Elaine was literally just going to write what Manny just wrote! I totally agree, as hard as it is, I think you should just BD regularly this cycle and leave it at that, see it as a total bonus if you do get pregnant, but be prepared not to and start afresh next cycle when you will be able to keep track of things better and know where you are in your cycle. Easy for me to say I know, but try and be positive about a fresh start if AF does come.
Manny- I would think an overnight flight would upset your temping quite a lot! I think you should get an FRER though, always found them best for early testing, better than the cheapie ones even though they claim to detect a lower HCG level. And thank you so much for remembering about my scan, I am touched! Yes all fantastic today, I officially have a 7mm long embryo with a lovely, clear, strong heartbeat! Measured 6w3d which means I conceived the day after my positive OPK, which would seem probable. So I am a very happy girl today. And I have my booking appointment with the midwife tomorrow, which I'm very excited about. Also- and this is big news- I managed to eat an innocent veg pot tonight despite still feeling really nauseous- 3 of my 5-a-day! This baby is going to be shocked to get some decent nutrition tonight after my recent weetabix and PBJ sandwich diet!
Manny, are you in London for business or pleasure? Pleasure I hope! Hope you have a lovely time whatever you get up to xxx