Iv got one ready for labour, my MW said it varies whether it works depending on the person and how early you start using it. I think that if it works great (anything to make labour a slight bit easier ) and if it doesnt then i havent lost anything xx
I found it very very helpful during my last labour when I used the hospital one (which was induced and my contractions came on quick and strong straight away). I have bought one for this labour.
Hey hun
I posted a similar thread in the new born section and general comments were to definitely use one! I didn't use one with my first but going to use this time. They did also say though to try not use it for very early labour as the first 'hit' is the best so to save it for when it gets quite intense Hope that helps
Does it really work then? I didn't use one for DS1 and to be honest hadn't considered using one this time but then maybe I should at least give it a go as it's a drug free pain relief system.
I have bought one I am hoping to use as soon as labour starts, one of my close friedns used one in june and got on really well, using just tens and gas and air. I would say if you can borrow it and it won't cost you anything then why not, it can't make it any worse. good luck
I used one all through my 12 hour labour from the moment i got my 1st contraction.
Have to say I found it more of an irritation than a help. It felt like pins and needles in my back all the time. Its supposed to make the body produce its own pain killer endorphins, however I just found it was more of a annoying distraction from the real pain. The gas and air was a lot more effective and by the end of labour it was still going but i was totally oblivious to it
I'm not going to use it again and its going on ebay !
They do work for some people I've heard.
the other thing was, MW tried taking off me after LO was born, but i forgot to tell her you need to switch it off before ripping the electrodes off, she gave me a big electric shock!!
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