no more college or exams ever!!! I can now focus on becoming a Mum hooray :)
Congrats Flybee!! What a relief for you!! Now you'll have a well-deserved break from studying! :)
FAB bump Aileymouse!! Got to post close up of mine too it seems to be getting bigger every day

Flybee - congrats on passing your exam wooohoo!!

Starglow - I hear you, MEN!!! my dh has been annoying me a bit... i guess he's just not as interested as me in all this baby stuff, I feel like I need more attention etc! and I've been working late every night and just think he should remember how tiring it is for me! (i'm so demanding..haha, poor Liam)


Oooo Gender Scan tomorrow, what time is it?! Sooo exciting, I dont know how you will sleep and lucky you, you get to see little bubba again :)

My DH annoys the hell out of me sometimes esp at night when trying to sleep as he hogs the whole bed! He doesnt understand why I get so irritable! I bought him a book called a Blokes guide to pregnancy and he has so far read 1 page!!
Lilly-- I will be on here at 11, eagerly awaiting your update :) Just remember--the sooner you sleep tonight the faster tomorrow will be here! Do they just literally only look for gender, or do they check for other things as well?

Flybee--I bought DH a book called, "Help, I got my wife pregnant!" which is actually really funny and includes things like, "What NOT to say... to your pregnant wife...during the birth, etc. It also gave him some useful advice, and occasionally DH will announce some random fact he learned in the book. Do any of your DH's friends have kids or have they read a similar book? Maybe they could encourage him to read it?
Itsychik- that book sounds hillarious! I have been hinting to my husband he should read the baby books but he hasn't looked at a single one. He is great other wise though.

Starglow- I hope your feeling better today *hugs*

Lily-great bump pic! only 1 more night left til your scan!

Flybee- Congrats on passing! it feels great to pass those exams.

I'm just back at work after all the snow, its compacted down to almost ice now. Hubby shoveled the whole driveway himself last night. He was aching.
Thanks girlies :)

I'm not working tomorrow and have to wait in for boiler man so I shall be waiting to hear what sex Lilly's baby is :) yay can't wait.

Men don't understand that we're just more tired than normal. It's not a moan it's just true. We get on with everything as usual but sometimes Its a little tougher and we need a bit of support. Anyway man rant over. :)

ifeel left out i cant moan about my oh :lol: hes great takes sometimes a bit too much interest in it mind lol but he has been reading books :)
Yay Flybee well done :happydance: wish i could say the same, im still waiting for the results of my assignments and i still have 18 months to go at uni :(

Lilly i will be on and off all day at work tomorrow waiting for the outcome :)

so on the men subject ( and please don't think i am saying this to brag as i am not like that at all) my dh is being fantastic. He is the one who picks up the books to read and he does anything i ask him too. I will be sitting on here and the washing is in the washer and the washing up is done. Although i do know how you all feel my ex husband was terrible he wasn't interested at all. It was like ok i done my bit you got pregnant now get on with it. Never asked if i was ok wasnt bothered about what was happening with baby. So i have to admit it is really lovely for me this time as its so different :)
Yeah my hubby is usually pretty supportive. But just when I'm at my worst instead of giving me the support I need, he tells me how busy he is etc. But that's what happens when you're both holding down busy jobs, running a home and planning for a new baby and wanting to buy a bigger home etc. He works really really long days and is always exhausted when he gets home. Because I work close to home it's always me who has to keep the housework up etc or I'd be living in a tip!


What's everyones thoughts on childcare ( nurseries ). I might have to leave baby 3 half days a week while I work from about 3.5-4 months. I'm not sure how good the care is. Someone who works in one told me she thinks the babies don't get as much attention as they should. Anyone any experience in this? Be really helpful for me xxx
strawberry is prob best answering that as she works in a nursery with babies :)

i sent mine to nursery but he was 2 so you cannot really compare that to babies, sorry i cant be anymore help :flower:
heya girlies thats right i do work with the babies at the mo!! it really does vary i know i try my best to spend as much time as i can with each baby and have one to one time make sure they are happy and stimulated etc its easy to do when i only have a few in say 3 or 4 as they all sleep at different times so there are times where i only have 2 awake and we will get activities out and things but the days when we have 6 in even when i have a student with me is just utter mayhem its caos!! those does i dont get time to sit down because there is always one needing to go down to sleep or a bottle needing made up and nappies to change! although if there is a quiet few minutes the children who are awake will get all the attention that i can possibly give them!!.. not an easy place to work and i hate when people say you work with kids all day thats not work you just play all day... hmm yeah okay you come do my job for even a couple of hours and you will soon change your mind!! lol!! .. nurseries are good for babies and they get alot out of it but make sure you look around a few first and ask your firends about the nurseries they have used and always remember to ask how many babies the look after at one time and the age gaps etc!

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