Can preschools actually do this? Isn't that discrimination?
Generally speaking, daycares will change diapers and work on potty training while preschools will not. Yes it's technically discrimination, but so is an age limit. For the pre-school near me, there actually is no minimum age; just the minimum requirement of potty training. I'm hoping Violet can become more independent with the potty over the course of the next year so that we can consider it.
I've only looked into parochial schools, but haven't found a preschool that doesn't require a child to be potty trained. I think there are daycares with preschool-type programs that might change diapers, but I'm not looking for a full time daycare right now. I'm just considering partial day programs. It's also way less expensive than a daycare, so I guess you get what you pay for.
As far as their definition of "completely" potty trained, I'll have to contact the school. That was the term used on their application form online.