VBAC vs Elective C/s...thoughts??


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2013
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Hello i am almost 30 wks and i am still not 100% sure if i wanna try vbac or have a cesarean... i had an emergency with my 1st and this is my 2nd pregnancy and wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on the topic..i had a very traumatic time with my first baby Nd i really dont want that again..
Any helpful tips would be appreciated
My c/sec wasn't an emergency so my experience wasn't probably half as bad as yours but I hated every second of it. Baby was breech when I went in to be started had section the following morning so it wasn't the planning of it but I really preferred my birth with daughter who also needed starting off into the world so I really want to try for VBAC I'm scared so much about a section xx
I had an elective with dd as she was footling breech, no labour and at the time thought it was the best thing. I recovered well but emotionally really struggled. I felt like I'd done nothing to get her and for a long time couldn't listen to other people's birth stories. I struggled to bond, hated bf, and had pnd.

I really want to try vbac this time but ds is also breech at the mo. Also as I'm trying everything to get him to move as they'll schedule my section at 36w if he's still breech.

There's no right or wrong but if I do have to have another elective I will be disappointed.

Good luck. Xx
Hi, I had a section with first and the whole experiences was awful and left me crippled with PND. This time I'm pushing for a HBAC and declining induction and sections with out good reason i.e. life or death. I don't want to go through all that again. I doing lots of research and reading so I can make informed choices x
I'm in same situation I was induced at 37 weeks last time due to cholistasis nothing happened at all I was in for a week and had to have my waters broken in the end and after 15 hours of strong contractions every minute I never got past 3cm and was soooo tired and they gave me a ceserian as I didn't progress .. They have said sometimes when people don't progress it can happen again and I really don't want to
Go through it again .. I did recover well from the section but feel a big bad about wanting one :-/
Thank u ladies for ur stories its such a big decision... really hard one ideally id love to try for VBAC but the thought of it just stresses me as it was so awful last time...but i am going to push not to be induced.. i hope u all have much better experiences this time round hey fingers crossed you wonderful mummies !! Xx
I'm having my 4th section this time. My first was an emergency and the rest have been planned. With my youngest it was so beautiful. Very relaxed. I had my music playing, everything was calm. We had skin to skin straight away after delayed cord clamping (for as long as possible) our baby boy was weighed in recovery and we spent a good hour alone soaking up our newborn before returning to the ward. After my first I'd thought about trying for a vbac but after growth scans showed my son was big I'm glad I went for a planned section. Recovery is tough but I enjoyed a longer stay (5 days) in hospital bonding with my son and being looked after plus now I just concentrate on the positives. I love knowing exactly when my baby will be born, not going past my due date (my first was 15 days late) and my bits are still in perfect condition lol. Good luck with your decision. Just wanted to share my experience from a different perspective
I'm only 26 weeks but I have been set on trying for a VBAC from the start. My first was an EMCS under general so I was asleep and didn't get to see her be born. Thankfully I had no issues bonding with her but I hate that no one saw her enter the world except a surgeon and midwife. I'm trying for a VBAC this time. The only that worries me is uterine rupture even though the risk is small it still petrifies me.

My consultant plans to give me sweeps from 37 weeks if favourable and will start with 2 rounds of gel, see if we can gently push my body into labour. My first labour was drop induced and it just failed, then she became distressed hence the general for the section. Hoping this experience will be different. I just pray I go into labour otherwise will have to be a planned section at 39 weeks
I think that a big part if the decision should be looking at why the c section the first time and what the likelihood if that reoccurring. How long has it been since your first section etc.

I had am emcs first time the second was a planned and it was amazing the recovery was waaaay easier I was even out playing road hockey with my oldest 5 days after my section.

I ccould not vbac on my second as I have a fibroid that is very close to my cervix and which prevented me from dilating the first time... so I also found it at easier knowing that the decision want mine. I had trouble nursing the first time so td the nurses about this before and they had him on my as soon as they possibly could and it was amazing.

What I always say is that the number 1 priority is that baby is safe... everything else is gravy...

Good luck in your birth!
It's really upto you, noone can make that decision for you.
I'm expecting my 4th baby, babies 1 & 2 were vaginal births but very very long labours (and both back to back position) first labour lasted 37 hours, second i dilated from 33 weeks until 41 weeks. from 33-40 weeks i had dilated slowly from 1-3cms then another 9 days had dilated from 3-5cms then several hours more to 10. and i had a drip both times as labours were so slow to speed it up.

(something they don't do after a section so that is a factor on why i'm not going vbac) my third was breech and elective section.

I decided after the birth of the birth of my youngest i would have another section this time. numerous reasons really. 1 i don't want to take the risks of a vbac, and 2 i don't think it would be safe to go through labours like my first two (esp without the drip) after a section. so section it is for me.
I had to have an emergency section my first time And have elected to have a planned section this time. Like you I was worried about the uncertainty, particularly after a traumatic time with my first birth. I didn't want to be induced, it failed last time and I certainly didn't want to go overdue. Safety of baby has played on my mind and weighing up pros and cons of both, I just felt happier knowing when etc x you have to do what is right for you and your baby x
Thats what im doing at the moment is researching and assesing the pros and cons of both and then speak to my midwife and make a decision...its awful when your 1st experience is traumatic it really puts you off..when are you due?
Hope all goes well :thumbup:
I think it definately depends on your own feelings, I've chosen to have a planned after memory loss after GA with DS. I can't have no memories from both children if the vbac went wrong. Also I want to have more control this time, she's pretty small and within my family heart conditions seen a bit to common (hers looks prefect tho).
We can all explain our decisions but in the end you comes down to your personal emotions and situation :). X
With my first I got to 8cm at 8am and they thought I would be 10 at 10am and have my baby out by noon... well as the hours past and it was 3pm, he was stuck trying to make the final quarter turn on my pelvis and because I wasn't progressing they decided to do a c section. (My son was 10 days early, went into labour naturally)
Today I am 38w 3 days and going to try for a vbac as they said I should and hopefully this time I won't have a problem. I am worried it will happen again and don't want to go through that recovery again, but also scared for the vbac and severe tearing. I've heard from my friend who had her 2nd baby with amother c section that it was more of a positive experience, so that was reassuring. Best of luck and I'll report back when my baby girl decides to make her appearance!
Good luck hun i hope u get some beautiful memories this time
No personal experience from me, but my mum had 4 vaginal births and one section with me ( which was 2nd birth ) and she said it was the worst thing ever. She was very sick and didn't see me for 3/4 days. So she had my next two sisters and my brother vaginally.
Its really up to you. From what I've read planned sections tend to be less stressful then emergency ones. VBACs can be very liberating and healing for some mums. Just do what you feel comfortable with.
I hope everything goes smoothly and quickly for u this time around and u get to 10cm :)
Good luck and plz do let me know how you go :) xx
I am struggling with this decision too. I had a section due to undiagnosed breech. It was more like a planned section even though it was technically classed as an emergency. It was a very positive experience and I healed well and bonded well with my baby. As I didn't properly go into labour, I have nothing to compare the experience to. this baby may still be breech however and that makes the decision easy for me.
I'm having an elective after a traumatic birth first time and she was completely stuck, they said chances of that happening again are slightly higher, I also have the placenta low down at front this time, best all round for me to have elective do what you feel, instinct x

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