****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

but just for the record i wont be bringing my baby to work with me thats not because im horrible or i dont think my baby will get enough attention or will get jealous etc its jsut from experience of watching my coworker struggle with having her 2 girls at work with her she really misses her eldest now shes at school because shes used to being with her day and night for the last 4 years and just other things too i think i would like to keep work and home seperate! so my baby will be going to a very good friend of mine who is a childminder and her own kids are lovely best kids i have ever met so polite and well behaved
I just wanted to add that my DH is wonderful as well :) He's taken over most of the housework (similar to Starglow, he's the one who works closest to home, and I have to commute to Amsterdam-- 1.5 hour drive in traffic!) and he cooks and is way more involved with baby than I am at the moment :) I'm very lucky :cloud9:

I don't live in the U.K... but while I was in college (Uni?) I worked in a daycare (in the U.S.) and while I'm sure the laws there are waaay different, the people were really attentive (a lot of the women working there with the older kids, had their babies in the nursery as well). They were required by law to have at least 1 care-giver per 3 babies (under 1 year old) so the babies got a lot of personal attention. It really restored my faith in daycare!

Although as I said, I have no idea how it is on this side of the ocean... :) We will be putting LO in daycare as well after around 3 months, for 2 - 3 days a week.
Aw thanks so much Hun. Youve put my mind at ease. Yeah this girl I know works in a nursery and she loves it but it was a worry when she said about babies not getting enough attention. You're so right, I just need to check out how many they could have In at any time.

I don't have any local friends with babies so I've no one to ask who could help. I feel a bit alone. I have friends who are new mums but they live in different countries.

As I've never needed to look into nursery care I've no idea what to be looking out for. The only reason I'm thinking about it so early is that have a work meeting about maternity pay (or not) and leave (or not). I'm thinking I'm going to have to get back to work really quick as I don't want to hand all my hard work over to someone else on a
plate. It's taken too many years to build up my work. I have to decide wether to take a few months off ( only if I get pay ) or take the summer off and start the students lessons late October early November. Think I need to think about all this when I'm not so tired and worried. X

Thanks Hun tho ......... I'll look into the local nurseries xxxx
A child minder is another option but expensive. I always wanted to be a stay at home mum. It's going to be so hard handing my lo to someone else. But I know it's good for them to mix with others. Humm options options
child minders arent always the more expensive option aswell though so you can still look into that :) i do enjoy my job most days it is stressful and there are days wherethey could possibly not get enough attention but it isnt like we just le them do whatever we want its far from from that a day with 3 babies could be so lovely and peaceful one day and the next be utter hell if they are all in moods or ill or having a very demanding day!
Aw thanks. I presume childminders still have to be qualified. It may be a more flexible option for me. Thanks Strawberry xxx

Sorry for the moan. Gonna finish off my teaching, have an easy dinner of lemon sole gougons ( cant spell that lol preggie brain) and potato salad, get the wash on and get cosy in bed with a book and tv early.

Luckily wanting fruit again. Enjoying grapes ...... At last and my stash of orange juice is on it's way home with hubby x
yeah childminders still have to be qualified or at least in training alot of people arent keen on childminders as quite often it is just them working by themselves but obviously at a nursery there are several people, i however have complete trust in the childminder that i will be sending my bub too

i lov fruit too me and the babies ate lots of grapes today lol
i am addicted to fruit, it seems to be all i am snacking on and it has been the same since I got pregnant! I have eaten soooo many oranges!

I will try and get hubbie to read the book, i think he will eventually!!
OMG is anyone else hit with exhaustion? This is weird I have tiredness like in the first trimester. I'm wondering how I'm going to teach! I can't keep my eyes open! Yesterday was pretty bad but this is crazy! How bizarre!

Just looking up child care and nurseries locally on line is a mare. I'll have to make appointments and go look at them x
Hi girls! I'm a little late on the bump postings, but here's mine anyway, taken just this morning!

