Hey ladies
Bit of info: I am mum to two gorgeous little terrors, one aged 5 and one aged 2 but after 2 really poorly pregnancies and two emergency sections and a history of Downs we decided Tom would have the snip (25/6/09), all was fine and then April this year I found out that I was pregnant!!!!!! The same day I did the test we got a letter from the hosp to say his last sample had Motile (live) sperm in it!!!!!
After the shock settled in we were over the moon and so excited, then the unimaginable happened:-
I know exactly how you're all feeling, I had a horrific miscarriage on 25th june at 11 weeks, just before I was goin for my CVS test. I thought I would never ever stop crying, it really did hit me harder than I thought it would. I was still gettin positive pregnancy tests 6 weeks after having to have the medical management!!!!!! I was bleeding for 8 weeks constantly so they put me on progesterone tablets to stop me bleeding and kick start my cycle........That was in August..........Ive never had a problem ovulating and get a pain so know exactly when its happening, but to my disappointment I didnt ovulate so I bought some Chlomid of the internet. They made me feel propper crap but they did the job and I did ovulate Bank Holiday weekend.......
Anyway, sunday just gone (5/9/10) I was just exhausted and had a really blocked nose, all the signs that I always get. So, woke up at 2am Tuesday morning and decided to do a test and guess what???? Im PREGNANT!!!! My happiness is tinged with so much worry tho because although I miscarried at 11 weeks the baby was only 9, so Id had a Missed Miscarriage......
Trying to stay positive but its so so hard, feel like I cant get excited in case I jinx it!
I really do feel for you all cos I know how hard it is and I really do hope you all fall on cos us ladies deserve it!
I would try Chlomid tho if you can, 3 of my friends have also fall on after taking Chlomid for only one month (5 tablets)....
Good luck girls