Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Omg lou what a nxxb don't let him upset u just have pma and it will work for u an all of us one day I'm sure sorry can't put anymore but I'm of to Tenerife in 6 hrs so must get to sleep chin up honey xxxxxxx
Sorry to hear about that Lou. He sounds a right prat.

I think sometimes they deal with these things too much that they lose perspective of us as individuals. My clinic have been fab but the last consultant I saw got a bit short with me as I had lots of questions and I was trying to hedge my bets with trying both naturally and with IVF. The ultimate aim was I want a baby but I felt she thought I was being awkward.

A couple of weeks later I tried to speak to her and she was on leave, it was half term so she was no doubt looking after her kids. I'm not sure it's really possible for them to understand what it's like for us having never gone through it.

Anyway keep your chin up, you have every chance of it working. Go in there with a big belly in a few months and show him how wrong he was!!

H xx
Wow! What a jerk! :growlmad:As if you don't already know and fear that! Yes, you have to stay positive! I just had a failed IVF and will hopefully be trying FET with my one and only frosty pretty soon. It is so hard getting the :bfn:, and being such an emotional wreck since they just took me off all meds right after! One minute I'm okay, even hopeful, the next I'm :cry:. Infertility really sucks and it truley is only something those who have gone through it can understand. I'm thankful I found this forum. Here's hoping we can all get that coveted :bfp: soon! love to you all!:hugs:
Just had to say what a t****r, good for you Lou to tell him back that your being postive, hopefully he took that in, stupid git!! My GP said its positivity all the way and shes so right. We will all get there in the end :thumbup:
Hi, just wondered how everyone is doing?? Hop everyone's keeping well and that we might have some more good news soon...
Had a bit of a bad day yesterday, all thanks to a horrible new GP. I went to the docs to ask if they'd do my FSH (Care said I need it doing before our first consultation and they suggested asking at my GP surgery first as they sometimes do it on the NHS which would save me paying, which I thought was nice of them). Anyway, it was a new doc (a registrar, not sure what the difference is) and he reluctantly agreed to do the test but made a point of telling me it would be a hard journey and I might not get a baby at the end of it all! I was so shocked and told him I was trying to remain positive, he said he was just telling me the truth. Honestly, I just got out to the car and burst into tears. I spend every moment of the day trying to tell myself it will happen, even though I'm terrified it might not, so it was a pretty cruel thing to say. What a complete b****rd!

What a complete numbskull that doctor was.. A registrar is someone in training to be a GP, they have to complete so much surgery time and take a few exams before they qualify. He has failed. Funny, I was talking to a young female doctor (you know I am a nurse ) this was about a year ago. I was just telling her about my treatment. She said exactly the same thing and it really upset me. I think he needs to do abit more research. IVF is highly successful. It works for 1 in 3. Over three cycles it is over 75% effective. These figures are all over teh internet. So, take no notice. It works for most people actually. I would like to go and speak to him!!! I know loads of people who have gotten pregnant via IVF. Even my neighbour, at 40 is pregnant via her second round of IVF. He needn't of said that. The question someone put to me was, 'Why wouldn't it work for you'. I had to concede I did not have an answer. Also, you have only had one cycle of IVF. The first cycle rarely works, and they can learn so much from a cycle that has failed. Going to a clinic like Care will also give you a greater chance.

Anyway, I haven't been on here much because I thought it was abit inappropriate but as I started the thread so I like to read how everyone is and know that I haven't just forgotten them.

