Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Hi Poohbear,
That's great you liked Care Notts. I couldn't help but notice how nice Care M'cr was compared to our experiences with NHS in W Yorks. Even the big flat screen telly on the wall so you can see what they're looking at when they do the scan - I've never seen what they are scanning before. It's great to get some positivity isn't it? Sounds like you can really look forward to your next cycle now!
Hi ladies, just a quick one to say that mine was a bfn. Thanks lou for thinking of me and ill be back to check on your posts when I feel a bit better! I'm not sure how to advise you as I don't know anything about these type of tests , we've had mf but I am starting to wonder if I have something wrong too. This is so hard and so shit. Xxx

so sorry!:hugs: I just got on here to read and post a bit and saw your post. Sending support your way.:hugs:
Hello, i have just had a bfn following my 1st go at ivf. I was tested at the hospital yesterday - although i knew it was a no as i started bleeding on tuesday. The nurse said they dont know why it didnt work - i responded really well to the drugs, i had good eggs and had 2 grade 1 embies put back - but they just didnt stick. I am just devastated, as is DH. :cry::cry:
Hello, i have just had a bfn following my 1st go at ivf. I was tested at the hospital yesterday - although i knew it was a no as i started bleeding on tuesday. The nurse said they dont know why it didnt work - i responded really well to the drugs, i had good eggs and had 2 grade 1 embies put back - but they just didnt stick. I am just devastated, as is DH. :cry::cry:

So sorry! Wish you didn't have to join us on this thread. Sending love to you.:hugs:
Hello, i have just had a bfn following my 1st go at ivf. I was tested at the hospital yesterday - although i knew it was a no as i started bleeding on tuesday. The nurse said they dont know why it didnt work - i responded really well to the drugs, i had good eggs and had 2 grade 1 embies put back - but they just didnt stick. I am just devastated, as is DH. :cry::cry:

I think it's just pot luck, the doctors don't know why it works for some and not for others either yet. It's a mystery is still not perfected it.

It's good that you've got your review appt so soon, mine is next Tuesday and I had my bfn 21st February, so you are lucky you don't have to wait long to speak with someone.

I think it's good to know in your own mind what's now. It'll be good to get this sorted asap.

Hugs to you Lainey, I know exactly how you feel. Just be sad for a while and just let it all out.

This is a really good idea, we have just had a BFN after our 1st IVF treatment, following 3 x BFN after IUI treatment, and starting to feel a bit poo now :cry: and could really do with a chat to somebody going through the same :hugs:
Hey Just1wish. So sorry that you have had to join us here.

I remember feeling like you are now and its the worst but it does get easier to deal with, in time.

This is a really good site because there are lots of people who understand what you are going through. You just have to not be too hard on yourself, try and do anything that makes you feel a bit better.

Once you're feeling up to it, read the thread about the girls who have gone through IVF more than once. There are some success stories on there which will give you hope.

Thinking of you.

H xx
my story, we have been ttc for 3 years now and 1 year ago was referred to Birminghams Womens where I had a number of tested including the dye test they all came back fine and my partner is fine so they have said "unexplained".

We have had 3 iui treatments which were all bfn. :cry:

Last month we started our 1st ivf cycle which went really well with 8 eggs collected 6 which fertilised, then the doctors decided to let them go to the blastocyst stage which 3 made it :happydance: I had the transfer on the 4/4 with 1 grade 4ab blastocyst and the other 2 frozen which have been graded 2aa and 4ba.

However we had a bfn on the 13/04 :cry:

We have noe decided to wait until july to try a fresh cycle of ivf and hopefully add to our frozen ones for future use. :happydance:

Would really love to talk to people who understand, my friends are fab but not sure that they ever will understand the heartache we go through.
my story, we have been ttc for 3 years now and 1 year ago was referred to Birminghams Womens where I had a number of tested including the dye test they all came back fine and my partner is fine so they have said "unexplained".

We have had 3 iui treatments which were all bfn. :cry:

Last month we started our 1st ivf cycle which went really well with 8 eggs collected 6 which fertilised, then the doctors decided to let them go to the blastocyst stage which 3 made it :happydance: I had the transfer on the 4/4 with 1 grade 4ab blastocyst and the other 2 frozen which have been graded 2aa and 4ba.

However we had a bfn on the 13/04 :cry:

We have noe decided to wait until july to try a fresh cycle of ivf and hopefully add to our frozen ones for future use. :happydance:

Would really love to talk to people who understand, my friends are fab but not sure that they ever will understand the heartache we go through.

