Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Hi everyone! Phew, I don't know where to start. I don't come on here for a couple of weeks and come back to find Inky with a BFP! That's fantastic news!!! I really really hope everything goes well for you as you deserve it. You must be over the moon!
So sorry so see we have new members though as it's certainly not a thread any of us want to join.
Wallie - it sounds like you had a real rollercoaster of a cycle. I remember waiting for our fertilisation report and thinking that it had never even occured to me before that we might not get to the 2ww. All I wanted was to get to that and have some hope. When we did and it then failed, it's just the worst feeling ever. So sorry it didn't work out for you.
Mrs Major, Poohbear and raf-wife - welcome. Again, although it's not a thread anyone wants to join, it really is a huge support to speak to others who are going through the same.
Poohbear - I notice you were at Seacroft in Leeds. That's where we had our failed cycle in December. What did you think of it? We had no major complaints (apart from the fact they'd only put one embryo back) but we aren't going back for our second go. We're going to Care in Manchester, which I'm feeling really positive about.
Did you say you are going to Care Notts? I've heard great things about Care Notts, but we're going to M'cr as they're trialling the new IMSI technique which is meant to improve chances if you have MF.
Just a quick update from me - We went to the open night at Care M'cr and I LOVED it there. I was hoping we could start in April, but just found out Friday that there's a 5-week waiting list for an initial consultation so looks like I might have left it a bit late for that, so more WAITING!! I sent off our referral yesterday, so hoping the appt will come through soon.
Not sure if you remember, but I had to fight to get my tubes checked because the gyno said there was no point as we had MF. He eventually agreed and I've been super nervous about it since. I was meant to have it done last Monday but had to cancel (long story, but I wasn't able to take the antibiotic as I had an appt in London about my other bladder problem and as he needed samples ABs would have messed up the results). So I have another month to wait now!!! I wanted to buy one of the Clearblue digi ovulation thingys, but now I'm worried I'll jinx it if I buy one before my HSG. I never even thought about my tubes over the past year but now I'm convinced they'll be blocked and I can't stop stressing about it. Every single twinge I get I think it's because my tube is blocked. I also keep thinking that, because I had so much bleeding after egg collection (I think it was bleeding from my ovaries as I had so many follicles) the blood might have blocked my tubes. Do you think I'm going mad? I know I probably am, as I know we need ICSI anyway, but I don't think I could bear it if my tubes were blocked too.
Anyway, going to leave you and I'll try check back soon instead of leaving it so long again.
Inky - keep us posted on how you get on!

Ps - might have to upload a pic of my Freddie soon as we seem to be the cat loving thread!
Sorry, just realised I didn't say welcome to Lizz! Can't keep up with you all.Let's hope we get another bfp soon.Inky's is the 2nd so far this year I think?!
Lou32 hi yes we was at Leeds I had a really bad Tom there when I was having my m/c one of the nurse said ho just go home and stop bothering me and if u I was u I wouldn't bother with anymore ttx get on with ur life I could have smacked her in face so I will never go back and we picked Nottingham as we live dead on m1 so it's easier for us
Hi Lou,
The waiting is hideous isn't it?? I've been lucky with my clinic in Hove they are amazing - good luck with your next cycle.
I'm waiting to get my AF this month as it means we can then work out when our day 21 is and jump back on the injecting - my cycle was always a bit erratic, so now i'm stressing incase I have a really long one! Utterly ridiculous that I want it to arrive this month! Pah, drives you nuts doesn't it.
The waiting will be worth it if we all get what we want though.

Good luck,
Liz x
hi poohbear - what awful treatment at Leeds you had... i had my cycle at seacroft as well and i'm most definitely not going back for another round, i also had what i feel was terrible treatment there, so if we go for another cycle we're going to Care @ Manchester.