I see there are some new members and I am very sad you have to be here. Hope the thread helps youxxxxxxx
Can I join??? I had IVF/ICSI this past month. A little background about me...I'm 26 (will be 27 in one month) and My hubby is 31.... We have male factor...Anyhow, background on our IVF/ICSI cycle: I had 42 eggs retrieved, 38 went on to fertilize and 16 became blasts. I was told I'd be lucky if we got to do a fresh cycle because I had signs that I over stimulated. He told me the day of my retrieval be prepared to do a frozen transfer! I did a protocol and fought it off (to the amazement of my doctor) We transferred 1 FRESH blast (5-days after) We wanted to transfer 2 but the doctor was against it and said I could still get very we didn't want to chance it.
Throughout the whole two week wait, I had cramps on and off, and a few days of light spotting (I thought OMG, this is implantation, it worked).....well I was wrong, today was the results of my beta and I got a BFN I'm devastated and so is my hubby, we've been trying for 2 years (this was our first IVF/ICSI attempt) We do feel lucky though that there are 15 more blasts waiting for us, but I just don’t feel hopeful, it this great blast didn’t work, what makes the other 15 better? Ya know? I’m probably not making sense!
The pain of a failed cycle is unreal, I now understand the pain of what some of you unfortunate ladies have had to go through when a cycle fails …t's like someone took your insides out! How do I mentally prepare myself for a FET... I'm just to distraught but don't want to give up just yet!!!!

I wishing you ladies all the best in your journeys!

Hi Ladies... I'm back with another :bfn:
We've recently went through a medicated FET...Transferred two blasts (according to the Dr. they were so good, just missing arms and legs) We were so hopeful, but our dreams got crushed again today! To make it even worse... sooo many of our friends and family are pregnant right now, expecting soon or about to deliver...I don't know how I'm going to face that all summer... We def aren't giving up JUST yet...We want to met with the Doctor and see what he says. This time I'm more mad that sad about it not working...What if it never happens? :cry:
3rd times a charm they say, right?

I'm sorry to see so many other ladies is so unfair to us!
I just can's fathom how the likes of two blasts don't work. It's just not fair. I feel your pain in your writing but yeh, don't give up, you've still got plenty of blasts to try again. :hugs:
I know, I never thought it wouldn't take. Going to see the Dr soon...I WANT ANSWERS!!! :(
I wish I had the answers flower. Perhaps an unmedicated cycle might prove better. Im so sorry for you. I hope you get some good answers. How long ago was your fresh cycle? Xx:hugs:
Yeh, Inky had an unmedicated cycle and got her :bfp: Maybe that's something to consider especially if you were doing IVF for MF.
What medication did you use flower? I'm doing a fet at the moment and am taking progynova and then I will start cyclogest nearer et!

I've just posted to you wallow on other thread :haha:

Sorry I mean wallie-damn predictive text on iPhone xx:wacko:
Flower, I know how you feel. We did a fresh cycle with 3 blasts transferred and none of them took. I too will be trying the FET but only have one blast leftover! I was limited since I only have 1 ovary. It is great that you have so many to work with! I know that the :bfn: is so upsetting that it is so hard to feel positive about the next try because you are so afraid of getting your hopes up and then having it not work. But try to stay positive! You have to give yourself every advantage and thinking positive has to help! Keep us posted!:hugs:
angiemom...My fresh cycle was October/November, and my recent FET was February/March. For my FET, I was on BC pills, lupron, Estrace, Progesterone in Oil, and Progesterone suppositories. I haven't heard of those meds that your on... When is your transfer date scheduled? Is there anything different that your doing than you did with your fresh (diet changes, bed rest days, acupuncture, etc)?

Wallie, I never thought of an unmedicted cycle, I'll mention that to my Dr. and see what he says. They are suppose to call me back tomorrow...

Thanks ladies:hugs:

P.S - I'm NOT looking forward to seeing:witch: after this...I remember after my fresh cycle, I was in so much pain!!! Like the :bfn: isn't enough, right?!
angiemom...My fresh cycle was October/November, and my recent FET was February/March. For my FET, I was on BC pills, lupron, Estrace, Progesterone in Oil, and Progesterone suppositories. I haven't heard of those meds that your on... When is your transfer date scheduled? Is there anything different that your doing than you did with your fresh (diet changes, bed rest days, acupuncture, etc)?

Wallie, I never thought of an unmedicted cycle, I'll mention that to my Dr. and see what he says. They are suppose to call me back tomorrow...

Thanks ladies:hugs:

P.S - I'm NOT looking forward to seeing:witch: after this...I remember after my fresh cycle, I was in so much pain!!! Like the :bfn: isn't enough, right?!

