What about next time?



We are planning on TTC this August once Leni turns one.

For Leni's birth we were planning a home water birth using hypnobirthing, or failing that a hospital water birth using hypnobirthing.

However, as we all know, babies have different idea's! Leni arrived 6 weeks early, via emergency section.

The MW told me that next time i would probaly need an elective section, and as i could have Group B Strep again it would be best to have an EC.

But, i don't really want that.

Can i still have the waterbirth i want? At home, or in hospital?

Do you think it's a good idea?

The only reservation i have about a home birth is that should anything go wrong (and it can in seconds, as we found out), i could loose my baby, and i don't want that on my shoulders for the rest of my life!
Why does your MW think you'll have GBS again? Having it once doesn't quarentee you to have it again, and you could have it in the beginning of pregnancy but not at the time of birth. Some MWs have antiobiotics with them for homebirths and some do a scrub of your vulva and anus to reduce the risk of transfer to the baby during a homebirth. GBS can come and go, and I wouldn't do an elective c-section because of it.
Why does your MW think you'll have GBS again? Having it once doesn't quarentee you to have it again, and you could have it in the beginning of pregnancy but not at the time of birth. Some MWs have antiobiotics with them for homebirths and some do a scrub of your vulva and anus to reduce the risk of transfer to the baby during a homebirth. GBS can come and go, and I wouldn't do an elective c-section because of it.

That's exactly what i thought, it does come and go. However, she said it's best to 'be on the safe side' :wacko:

But this is exactly my point about a home birth, and if it's worh it. If something was to go wrong, and i knew i could have prevented it ... :shrug:
Your midwife just sounds like a typical one to be honest so it's no surprise here she's making things up just for things to be "easier"

In regards to GBS. It's just silly to say you'll have it again. When you do fall pregnant just wait until you are tested again until you worry about that bit. If it's negative then it's not an issue. If it's positive then PeanutBean has started an amazing GBS support thread where you can find out all the information there probably is out there (she's gone crazy with links! haha) so that way YOU can make the decision and NOT your midwife.

In regards to having an elective c-section: It is true that you have a risk of a Uterine Rupture after having a c-section. But that risk is only about 1%. It's mainly used as a scare tactic. That being said you should still find out all the information possible so that YOU can make the decision. Consultants and midwives tend to be a bit biased.

You have the RIGHT to have anything you want. You just need to be comfortable with what you decide. If having a home birth is stressing you out then it may not be the right road for you. Maybe having your birth in hospital and in the water would be the best option for you so that if anything were to go downhill you would feel more comfortable being in hospital. That's not to say you're better off in the hospital. In many ways the midwifes at home can help just as they would in the hospital. But you could potentially become MORE stressed by feeling you are too far away from one.

If you do end up coming up negative in you GBS test and the whole decision is based off your previous EMCS then you'll have loads of support of women here on the boards. Many of which who have had a successful HBACS and lots more who are hoping for one.
ack 'to be on the safe side' seems to mean more and more often be on the safe side of liability on their part and then we have a nice and tidy date to get things wrapped up and dont have to go to the effort of having you labour and birth unpredictably, we have a nice date we can add to a list of things we can say have met target and hit deadlines.

Ergh, no reaosn you cant VBAC and no reason you cant do it your way hun, it's your birth.

There has been a thread about BGS here recently.
Yes check out my thread! All the evidence shows that section does not reduce the risk of the infant becoming infected by GBS. (Assuming you are even a carrier.). Even the GBS Support charity which is evidently very pro medical interventions at any cost to save that 1 in 1000 baby states they do nor support sections.

I've had a positive (illicitly obtained) swab which is why I've suddenly been launched into this GBS world. I won't go into it all again here but do check out the support thread.
I think you can try for a VBAC and have a natural birth if you want, no one can stop you.

In any labour things can go very wrong quickly but i guess it is a risk you take with a homebirth. Saying that the stats do show that homebirths have less complications.

I want a homebirth and Rivers birth had its problems but i know that if things went really tits up a MW is just as capable as getting a baby out quickly as waiting for a doctor to do it. My hospital is 15 minutes away but thats the average time from needing a Csection from getting one in my area so for me if i really needed to go to hospital id be prepped in the ambulance.

I think if my hospital were further away i would maybe re consider it.

Oh and my sister had groupB with he first but i dont think she had it with her other 2
I would chat to your mw when the time comes, I presumed I'd have to have elective c section after Rhys, but a quickly learnt the tables are turning and rhryvare encouraging and working with mums to get the birth they want.
My hosp has written mynbirthnplan and I'm booked to have a natural waterbirth and hypno birthing, also cord pulsing, and have doula support, they've been fantastic, there is two sides to my hosp, consultant and mw led, I should be consultant side but there's no pool, so I'm going mw led,
The only difference is I'll have blood taken on arrival and an hour monitoring to get a base reading then I can do as i please,
Keep your options open xx
I would chat to your mw when the time comes, I presumed I'd have to have elective c section after Rhys, but a quickly learnt the tables are turning and rhryvare encouraging and working with mums to get the birth they want.
My hosp has written mynbirthnplan and I'm booked to have a natural waterbirth and hypno birthing, also cord pulsing, and have doula support, they've been fantastic, there is two sides to my hosp, consultant and mw led, I should be consultant side but there's no pool, so I'm going mw led,
The only difference is I'll have blood taken on arrival and an hour monitoring to get a base reading then I can do as i please,
Keep your options open xx
You can aim for anything you want. The one thing that is essential though is a positive outlook and confidence in your choice by making an informed decision, whatever it maybe.

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