how bloody rude can you get.sorry your mil was nasty.doesnt matter if you were over 20 st she should not call you fat no matter what size you are.Just in case I wasn't sure that I'd put on weight, my mother-in-law told me today that I was fat. We haven't told her we're ttc so all I could do was glare at dh while I was told to exercise more. I can't even do that right now as am in 2ww!!!
Thanks hlynn. Sometimes I think she's right - I used to be really skinny and now I'm definitely not , but then other times I get so angry I'm worried I'm going to say something to her. Is nice to know I'm not crazy for getting upset. Would prefer no-one to EVER say I am fat, unless it's my doc and he's got a medical reason for doing so. Don't need more reasons to be depressed right now.