Except I don't think it should be a choice. I think children who can be vaccinated should be in order to be able to attend nursery and school. It's not just other children who are at risk but chemotherapy patients, HIV sufferers, pregnant women and the elderly to name just a few.
Except I don't think it should be a choice. I think children who can be vaccinated should be in order to be able to attend nursery and school. It's not just other children who are at risk but chemotherapy patients, HIV sufferers, pregnant women and the elderly to name just a few.
I was just about to post the same thing, I think in the past I've made my feelings very clear on the anti-vax bullshit.
It should not be a choice, and I do not support a parents right to choose not to vaccinate a healthy child. It's selfish pigheaded-ness backed up by eff all.
My LOs nursery will not take any unvaxxed children, it's not even the best nursery in the village (there are two) but I refuse to take her to a nursery that supports no vaxxed children, they should be separated because of the parents dangerous and ridiculous choice.
When other parents choose not to vaccinate, it is my business. My LO cannot be vaccinated for MMR until 12 months and he is put at risk. My best friend in the whole world had a compromised immune system and was therefore at risk (she died at the age of 24). When it comes to the lives of my loved ones being put at risk because of other people's stupidity, it is my business. Period.
But it's not as straightforward as vaccinated = immune = safe which is what more and more research is showing. This for example:
And before anyone jumps on me both my kids are fully vaxxed but let's say I'm still a bit of a sceptic about the effectiveness of vax, more and more research is showing that vaccination is not infallible and it's no longer that crystal clear that vax=safe and unvaccinated = dangerous. There are definite shades of grey. It may even be vaxed children who spread the diseases more than unvaxed.
I don't think of myself as being selfish for holding off on vaccinating my children until they are closer to school age.
I'm not ANTI-vax, but I am cautious.
My sister's MMR gave her over a 104 degree fever for a week. It caused major brain damage and she was later diagnosed with autism.
Our WELL-KNOWN and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED pediatrician, recommended that due to a VACCINE INJURY in my family, that I hold off on vaccinating my children.
Vaccinated children can spread illness just as easily as non-vaccinated. Obviously if my child got mumps or measles or something of that sort, I keep them HOME. I think most of us who do selective/delayed vaccines aren't THAT inconsiderate, to take our sick children out and expose others.
As an American, I am entitled to having my freedom to vaccinate or not. I don't believe I should be forced to inject my child with over 48 doses of toxic crap (engineered in China) within the first few years of their life.
As I said before, I'm not anti-vax. But I'm not following their stupid bullshit guidelines and risking my child getting brain damage to avoid illnesses that aren't widespread anymore (yes, due to most of the population being vaccinated).
I've done my research and I've seen first hand, the effects that vaccines CAN have.
I keep my kids home. They don't go to daycare. Obviously if there was some disease that was becoming widespread in my area, I'd go get my kids vaccinated for it.. but, the effectiveness isn't even really worth it.. most of them wear off and NEVER FULLY 100% PROTECT YOU.
Vaccinated or not, kids get sniffles, coughs, stomach bugs, etc. So I think it's unfair to treat unvaccinated children (or ones who are on a selective or delated schedule) like they are carrying the fucking plague.