Just wanted to share a bit of advice. When I was 32 weeks along with my daughter, I developed toxemia. I thought it was just normal pregnant swelling, but had no idea what havoc it was reeking on my body. I woke up one morning and felt, "Strange." My feet, legs, face, hands were puffy. I felt dizzy and had a horrible head ache. I had an appt that day and decided to let the Dr. know how I was feeling once I got there. I had to wear house shoes because my feet wouldn't fit in my tennies. On the way, I began seeing spots and quick flashes of light...The nurse opened the door and called my name. I stood up and walked toward her. She took one look at me and screamed for the Dr. He came running and grabbed me. He nearly carried me to a bed. I had no idea what was happening. He took my b/p and it was 170/150! "How do you feel?" he asked. "I see dots" was all I could manange. He grabbed the phone and said, "I need an operating room for an emergency c-section." I was in tears. Toxemia had turned into pre-eclampsia and I was a breath away from a stroke and total renal failure. I was treated with magnesium sterate, which forces excess fluid out. 24 hours after delivery, I had lost 37 lbs! This only occurs in pregnant women and is caused by your inability to rid protein. The only way to treat this is to deliver. Please be aware of any swelling. My daughter was 3lb 11 oz at birth. She was perfect though and I got to take her home 12 days later, at 3 lbs, 14 oz. Dr. said she probably healthier than the 8lb'ers in the nursery. lol