Hi girls. 9 DPO today and OF COURSE I tested, even though I promised myself I wouldn't until later...but what difference does it really make, y'know?
Anyway, very faint line on an internet cheapy. Exactly the same as last month at 9 DPO, that one ended up a chemical. There is a big chance that this one will go the same way, as I still haven't sorted out my luteal phase length and have been told that a 7 - 8 LP will always end in MC. But I have been taking B6 this cycle, so my only hope is that that is enough to change things.... I think it takes more time though. Kind of annoying, I thought "Wow, this B6 might actually be working. 9 DPO and no sign of period yet!" But no, it's probably just another chemical delaying AF.
I'm not happy about this yet, I know you ladies can understand this. But even if not third time lucky, a third loss will mean GP will refer me for further tests, so either way I am moving forward.