-*- teen tbh -*-

Tbh I honestly don't know how long I can put up with my mam telling me what to do with Elodie constantly :dohh: wish I was brave enough to say something!

You need to say something! You don't have to be mean about it, just day that you know she's only trying to help and you appreciate the advice but you'd rather she didn't put it in a way that makes it seem like she's trying to tell you what to do!

That way it's not a direct accusation but she still gets the point :)

She'll think that I'm being ungrateful and not talk to me and shout, rant and rave about it :dohh:

I was making Elodie laugh last night be shaking her pretending to dance and my mam told me to stop because she 'had visions of Elodie being in hospital for shaken baby syndrome' :wacko:
Tbh my broodiness has vanished since going to Menorca and now instead I'm scared another baby will destroy my body and I won't be able to confidently walk around in a bikini on holiday after a second... I think this is even worse than being broody :(
Tbh my broodiness has vanished since going to Menorca and now instead I'm scared another baby will destroy my body and I won't be able to confidently walk around in a bikini on holiday after a second... I think this is even worse than being broody :(

Lets swap? I'm so broody it's scaring me! My friend had her baby yesterday and I nearly cried from jealousy in a room full of people :dohh:
Tbh my broodiness has vanished since going to Menorca and now instead I'm scared another baby will destroy my body and I won't be able to confidently walk around in a bikini on holiday after a second... I think this is even worse than being broody :(

Lets swap? I'm so broody it's scaring me! My friend had her baby yesterday and I nearly cried from jealousy in a room full of people :dohh:

Gladly!! I hate this, I don't want to be scared out of having another child. Ah you poor thing, I know that feeling, why must our babies grow up so that other people's squishy newborns make us crazy about having another baby :( maybe that's what I need to snap myself out of this haha, a teeny tiny newborn to make me broody! :haha:
Tbh my broodiness has vanished since going to Menorca and now instead I'm scared another baby will destroy my body and I won't be able to confidently walk around in a bikini on holiday after a second... I think this is even worse than being broody :(

Lets swap? I'm so broody it's scaring me! My friend had her baby yesterday and I nearly cried from jealousy in a room full of people :dohh:

Gladly!! I hate this, I don't want to be scared out of having another child. Ah you poor thing, I know that feeling, why must our babies grow up so that other people's squishy newborns make us crazy about having another baby :( maybe that's what I need to snap myself out of this haha, a teeny tiny newborn to make me broody! :haha:

I know what you mean too, but Elodie has ruined my body anyway so I don't care about it if I have another baby lol! Flabby belly and stretch marks, I just think at least I've got an excuse:p tell me about it :( haha! Good plan ;) god help me when Elodie's as old as your LO!
Tbh I honestly don't know how long I can put up with my mam telling me what to do with Elodie constantly :dohh: wish I was brave enough to say something!

You need to say something! You don't have to be mean about it, just day that you know she's only trying to help and you appreciate the advice but you'd rather she didn't put it in a way that makes it seem like she's trying to tell you what to do!

That way it's not a direct accusation but she still gets the point :)

She'll think that I'm being ungrateful and not talk to me and shout, rant and rave about it :dohh:

I was making Elodie laugh last night be shaking her pretending to dance and my mam told me to stop because she 'had visions of Elodie being in hospital for shaken baby syndrome' :wacko:

Even if she does shout it'll be worth it in the long run. She had her chance to be a parent and now it's your turn. Maybe just blatantly ignoring her will send the message but either way you've gotta stand up for yourself! If she still thinks she can tell you what to do now she'll still be doing it when your 50, you've gotta break the cycle for your own sanity!

Sure it might hurt her feelings at first, but doesn't it hurt your feelings when it seems like she doesn't trust your ability to be a mum? Just have a heart to heart with her :)
Tbh I honestly don't know how long I can put up with my mam telling me what to do with Elodie constantly :dohh: wish I was brave enough to say something!

You need to say something! You don't have to be mean about it, just day that you know she's only trying to help and you appreciate the advice but you'd rather she didn't put it in a way that makes it seem like she's trying to tell you what to do!

That way it's not a direct accusation but she still gets the point :)

She'll think that I'm being ungrateful and not talk to me and shout, rant and rave about it :dohh:

I was making Elodie laugh last night be shaking her pretending to dance and my mam told me to stop because she 'had visions of Elodie being in hospital for shaken baby syndrome' :wacko:

Even if she does shout it'll be worth it in the long run. She had her chance to be a parent and now it's your turn. Maybe just blatantly ignoring her will send the message but either way you've gotta stand up for yourself! If she still thinks she can tell you what to do now she'll still be doing it when your 50, you've gotta break the cycle for your own sanity!

Sure it might hurt her feelings at first, but doesn't it hurt your feelings when it seems like she doesn't trust your ability to be a mum? Just have a heart to heart with her :)

Thank you :flower: I'll say something when she does it again, she's in a foul mood today though anyway :dohh:
Tbh, I have really enjoyed today. OH has been so good with Isabella and I love watching them play together, just wish it'd happen more!
Tbh I honestly don't know how long I can put up with my mam telling me what to do with Elodie constantly :dohh: wish I was brave enough to say something!

You need to say something! You don't have to be mean about it, just day that you know she's only trying to help and you appreciate the advice but you'd rather she didn't put it in a way that makes it seem like she's trying to tell you what to do!

