The dog just gave me a funny look....


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2012
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....could I be going into labour?

Ok, so that one was a joke but it's not too far off the mark.

Honestly...this is the kind of moron I have become. :thumbup:

Since 36 weeks I have become obsessed. Obsessed with signs that I'm about to go into labour. Google is NOT my friend. According to Google, everything means you are about to go into labour. Diarrhea means labour is imminent, but so does constipation. Sleepiness means labour is surely round the corner...but does a sudden burst of energy. :shrug::dohh:

It's not really my fault. I wasn't like this with my first. There were no 'signs' other than waking one day with an almighty contraction that lead to the birth of my son 27 hours later. No 2nd guessing that one.

This time I hit 36 weeks in good spirits. Telling myself that I only had 4 weeks to go. The very next day I lost my plug. Then I had irregular but bona fide contractions for 4 hours. THIS IS IT! I thought, panicking as I wasn't at 37 weeks yet. Just as I was about to phone my midwife, they stopped. Over the past 4 weeks, I have continued to lose plug and have continued to have contractions.

My midwife thinks it's hilarious. Part and parcel of bringing new life into this world. 'Isn't he a cheeky one' she titters. If she didn't have an Irish accent (I'm a sucker for a cheery Irish person) I might have throttled her by now. Her theory is that baby likes to engage, causing plug loss and contractions...then he 'changes his mind'. I was completely unaware that unborn infants were capable of such thoughts. :shrug: My child certainly has a sick sense of humour. He gets that from his Grandmother (on his Dad's side).

Over the 4 weeks I still get too optimistic when I have plug loss and contractions. When I hit 37 weeks I went through a phase of trying to 'induce labour'. Aye right. All that did was turn me into a cumin tea drinking, ball bouncing, primrose oil swallowing sex pest for about 2 days before I realised that doesn't work.

I guess the point of my nonsensical ramblings (other than to give me something to do that doesn't involve punching my DH or pulling my own hair out) is to basically say (in a lighthearted way) that THEY WERE RIGHT. Baby comes when he's ready.

If you're approaching 36 yourself a favour. Please don't obsess over signs of labour. You'll only end up like me. I haven't even reached my due date (it's tomorrow) but I already feel scunnered (Scottish word - it means P'd off) that my baby isn't here yet. :blush:

If it wasn't clear - this post was meant in an entirely humourous way. :winkwink:
So very much like the 2WW when every sign meant you MUST be pregnant. It all comes full circle! I think being able to poke fun means you're relaxed and hopefully that will lend itself to at least a smooth labor, even if it doesn't start today. :)
SO true. I was up at 2am the other night googling about my blocked nose..

Guess what- its a sign! hahaha. Cannot believe i havent driven myself mad, ive been exactly the same way since 36 weeks and it seriously tires you!
Wait....I have a blocked nose too!!

Hehe :)

And yes, I was thinking it's exactly like the 2ww. You would think I'd have learned from that experience. The month I conceived was the only month I thought I was out because it was my honeymoon and we were travelling over my 'window'. Of course, I had no 'signs'.
I love your sense of humor!

I would say it was more that I have been driven mad ;) I feel quite delirious. My husband is currently killing himself laughing at photos of goats ( I KID you not - haw haw) and I'm just lying here, glaring at him.
Even though you were joking my dog knew when I was going into labor he was glued to my side and would whine at me. When I knew I was in labor he was much worse he was sooo worried about me. :)
Brilliant :haha:

I have now reached my fifth day overdue with my third child. I am beyond fed up and constantly jumping at any small sign just HOPING that this is it... Buuut it never is. My first I was overdue by 11 days, my second arrived bang on time, so honestly, I wasn't expecting to go this far over :( sweep booked for two days time, dreading it as I had two with my daughter (first child) and they HURT. But of everything... I just pray I go into labour naturally and get my water birth at the midwife centre. PLEASE BABY!!!
Even though you were joking my dog knew when I was going into labor he was glued to my side and would whine at me. When I knew I was in labor he was much worse he was sooo worried about me. :)

That's what prompted my post. My dog and cat are both lying at my feet...both followed me when I went to the loo. I was just about to Google it when I realised I was being ridiculous and posted my thread instead :haha: So yes, like I said it was a joke but not too far from the truth lol.
Brilliant :haha:

I have now reached my fifth day overdue with my third child. I am beyond fed up and constantly jumping at any small sign just HOPING that this is it... Buuut it never is. My first I was overdue by 11 days, my second arrived bang on time, so honestly, I wasn't expecting to go this far over :( sweep booked for two days time, dreading it as I had two with my daughter (first child) and they HURT. But of everything... I just pray I go into labour naturally and get my water birth at the midwife centre. PLEASE BABY!!!