Welcome :flower: - we had our bfn on the same day - 13th was definitely unlucky :cry:. I know exactly how you feel - it is just devastating. I feel the same about my friends too - they are great - but all have managed to have kids - so have no idea how I am feeling. Plus my sister in law is due her 1st baby in 3 weeks, and my best friend is due in August - I am surrounded by pregnancy!! :cry:. Sending you lots of :hugs:
Hello, i have just had a bfn following my 1st go at ivf. I was tested at the hospital yesterday - although i knew it was a no as i started bleeding on tuesday. The nurse said they dont know why it didnt work - i responded really well to the drugs, i had good eggs and had 2 grade 1 embies put back - but they just didnt stick. I am just devastated, as is DH. :cry::cry:

I think it's just pot luck, the doctors don't know why it works for some and not for others either yet. It's a mystery is still not perfected it.

It's good that you've got your review appt so soon, mine is next Tuesday and I had my bfn 21st February, so you are lucky you don't have to wait long to speak with someone.

I think it's good to know in your own mind what's now. It'll be good to get this sorted asap.

Hugs to you Lainey, I know exactly how you feel. Just be sad for a while and just let it all out.


Thanks Wallie - i hope your review appointment goes well :hugs:
Lainey 27,

Sorry to hear about ur bfn :cry:, it just feels so hard to wanna carry on doesnt it?

We have decided to wait until july till we try again, so feel it right for us, I cant help but blame myself although I no thats not the case.

Did you have any frozen?

Sending you lots of fairy dust :hugs:
Lainey 27,

Sorry to hear about ur bfn :cry:, it just feels so hard to wanna carry on doesnt it?

We have decided to wait until july till we try again, so feel it right for us, I cant help but blame myself although I no thats not the case.

Did you have any frozen?

Sending you lots of fairy dust :hugs:

Hi just1wish, unfortunately we didnt have any frozen, so we'll be starting from scratch. I feel the same, i know its not my fault, but still.............

We've got a review appt on 17th May, then having a week in the sun on 29th May, and will probably go for our 2nd go after that. So it will be June or July for us. It's just so scary.

Wishing you lots of fairy dust too!:hugs:
Hi Lainey and Just1wish. Sorry you had to join us. I really feel like I'm outstaying my welcome here, as we had our BFN end December and we're no closer to our next go! I have a lap and dye booked for 28 June to check there's nothing that will affect the second icsi, but I'm hoping to get it done sooner as my GP so kindly referred me to a private hospital to see a different consultant there on the NHS. Hoping the list will be super short there.
After I was referred through our NHS fertility unit, the consultant said he would put me on the cancellations list. Sooo, heard nothing and I thought it would be a good idea to check I'm on the cancellations list by calling his secretary. She was a complete COW and said there was no cancellations list as all 'her ladies' had confirmed up to my date. I pointed out that someone might get pregnant or poorly, so wouldn't be a help to her if I could step in and she said no, she would not put me forward for a cancellation. I couldn't believe it. This is why I'm hoping the guy at the private hospital will be better....So sick of it all. Why does everything have to be a battle with hospitals?! I hate medical secretaries!!! They really need to learn to have some compassion.
Anyhoo, then got a text from one of my oldest friends yesterday (she lives other side of the country) telling me she's pregnant. That's now the last of my friends to get pregnant. We are officially the only ones without a baby or a bump. It's just too much to handle.
Hope everyone's doing ok. x
Hi Lainey and Just1wish. Sorry you had to join us. I really feel like I'm outstaying my welcome here, as we had our BFN end December and we're no closer to our next go! I have a lap and dye booked for 28 June to check there's nothing that will affect the second icsi, but I'm hoping to get it done sooner as my GP so kindly referred me to a private hospital to see a different consultant there on the NHS. Hoping the list will be super short there.
After I was referred through our NHS fertility unit, the consultant said he would put me on the cancellations list. Sooo, heard nothing and I thought it would be a good idea to check I'm on the cancellations list by calling his secretary. She was a complete COW and said there was no cancellations list as all 'her ladies' had confirmed up to my date. I pointed out that someone might get pregnant or poorly, so wouldn't be a help to her if I could step in and she said no, she would not put me forward for a cancellation. I couldn't believe it. This is why I'm hoping the guy at the private hospital will be better....So sick of it all. Why does everything have to be a battle with hospitals?! I hate medical secretaries!!! They really need to learn to have some compassion.
Anyhoo, then got a text from one of my oldest friends yesterday (she lives other side of the country) telling me she's pregnant. That's now the last of my friends to get pregnant. We are officially the only ones without a baby or a bump. It's just too much to handle.
Hope everyone's doing ok. x

