I lost my precious son on the 13th June this year. He was full term and we lost him dur to the cord being tightly wrapped around his neck one. I miss him soooooo much. My dh and I have been trying for another baby and so far no luck. I'm getting worried and am thinking he might have been my only chance at being a mum. I'm 34 and i feel like time is running out. I don't know whether I should completely give up on my dreams of becoming a mother or if I should hang in there with disapointment every month. I want a baby soooo bad. I'm caught between grieving for my son and deperately wanting another baby and its not happening. I know I should relax but its so hard.
Does anyone feel like this? Is there anyone out there who conceived about 6 months after the loss of their baby?
Does anyone feel like this? Is there anyone out there who conceived about 6 months after the loss of their baby?