Hi Flower, as Wallie mentioned I was very lucky to get a BFP with an unmedicated cycle. I think this was the key. The fertility drugs make me feel so ill, I don't think my body agrees with them. You might be alot better with unmedicated.xx
Hi Flower, i agree with Inky. During my fresh cycle with all the drugs, i look back now and think i went a bit doolally :wacko: and I had really high E2 levels and had to take more meds for risk of OHSS but now im doing a cycle with only the progynova (this is to increase the lining and to stop ovulation) and im feeling so much better - no side affects.. I know I havent got as far as ET yet but i am def feeling better so perhaps this is something you could talk to your FS about. Infertility issues really do suck but just looking at different threads, IVF/ICSI def does work, it may just take a few times for some of us. I hope you are feeling a bit better :hugs:

angiemom...My fresh cycle was October/November, and my recent FET was February/March. For my FET, I was on BC pills, lupron, Estrace, Progesterone in Oil, and Progesterone suppositories. I haven't heard of those meds that your on... When is your transfer date scheduled? Is there anything different that your doing than you did with your fresh (diet changes, bed rest days, acupuncture, etc)?

Wallie, I never thought of an unmedicted cycle, I'll mention that to my Dr. and see what he says. They are suppose to call me back tomorrow...

Thanks ladies:hugs:

P.S - I'm NOT looking forward to seeing:witch: after this...I remember after my fresh cycle, I was in so much pain!!! Like the :bfn: isn't enough, right?!

Hi again, sorry i didnt answer the other questions...i am waiting for a call this afternoon to see when my ET date will be as ive been for a scan this morning and now the doc has to have a look etc...the only thing im doing diff is im not obsessing as much. Im eating what i normally eat, i even had a small glass of wine when just starting the tablets. Last time i got so obsessed about what i should eat, i dont think i ate enough!! I am drinking plenty of water and some milk, trying to eat veg and fruit but eating more than enough. I dont want to go hungry at all!! I am doing acupuncture which i also did on frsh cycle and i am planning on taking it very easy for a few days after transfer. I just feel so much better without much medication :hugs:
Hi everyone, thanks for all your responses. The starred out swear words made me smile....And Inky - I'm so glad you keep popping in to say hi. It's great to see when one of us gets pregnant. It feels like it will happen to all of us in time, we just have to be patient. I also didn't know that a registrar was a doc in training. My OH has written a letter of complaint, but I asked him not to send it yet as I just want the FSH results back without any hassle, then he can send it!
Anyway, just when I was starting to feel a bit better, I went in for my HSG this morning (I've been pestering the fertility unit for it doing for 18 months but they insisted we went straight to Icsi as it was apparently the sperm with the problem). The test showed one of my tubes is blocked right next to the ovary. I did a bit of googling and it turns out that this can mean a hydrosalpinx, ie. toxic fluid collects there which can kill embryos. This is what I feared right at the start and I can't help but think this could have caused the BFN with our last icsi. I rang the fertility clinic and spoke to a nurse and she just said I have to wait for the gyno to see it and they'll either write to me or call me in to discuss. Thing is, I don't trust them to make the right decision at all. They wouldn't do the HSG 18 months ago because they said the problem was with OH and when they finally gave in, he said he'd organise that but there was no way he'd do a lap and dye as they know the problem's with OH. I just really hope they don't dismiss me with this and that they treat it properly. If it means removing a tube then so be it, if it will improve our chances with icsi. It's all about saving money with them as their budget has been cut. It's just really unfair. Anyway, it seems like a baby really is even more unobtainable now. It looks like we're going to have a longer wait for the second icsi as it takes months for any appointments to come through.
My little sis rang (she's just had her first baby) and she just said maybe I should start looking into adoption. Is is just me, or is it impossible to consider this? I've only had one failed icsi and I just can't give up on having my own. OH is working tonight so I just feel like curling up and crying into my pillow!
When I first joined this site I saw some of the ladies who had a huge list of things wrong and I felt kinda lucky we were only contending with bad swimmers. Now I have a bloody knackered bladder (which I got from too much ttc!) and a toxic tube too!
Sorry to have to drag the thread down again with another miserable post. Just finding it hard to be positive right now :-(

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