UK Induction questions please....


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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Hi all! I'm 40+4 today and although there's time i'm just preparing myself for what 'might' happen.

There are a few questions that I would like to ask at my 41 wk appoint but as i'm having my first sweep the appoint is already quite chocka, so I thought i'd ask in here instead! :thumbup:

Firstly, at 40+13 (the date I've chosen rather than 40+10) how long will they leave me using the induction method and what will it be?
For example I get there and not dilated at all - I presume I have a pessary or similar to start me off but at 40+13 already how long will they leave me to progress by myself?

Secondly, during a walk with hubby yesterday (I'm trying everything as natural to get this baby out as possible!) we were discussing the induction process and childcare issues (as ds is in school) and the word epidural popped up.

Now with ds my waters went spontaneously (whilst on all fours cleaning the kitchen floor) at 40+1. 24 hrs later and no contractions I was admitted for the induction, thankfully was already 2cm's so straight to labour ward and onto drip. After trying G&A I opted for diamorphine and although I found it extremely hard I managed to have ds without the epidural - I did however ask for one in the end, I felt desperate - turns out I was 10cm's and ready to push, they just hadn't checked me.

So hubby says I should just get it and try to enjoy this birth a bit more - My question is can it slow labour down? :shrug:

Ay induction stories welcome, along with any magic tricks to get the baby out before the induction :thumbup:

Many thanks for reading.
I was induced at 37 weeks last time so I think my body wasn't ready at all.

I was admitted on the Tuesday and they inserted a pessary in the morning and it did nothing. They inserted another late on in the afternoon.. Again, it did nothing. They inserted another pessary on the Wednesday morning and it did nothing and due to the labour ward being full, they couldn't take me down to break my waters. I was taken down to the labour ward on Thursday and they broke my waters and started me on the drip. I was fully dilated within 90 minutes and started pushing but it took me 90 minutes to push her out, including a failed forceps delivery. I ended up with a 3rd degree tear. I had 2 epidurals but both of them failed so I ended up with just gas and air.
I had a pessary inserted on the Saturday afternoon (3pm) and told to return in 24 hours unless my waters broke last pregnancy. By the Sunday morning I had strong period pains. I returned to the hospital on the Sunday afternoon where they removed the pessary but unfortunately they had no space on the labour ward for me so had to wait overnight on a ward. I was allowed to have a bath which helped with the pains! On the Monday morning I was 4 cm dilated and was allowed up to the labour ward where they broke my waters, that really got things moving! After a while I found the pain too much (think it all happened too quickly) and I asked for an epidural which I received straight away. To be honest I think the epidural slowed things down, finally by Monday evening (5.30pm) I was 10cm and they wanted me to start pushing but by this time I was so tired, and with no sleep since Sunday just had no energy left. Baby started to show signs of distress so was prepped for c section, taken to theatre where forceps was tried first and finally my son was born at 6.37pm. I ended up losing a lot of blood and an episiotomy. It does make me wary of an epidural this time round though but I hear lots of positive stories about them from this forum, mines also never worked the first time and had to go through getting it twice!! When the time comes you will know what is best for you :)
I was 40+10 and I went in to hospital at 9.30am was given pessary and then baby was monitored for 30 mins I was told I could either go home or stay in the hospital totally my choice we left - by 2pm I was having contractions every 3mins so we headed back in - my waters broke naturally about an hour later and then at 7pm they checked and I was 8cm so moved to delivery suite my son was born at 10.35pm - I used my TENs machine and G&A :thumbup: all in all I had a very positive induction and wouldn't be against one again IF needed
A lot varies by hospital. Here you are not allowed to leave the ward once the induction has started. I got to approx 6cm on a pessary, over 24 hours and was then taken down to have my waters broken. I was then in labour for approx another 24 hours. However, if they didn't have the space I would of had to wait. A friend of mine recently waited 2&1/2 days. They are unlikely to rush you unless your baby is in distress.
Epi didn't slow my labour! I was put on the drip at 4cm. 4 hrs later i was still 4cm this is when I got the epi and 4hrs later I was 10cm. X
The epi I think slowed my first labour down but not my second .
I dilated from 2-10cm in 4 hours I had the epidural in for maybe 2 of those hours it was bliss x
It depends on the hospital as to whether they'll allow you home during the pessary/gel stage of induction, mine didn't . I was induced with both my girls at 40+11 and 40+13. I was given the first gel in the morning both times but with my first they decided against the second though didn't properly explain why. I was moved to labour ward and my waters broken at about 10pm then left til 10am the next day before the drip was started. I didn't go into active labour until the drip was started but it did the job once it was and dd1 was born at 4:31pm. With my second my cervix was much more favourable and I was given a second gel 12 hours after the first at about 9:30pm which put me into active labour. Waters broke on their own and dd2 was born at 4:01am. In my experience it doesn't matter how overdue you are as to how long they'll 'leave' you at the pessary/gel stage, the crucial bit is once your waters break. Sending labour vibes your way, hope all goes smoothly however it starts :)
Forgot to add I had an epidural with dd1 and I don't believe it slowed anything, I didn't with dd2 and it was a faster labour but I think that's more likely because she was my second :)
So a little update.

On fri I had my 41 wk appoint and offered the stretch and sweep, she was happy to perform the procedure easily as I was already 2-3cm's and she was able to easily stretch me to 4cm's. Baby Boy's head was right there and she had to move around him as there was no waters stopping him from sitting right there.
Bless her she did get my hopes up a bit by saying she thought i'd go into labour that night, definitely within 48 hours (that will be this morning at 10am so unlikely!) but I did ask about induction...

She said I wouldn't need the gel, just my waters broken.

Induction is booked for 6.45am on tues so although I still have 48 hours i'm more looking towards tues now. I was induced with ds due to the same when I think about it, I was 2cm's dilated after my waters had gone so I went straight onto the drip, I guess this time I will go straight to the ward and have my waters popped, i'm however unsure if they start the drip straight away or leave you to try to contract by yourself which is what I suspect is my problem - i'm unable to do this.

What will be will be!
Yeah I think with my second I could have just had my waters broken straight away but they reckoned using the gels would give me a better chance of going into labour without the drip, just another variation between different hospitals I suppose. Guess I'll never know if breaking them first would have worked but I do know with my first I barely had a twinge until I was on the drip yet with my second it pretty much progressed as a natural labour would have. 2 inductions both very different! All the best for Tuesday, or indeed before ;) it's good to have an 'end date' to work with I think :)
Oh I hope all variations are considered for me, I never wanted an epi but this time around I want to enjoy the birth a bit and I hated the diamorphone last time plus my son was born not breathing properly because he'd had some of it.

I do wonder if they just broke my waters what would happen, hubby of corse wants it to be quick but if u get the chance of 'having a go' by myself I think I'll go for it and try to restrain from the epi as long as possible.

Thanks for sharing!

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