I cant see anything but I am really useless at spotting lines sorry good luck though
this is how mine were coming up x
aww my af came im cd3 now, i had these lines on these tests and lines on CB ! shocking , i dnt trust any now , ive gone bk to charting
it really isnt hun, give it a try , i use opk aswell x
not seeing anything ( you must be driving yourself mad with all these tests you keep doing lol you a poas addict??lol gl
When I tilt screen I see the line xxx
Its soooo weird... have you still not had any sign of AF xxx
not seeing anything ( you must be driving yourself mad with all these tests you keep doing lol you a poas addict??lol gl
I am a little bit of an addict! I had it in the house so needed to pee on it!