I am starting to wonder whether my LO (16.5 weeks) has a tongue tie.
Things that seem to support it:
- He is a very slow nurser, min 40 mins, longer these days because he gets distracted and starts chatting and cooing before continuing to eat
- Slow bottle feeder too, but I think because we use slow flow nipple so he doesn't reject breast (he has once or twice fed very quickly when we used a faster flow nipple)
- He doesn't seem to suck very effectively, like he will until and through initial let down, but then it seems he's suckling more than anything and takes at least 10 mins until next let-down (by the way, does he trigger let-down or does my body?)
- Bubbles at his mouth (but then don't all babies do this at his age?)
- Hand up by his face when he eats (one website said this was a sign or stress, mind you he looks pretty calm and content to me)
- Possible slow weight gain....was 11lbs12oz at 9.5 weeks (born at 7lbs5oz), only went to 12lbs12oz at 14.5 weeks, though the nurse reassured me this was normal and ok
Things that don't:
- No issues with latch, ever
- No issues with painful/cracked nipples, ever
- No issues with reflux/vomiting, barely any spit up
- He STTN since very young, I have read usually tongue-tied babies wake very frequently because they're so hungry as they don't get much at every feeding
I have also attached a picture I took earlier today. What do you think? And if it is a tongue tie, please share your experiences with getting it fixed (how quickly did feeding improve, what side effects on LO if any on day of procedure, etc, etc).
In a way I'm kind of hoping this might be the answer to his slow feedings, as honestly it's getting really tiring and I'm contemplating slowly stopping BF because it just takes up SO much time, I feel like I have so little time to play with him. On the other hand, the thought of him having what although seems like a pretty quick and easy procedure, kills me.
Things that seem to support it:
- He is a very slow nurser, min 40 mins, longer these days because he gets distracted and starts chatting and cooing before continuing to eat
- Slow bottle feeder too, but I think because we use slow flow nipple so he doesn't reject breast (he has once or twice fed very quickly when we used a faster flow nipple)
- He doesn't seem to suck very effectively, like he will until and through initial let down, but then it seems he's suckling more than anything and takes at least 10 mins until next let-down (by the way, does he trigger let-down or does my body?)
- Bubbles at his mouth (but then don't all babies do this at his age?)
- Hand up by his face when he eats (one website said this was a sign or stress, mind you he looks pretty calm and content to me)
- Possible slow weight gain....was 11lbs12oz at 9.5 weeks (born at 7lbs5oz), only went to 12lbs12oz at 14.5 weeks, though the nurse reassured me this was normal and ok
Things that don't:
- No issues with latch, ever
- No issues with painful/cracked nipples, ever
- No issues with reflux/vomiting, barely any spit up
- He STTN since very young, I have read usually tongue-tied babies wake very frequently because they're so hungry as they don't get much at every feeding
I have also attached a picture I took earlier today. What do you think? And if it is a tongue tie, please share your experiences with getting it fixed (how quickly did feeding improve, what side effects on LO if any on day of procedure, etc, etc).
In a way I'm kind of hoping this might be the answer to his slow feedings, as honestly it's getting really tiring and I'm contemplating slowly stopping BF because it just takes up SO much time, I feel like I have so little time to play with him. On the other hand, the thought of him having what although seems like a pretty quick and easy procedure, kills me.