Hello there.
My 4 month old wakes about 8 times at night and we have to get up and put dummy back in so she will sleep. I dont mind her having her dummy - cause she only uses it forf sleeping...but the waking up continuously is killing us. Has anyone got any suggestions? Should i wait till she can put it in herself? When is this suppose to be? or should I try wean her off it now? But how? If she does not have dummy she does not sleep?Do I let her cry forever???? ( I am not too keen on that - and will it work?) help
My LO stopped having hers at 6 months, I put her down to sleep, let her cry for 20 mins then she went without it after that. Unfortunately this week she dislocated her elbow and was in soooo much pain I gve it bck to her. I'm gonna take it away when I feel she doesn't need it. She hardly ever has it anyway, but it's nice when she's having a bad night to have a bit of comfort =)