ah didnt see your reply ages ago congrats on your BFP. What were your symptons leading up to it and did you do anything different. I have a feeling my AF is just around the corner!
We can still be buddys i had the feeling of AF too i even got bad period cramps last night i was so sure i was out i created the may test thread testerday lol! Definatly not out till she shows i got BFN at 10 11 abd 12 dpo with frer not many symptoms though i always get sore boobs before AF ny BFP is still light so im guessong i ovulated days later before i thought i did hope u get ur BFP whens af due?
Thanks xluciax AF was due yesterday but did digi 6pm yesterday and BFN shock horror cant be pregnant cos they say they ones are 98% accurate the day your period is due??
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