Im finding it so hard to stay positive! i believe im 13 or 14DPO, But i wasnt certain on my O day, things got confusing earlier this month with ovulation BUT im so confused now.. I have ALL the pregnancy symptoms, and I feel the same exact way I felt with my daughter, I just have that gut "I'm pregnant" feeling.. But I tested again this morning and BFN.. I just don't get it :/ Today is my expected AF arrival date, she still hasn't shown, and my cervix is even more high than yesterday, it's even softer than yesterday & way more wet than yesterday. Today the entrance to my cervix feels sealed shut, almost swollen, when yesterday it was shut but not as tightly as today.. I don't know how to feel
Really lost a lot of hope today, but read a lot of people testing negative until 16-20dpo, praying I'm one of those people !!