BTW, I had the strangest dream last night! I think I fell asleep with my hand on my tummy, wondering when I'll be able to feel baby moving and then I dreamt that I (kinda) "gave birth", only the baby was TINY, like if I were to give birth right now and it was INSIDE THE AMNIOTIC SAC! The whole thing just... came out. But the sac wasn't see thru, it was a very dark color. It wasn't a scary or sad dream, just weird because I laid on my bed with my hand on top of the sac feeling baby move. He/She was perfectly fine in there. :shrug:


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aaah bless my DH usually he is amazing. one of those guys where all my friends and family are like 'oh he's so lovely' - I think I've been a bit obsessed with the baby and pregnancy i think i'm driving him a bit insane! He's probably wondering where his Lilly has gone!!

Flybee i also have a giant fruit craving. So far today i've made my own smoothie - bananas and strawberries, just finished an apple, have dried mango for snacks and satsuma's for later AND i have a packet of fruit flavoured rowntree sweets!!

I can't wait to update you guys tomorrow!!! i will have to do it by phone though as will be at work after (boo, I SO want to go straight off shopping after!!!)
All of your bump pictures are so cute!! I hope everyone has a great day!
starglow -

yes major tiredness, headaches and sore boobs have all come back this week, really strange :shrug:
urrrggghhhh! my OH is actually driving me to an early grave today! im so mad with him! he just doesnt seem to realise how much i do and sometimes i would actually like a hand with things! i walk to my sons school 3 times a day 2 miles there 2 miles back! do all the house work washing cooking etc bathing the kids doing there homework reading to them putting them to bed and he does well nothing! he works pretty long hours but does get 2 days off a week and when he is on day off he does nothing! i have told him 5 times this week that he needs to ring his insurance company to give them his new bank details so they can set up his DD and also HE cancelled our broadband as he didnt like the down load speed so they sent him the mac number so he could immediatly set up a new account with another provider! has he done it???? NO!! and then he told me i should stop nagging him and has gone to sleep on the chair!! honestly i feel like bloody killing him! he is snoring and its really grating me and i actually want to get a frying pan and hit him with it! why does he think that things will automatically sort themselves out??? he said he would help me clean up ! has he NO!!! he just sat and watched me! so i told him earlier that im not washing his work clothes and he can do it himself and infact he can everything himself from now on !!! why should i have to pick up shit after him! he is a bloody grown man for god sake! he doesnt act like this at work so would he come home and be like this! arrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhh! sorry for ranting! just needed to get it off my chest and if doesnt make sense i appologise!! someone send me a nice man!
Aw Lilly how exciting. I'll be working after my scan but I'll be going to buy an outfit in the right colour as soon as I get a chance :)

Good luck xxxx and enjoy every bit
starglow -

yes major tiredness, headaches and sore boobs have all come back this week, really strange :shrug:

It's so strange isn't it. The banging headaches etc. I just feel wiped out. But hey it's not just me Xxxxxxxxx hugs
Hch. Lol men are crap!!!!!!!!! They say yes yes yes and do nothing. It's so annoying! Hubby is good at anything but housework. He thinks little fairies come along and clean up everywhere he goes! Nevermind the once a year he does clear up he'll do a good job and then go mental if I leave a teaspoon out!!!!!! ???!

Anyway how much walking do you do. Wow!!!! That's so good for u x
Evening Cupcakes :D

Flybee congrats on your exam results :yipee: I bet your so relieved!?

Lilly hope you sleep well tonight and enjoy your scan tomorrow! :flower:

Starglow I have no insight on childminding or nurseries sorry, strawberry was very helpful though at least

hch :hugs: hoping your feeling better, grrr @ men

My dh isn't too bad just frustrating at times so can't complain, he wasn't let me do anything in first tri but wouldn't do everything himself lol cleaning isn't his forte but he enjoys cooking which is excellent! A vacum around is as far as he goes lol

I'm due to take a bump pic so will post when I've done it, feels bigger today, apparently bubs will double in size in next two weeks - that's some growing!
My constant headaches have actually been better last two days, hope yous Lollley and Starglow settle, I have a feeling I haven't seen the back of them.
Flybee congrats on passing your exams!!

Lilly, good luck with the scan tomorrow, can't wait to hear what you're having!

My little girl went to nursery from 11 months old and I think it has done her the world of good! :)

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