Congratulations Cheryl! But yes the next scan will hopefully be the really reassuring one- apparently your risk of m/c reduces to 1% after seeing a heartbeat at 8 weeks.
Garfie - Happy Anniversary, have a lovely evening!
Babee- great news on the 2-3!
Bananas- don't despair, we only managed to BD a few times in the week running up to +ve OPK, then once on the day of my +ve OPK, and then no more due to very tiring travel, and all went well with us!
Elaine- glad you're managing to relax a little more about things. Remember this month is just a bonus month, the real trying can start next month...unless you get lucky!
Manny, enjoy London and don't despair, you're not out til AF shows!
AFM, I had my booking appt today, which was mainly just paperwork and form filling in. I got a bit of a telling off from the midwife though as I had ketones in my urine which indicates that I've not been managing to eat enough. She said I should take time off work to just look after myself while I'm feeling so unwell, and I really want to take her advice- I feel it would be arrogant not to take a medical professional's advice- but I just don't want to let my colleagues down either. They have all had to work extra hard when I've been off due to my miscarriages, and I just don't want to be a burden to anyone. Also, what if I take time off now and then am even worse in 2 week's time and then really feel like I have to go in because I've just been off sick? Ah, what to do ladies? I still haven't been sick, but literally feel so nauseous it's like I'm on the verge of vomiting from the minute I wake up until the minute I fall asleep. Just thinking about food makes me retch a little bit! She said they won't give me any anti sickness meds unless I'm actually vomiting excessively, and of course I'd prefer to avoid any medications if at all possible. Any thoughts anyone? My boss is away at the moment but I'm thinking maybe speak to him when he gets back and see if we can come to some sort of compromise, like using some of my holidays last minute or shorter days at work.
Anyway, love to all and wishing everyone well.