I can't even get a sweep because my child refuses to engage long enough. Do you have a date for induction? Have you been mentally willing your cervix to open or is that just me? :shrug:
Hahaha love your post - your sense of humour/madness cracked me up! My due date today and not a single twinge, still feeling patient though we'll see how that goes over the next few days.

Tell your husband to search for 'goats screaming' on you tube hahaha :lol:

He loves the goats screaming videos, that's what started it all I think.

In our part of Scotland we say 'Goat' instead of 'Got' and someone has started a facebook page with funny photos of goats with hilarious captions with 'goat' in them instead of got. He's literally peeing himself.
:rofl: your post literally had me in tears laughing!! This is so me! Googling everything, willing every twinge to be something, every time the dog looks at me funny or cries at me i think he sensed something :haha: so silly! Like you say, our babies will come when they are ready and not before (still eating my pineapple and rubbing clarey sage on my bump though hehe) x
Ha ha ha! I was laughing right from I spotted the name of the post in the forum, but then I am a cheery Irish person! I'm the exact same. Every niggle I'm convinced this is it. I have been beating pineapple into me like its not actually really overpriced and pretty hard to chew. My husband also drives through potholes and over kerbs for the hell of it, so I've had the bumpy car rides. Might give the old sex a go this evening if I can stand him being anywhere near me at this stage! Even had lots of giggling fits today and was convinced its a sign, but no such luck!
ha, I love your post!!! good luck with everything hun, hope it flies by for ya ;) (from a cheery Irish person) :)
Ha ha ha! I was laughing right from I spotted the name of the post in the forum, but then I am a cheery Irish person! I'm the exact same. Every niggle I'm convinced this is it. I have been beating pineapple into me like its not actually really overpriced and pretty hard to chew. My husband also drives through potholes and over kerbs for the hell of it, so I've had the bumpy car rides. Might give the old sex a go this evening if I can stand him being anywhere near me at this stage! Even had lots of giggling fits today and was convinced its a sign, but no such luck!

I wouldn't bother with the sex. I endured it, in desperation, and it did nothing. made DH feel slightly used. I doubt he'll come near me again.

Is anyone else shaving their legs EVERY day? Every wee twinge and I'm off running a Gillette blue 2 over them. It's ridiculous, given the butchered, hedge like state of my bikini line (I attempted to trim it but can no longer see it so mission failed).
Ha ha ha! I was laughing right from I spotted the name of the post in the forum, but then I am a cheery Irish person! I'm the exact same. Every niggle I'm convinced this is it. I have been beating pineapple into me like its not actually really overpriced and pretty hard to chew. My husband also drives through potholes and over kerbs for the hell of it, so I've had the bumpy car rides. Might give the old sex a go this evening if I can stand him being anywhere near me at this stage! Even had lots of giggling fits today and was convinced its a sign, but no such luck!

ha, I love your post!!! good luck with everything hun, hope it flies by for ya ;) (from a cheery Irish person) :)

Thank you :)
Omg this thread is so funny and has brightened my day. I hope I have such a good sense of humour when I'm term. Getting strange looks off hubby for laughing at my phone lol.
Good luck to you all
Pahahahaha! I can't reach the lower half of my legs so mine are a mess! I also noticed the junior doctor (who was of course amazing looking) having a wee snigger at the disgrace which is my pubic hair! I cannot see a thing and have hacked away at it. I know there are parts with longer bits than others and my OH has teased me that I've shaved it into an eyes, nose and mouth. I probably have but sure if so that is hilarious so I don't mind the doctor laughing!
Pahahahaha! I can't reach the lower half of my legs so mine are a mess! I also noticed the junior doctor (who was of course amazing looking) having a wee snigger at the disgrace which is my pubic hair! I cannot see a thing and have hacked away at it. I know there are parts with longer bits than others and my OH has teased me that I've shaved it into an eyes, nose and mouth. I probably have but sure if so that is hilarious so I don't mind the doctor laughing!

I was looking at the price of hair cuts and colours and hubby asked if they charge extra for fanjitas! I cried laughing. They'd probably charge triple if they saw mine...

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