Thanks kimmy, yeah, I tried to tell her how important her milk is. I know I should be grateful that she's doing this for us, but I was never happy with it. I think it'd be different if it was my mum, not least cos its her job! Well, we'll see how it goes. I know Jen is happy, and she won't NEED milk in a few months, but I just worry, silly really. Afterast time when she's didn't put the carseat in the car properly! She had been shown, but instead of being a grown up and phoning me to ask she just muddled along. I was furious. I think I'm just over sensitive.
Can't afford an expensive dress but I looked in Dunnes, primark, New look, marks, tkmaxx...
I'm going to Livingstone tomorrow to see my brother so might look there in debenhams.
Anyone watching gypsy weddings!? Hahaha!