hope you have better treatment next time around xxx
So that's 3 of us who went to Seacroft! I thought they were ok, but a typical busy NHS unit with little time for patients really.I was shocked that they don't even ring you to tell you if your spare embies don't make it.Their advice for our 3 spare was to get them to day 5 before freezing,but they said if we didn't hear anything day 5 or 6 they hadn't made it.I didn't think it would've hurt to call us either way.I sat by the phone the whole time & by day 6 just called them as I couldn't take any more.It was bad news but they could've put me out the misery the day before! We are going to Care in Manchester next. We've only been to the open evening so far but it seems sooo much nicer than NHS. Poohbear, I can't believe a nurse said that. i hope you reported her! mrs major, what happened with you at seacroft? Good luck Lizz with ur cycle.The waiting doesn't get easier does it, then when you're about to start you feel like you're not ready! At least that's how I felt! x ps. Xcuse lack of paragraphs but on my fone as dh hogging computer!
Lou I totally agree we said well if they ain't going to make it to day 5 would u atleast put 2 back in why let them die but no they wouldn't change there mind I cried all night knowing that my 2 little embryos would not make it to day 5 and then no bloody phone call it made me really upset I've been to open evening at Nottingham and have my first appointment on the 5th of April not long now
Poohbear - I noticed on your signature you've lost over 5 stone. That's incredible! How have you done it?
I lot of hard work I did 2 by myself and the other at slimming world but to behonest I had lost more but put 2stone on since Xmas what I'm quite upset about going to have my holiday and start again ho I forgot and gym 5 days a week
hi i did the same i went from almost 16st to 8st my pcos became borderline and af became more regular, i went on a low fat diet and regular gym workouts, unfortunatly whilst waiting for ivf the stress and the high dairy etc food i was having to try and help the cycle i have gained almost 3st back in just 12 mths so as soon as i get rid of this horrible af im having now from my failed cycle im going straight back to the gym x
I'm so sorry to see some new faces. :hugs::hugs:to you all.

H xx
RAF- wife it's hard work isn't it but we have done it once sure we can do it again
Just wanted to share with you that someone at my work had four failed IVFs at Leeds before going to Care Nottingham and she's now pregnant with twins. If it wasn't for M'cr doing the IMSI, I'd be going there too.
You have my respect for losing so much weight! 've been trying to do an anti-candida diet for the past 6 months because I've had so much antibiotics with my painful bladder condition (and I'm back on the A/Bs now worst luck) and I've lost a bit of weight on that, but I just replaced the sugar with other things I shouldn't eat. My BMI was on the high side of 27 when I did the last ICSI and I thought it would be great to get it down to under 25 for the next one, but I've been hovering around 25.7 for ages and I just can't shift the last bit. I can't exercise much because of my painful bladder , so it's really hard. Am thinking yoga might be the way forward...
RAF- wife it's hard work isn't it but we have done it once sure we can do it again

it is really tough i think it gets easier once it becomes routine, your right though we know exactly what to do and just need the determination back :hugs:
Hi, just wondered how everyone is doing?? Hop everyone's keeping well and that we might have some more good news soon...
Had a bit of a bad day yesterday, all thanks to a horrible new GP. I went to the docs to ask if they'd do my FSH (Care said I need it doing before our first consultation and they suggested asking at my GP surgery first as they sometimes do it on the NHS which would save me paying, which I thought was nice of them). Anyway, it was a new doc (a registrar, not sure what the difference is) and he reluctantly agreed to do the test but made a point of telling me it would be a hard journey and I might not get a baby at the end of it all! I was so shocked and told him I was trying to remain positive, he said he was just telling me the truth. Honestly, I just got out to the car and burst into tears. I spend every moment of the day trying to tell myself it will happen, even though I'm terrified it might not, so it was a pretty cruel thing to say. What a complete b****rd!
what a horrible thing for the doctor to say, i think its important to try and stay positive, one thing i have really noticed during this whole thing is how thoughtless and tactless people can be, even so called friends, i hope you dont have to see that doctor again :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi, just wondered how everyone is doing?? Hop everyone's keeping well and that we might have some more good news soon...
Had a bit of a bad day yesterday, all thanks to a horrible new GP. I went to the docs to ask if they'd do my FSH (Care said I need it doing before our first consultation and they suggested asking at my GP surgery first as they sometimes do it on the NHS which would save me paying, which I thought was nice of them). Anyway, it was a new doc (a registrar, not sure what the difference is) and he reluctantly agreed to do the test but made a point of telling me it would be a hard journey and I might not get a baby at the end of it all! I was so shocked and told him I was trying to remain positive, he said he was just telling me the truth. Honestly, I just got out to the car and burst into tears. I spend every moment of the day trying to tell myself it will happen, even though I'm terrified it might not, so it was a pretty cruel thing to say. What a complete b****rd!

Some folk are heartless and that coming from a GP is disgusting. Yeh, he is a total b****d, try not to think about what he said. You've got to keep hoping that it will work....:hugs:

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