I agree the medical profession need to sort themselves out. That's all we do is rely and wait on them for everything when we can't do this ourselves. I'm sick of all the waiting and some staff aren't the nicest are they? :hugs: it just makes it all the more difficult at times...
Hi Lainey and Just1wish. Sorry you had to join us. I really feel like I'm outstaying my welcome here, as we had our BFN end December and we're no closer to our next go! I have a lap and dye booked for 28 June to check there's nothing that will affect the second icsi, but I'm hoping to get it done sooner as my GP so kindly referred me to a private hospital to see a different consultant there on the NHS. Hoping the list will be super short there.
After I was referred through our NHS fertility unit, the consultant said he would put me on the cancellations list. Sooo, heard nothing and I thought it would be a good idea to check I'm on the cancellations list by calling his secretary. She was a complete COW and said there was no cancellations list as all 'her ladies' had confirmed up to my date. I pointed out that someone might get pregnant or poorly, so wouldn't be a help to her if I could step in and she said no, she would not put me forward for a cancellation. I couldn't believe it. This is why I'm hoping the guy at the private hospital will be better....So sick of it all. Why does everything have to be a battle with hospitals?! I hate medical secretaries!!! They really need to learn to have some compassion.
Anyhoo, then got a text from one of my oldest friends yesterday (she lives other side of the country) telling me she's pregnant. That's now the last of my friends to get pregnant. We are officially the only ones without a baby or a bump. It's just too much to handle.
Hope everyone's doing ok. x

Hi Lou - I know exactly what you mean about medical staff! I will never forget the conversation I had with my (male) gynaecologist who carried out my lap & dye. Him - the operation went well but that is the end of the good news for you. Both your tubes are blocked and you will never conceive a child naturally!!!! He then left to go and ruin someone else's life!! :growlmad: I dont think a day has gone by that i dont think about that conversation. Also - i too am the only one without a bump or a baby :cry:. My sister in law is due in 3 wks and my best friend in August. I love them both - but wish it was me................:cry:
Hi, just wanted to say hi, I don't like to come on here too much now but just wanted to catch up with everyone.

Lou32 - sorry to hear about your run-in with medical secretary. Being a nurse myself, I feel exactly the same, and know you don't get anywhere by not being assertive. I must admit I find doctor's receptionists just the same. (not all are like this though)

Wallie - hope all is well with you, and followup goes well. Not long until next treatment.

Lainey-27 - see you are new. I created this support group, because was so depressed after first failed cycle. From what I gather, IVF is very successful for blocked tubes. My mums friends daughter is now pregnant from second round of IVF and had the same thing. Unfortunately, as I found out IVF doesn't always work the first time, but still a blow as I fully well know.

just1wish - good luck in July.

For anyone new on here, just to say hello. I created this support group, when feeling really really down, and it was a great support for me. Fortunately I am now 12 weeks pregnant with second treatment. Waited six months in between, so know the frustration of waiting. Also, although, am pregnant now and very grateful I'm afraid that resentment about the struggle has never really gone away. Anyway, bye for now. Hope you don't mind my posting!xxxxxxx
I had my review appt today. IVF was meant to be June but now August since the department is being refurbished. How crap is that!

Anyway, they're to do the same protocol (Long) up my dosage of gonal f from 225 to 300 and possibly stim me for a day or so longer before triggering. They will also do ICSI as there was a problem with fertilisation which points at problems with binding the eggs and sperm. So all good apart from an even longer wait.....

Thanks Inky for posting.
Inky - Congratulations!! I am delighted to see your scan of your beautiful baby - and so glad that your second try had a positive outcome! All the best for your pregnancy :hugs:. This support thread has been really great.

Wallie - well thats good news from your review appt - at least you know they will be doing something different next time. Fingers crossed :hugs:
Inky - Congratulations!! I am delighted to see your scan of your beautiful baby - and so glad that your second try had a positive outcome! All the best for your pregnancy :hugs:. This support thread has been really great.

Wallie - well thats good news from your review appt - at least you know they will be doing something different next time. Fingers crossed :hugs:

Thanks, yes, but I suppose they had too with only getting 3 mature eggs and one fertilizing, a day later than expected...just wish it was June and not August though.

What's your timeframe for a next try Lainey?

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