That way it's not a direct accusation but she still gets the point :)

She'll think that I'm being ungrateful and not talk to me and shout, rant and rave about it :dohh:

I was making Elodie laugh last night be shaking her pretending to dance and my mam told me to stop because she 'had visions of Elodie being in hospital for shaken baby syndrome' :wacko:

Even if she does shout it'll be worth it in the long run. She had her chance to be a parent and now it's your turn. Maybe just blatantly ignoring her will send the message but either way you've gotta stand up for yourself! If she still thinks she can tell you what to do now she'll still be doing it when your 50, you've gotta break the cycle for your own sanity!

Sure it might hurt her feelings at first, but doesn't it hurt your feelings when it seems like she doesn't trust your ability to be a mum? Just have a heart to heart with her :)

Thank you :flower: I'll say something when she does it again, she's in a foul mood today though anyway :dohh:

Good luck! Inbox me if you need help :)
Tbh I am also so broody, nearly everyone I know has gotten pregnant and had a baby since I had Oliver. So every couple of months there seems to be another newborn making Oliver look huge!!

Fed up with the amount of people commenting out of nowhere that I will 'hopefully have a girl' next and that they 'bet I am hoping for the next one to be a girl' etc. Just rude! xx
Tbh I feel like I need to get some stuff off my chest and I thought i would do it here because well I ont really have much people to vent too :/ well these last few months have been some of the worst of my life, my oh tried to commit suicide in April just before he was due at court to be a witness for his little cousins murder trial, after he took the overdose he was just so easily discharged from hospital and refferd to a cpn nurse (who is shit)anyways we had to go through the trial miles away from home which was extremely hard emotionally and financially , ( lost about 1000 pounds of work time and more if i added the travel costs) and due to the stress of the trial and money worries of ended up loosing his job. So fast forward a few more months and I end up having to go to the doctors because I've been havibg severe cramps and other symptoms (tmi) and end up finding out I have chlamydia.... :cry: and I've had it for so long that it has caused pelvic inflammatory disease ( which can cause severe scarring to yoir tubes and well you know the rest :cry: ) so obviously I am upset and furious at the same time, I know I haven't cheated so its obvious my oh had! Turns out he did cheat on me when we had been going out for a couple of months (and I know that was 2 years ago now but the feeling of hurt to me is still fresh :/ ) anyways since it was that long ago that means I had it for over two years that means i even had it when I was pregnant!! :cry: and because I had it for so long that's why I got the pelvic inflammatory disease and now it could be very difficult to conceive if I ever wanted another baby :cry: so ever since all this came out things have been really up and down between me and oh and more recently about 2 months ago things got really bad and me and oh where out drinking celebrating a friends birthday and we got in an argument and he thought i was going to leave him and ended up slitting his wrists :cry: I was so angry at him at first I mean how could he do this to us again! and i was also angry at the cpn nurse who a week before this happened told him he wasnt a danger to himself?! Anyways to try cut a long story short he was flown away to glasgow and put in a mental health ward in glasgow, I made my way out the day after on the first ferry and had to leave Kian for the first time :( , while in glasgow oh was getting the proper help FINALLY! and i was making an hour journey back and foward every day to go see him, so after a while he was discharged and we came home and everything seemed to be getting back to normal untill I stared remembering other things about that night we where out so i did some snooping and found enough for me to confront my oh about anther woman... he admited to me that he is pretty sure he kissed her after we fell out but he isn't positive, I feel absolutley heart broken "how could he do this to me again? and not just me this time Kian too! So after a rough couple of weeks I decide to try and forgive him for Kian's sake and well because I love him. So fast foward i dont even know how long now and I've been getting horrible pains again and all the other symptoms.. I've almoast convinced myself i have chlamydia again (which means oh did more then just kiss... :cry:) and beacsue of the severity of the pains in my tummy I think I have PID again :cry: I went to the doctors about a week ago and has a urine test and was all clear so its not a UTI , had a swab done to test for and sti and doc gave me thrush cream too, he told me to try not worry becuse it ight just be that but i cant help but worry especially since the thrush cream hasnt worked :cry: I have one more week to wait for the results and I really dont know if i can last that long without cracking! I am trying so hard to act like i am okay for Kians sake and keeping myself busy but I am absolutley drained :cry: I'm hardly sleeping and when I do I'm having nightmares and i just dont know how long I can keep up acting "okay" before I have a breakdown :cry: everything is just such a mess :cry:
Oh, Sarah! I wish I could give you a huge cuddle! I am so sorry that you've had such a rough time :nope: :hugs: :hugs: I hope your results come back clear xxx
Oh, Sarah! I wish I could give you a huge cuddle! I am so sorry that you've had such a rough time :nope: :hugs: :hugs: I hope your results come back clear xxx

Thanks I hope so too I just felt like this would be the best place to vent because nobody I know from home goes on here and also really needed to vent tonight because I felt like I was going to expload! :( but its not all bad I've recently got close to a friend who has been having similar problems so I can kind of talk to her about it but I don't like really venting as much ad I did there to her because she has enough on her own plate! I just feel really up and down with oh atm like one half of me is so madly in love with him but the other half hates his guts for what he has done to me :( and one half of me just wants to be close and hug him (which I do) just incase this week is the last time we can ever do that :cry: and the other half just wants to be distant with him so that if I find out I have chlamydia it might not hurt as much to leave him because I've distanced myself (which I also do too) I am so up and down its driving me crazy! Sorry if that didn't quite make sense total sleep deprived ! Hah xxx

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