i guys i have some experience with thrush and can offer some advice - firstly, don't squeeze milk onto your nipples and leave it there as this feeds the infection - it loves sweet damp places.
you and you lo will need to be treated without doubt even if either you or your lo dont show symptoms. if the doc says different, demand it.
visit here https://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/pdfs/BfN_Thrush_leaflet_Feb_2009.pdf and print it to take to your doc if necessary.
change breastpads often
if you have a very little one and they prescribe nystatin dont follow the instructions with it as you're lo will end up with a mouthful of nasty sticky stuff - just pop a bit in their mouths with your little finger after each feed trying to use enough to get on the tongue and top of mouth but it doesn't need a lot, just often
air your nippls as much as you can by keeping your top off - you might feel silly but it really helps
don't use soap or anything to clean your nips - just clean water - same goes in the bath/shower
i cant think of anything else but if i do i'll post more
some docs dont like prescribing fluconazole (see above link) as its not licensed in the UK. you will need to produce te leaflet as evidence to your doc.